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Биография Джона Кеннеди на английском языке

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John Kennedy (29.05.1917 - 22.10.1963) - 35th President of the United States.

Президенты США/ John Kennedy / Джон КеннедиJohn Fitzgerald Kennedy was born on 29 May 1917 in Brookline, Massachusetts. He was the second child in the family of Rose Fitzgerald and Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr. His mother was a child of John Fitzgerald who was a mayor of Boston. While living in Brookline John Kennedy studied at different schools through 4th grade. In 1929 after moving to Bronxville, New York Kennedy studied at Riverdale Country School. In 1931 Kennedy was operated on his for appendicitis and as a result he came back home. His family also had homes in Palm Beach, Florida and in Hyannisport, Massachusetts where John also spent a lot of time.

For the 9th through 12th grade Kennedy attended The Choate School in Wallingford, Connecticut where his brother had studied. While at Choate Kennedy’s behavior was bad. The notorious stunts of Kennedy and his friends made him famous. They called themselves “The Muckers Club”. While studying Kennedy had problems with his health and in 1934 he was hospitalized. The same year his illness was diagnosed as colitis. A year later he graduated from Choate.

In 1936 Kennedy entered Harvard College. From 1937 to 1939 he tripped to different countries including France, the Soviet Union, the Middle East, the Balkans, Czechoslovakia and Germany. While at Harvard Kennedy became interested in political philosophy. His thesis was about British participation in the Munich Agreement entitled “Appeasement in Munich”. This work was a great success. In 1940 Kennedy graduated from Harvard College.

In 1953 Kennedy married Jacqueline Bouvier. They had 4 children but only 2 of them survived to adulthood.

Between 1947 and 1953 after military service John Kennedy represented Massachusetts's 11th congressional district in the U.S. House of Representatives as a democrat. For the next seven years he served in the U.S. Senate.

In January 1960 Kennedy initiated his presidential campaign. Nine months later Republican candidate Richard Nixon and John Kennedy appeared in televised presidential debates which were the first in U.S. history. Kennedy’s opponent looked strung and diffident during the debates. Moreover Nixon’s leg was injured. At the same time John Kennedy was relaxed. From that time television became an integral part of politics.

In 1961 John Kennedy became the 35th President of the USA. There were a lot of important historical events during Kennedy’s presidency including the African American Civil Rights Movement, the Bay of Pigs Invasion, the building of the Berlin Wall, the Space Race, the Cuban Missile Crisis, and early stages of the Vietnam War. It should be noted that Kennedy was the only Catholic president in U.S. history.

On November 22, 1963 John Kennedy was killed in Dallas, Texas. The assassin was Lee Harvey Oswald who was also killed in two days.



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