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Главная>Анекдоты>Better Than Pork Анекдот на английском языке: Better Than Pork
Здесь вы найдёте анекдот на английском языке/ English joke: Better Than Pork.
A priest and a rabbi found themselves sharing a compartment on a train. After a while, the priest opened a conversation by saying, "I know that in your religion you're not supposed to eat pork. Have you actually ever tasted it?" The rabbi said, "I must tell the truth. Yes, I have, on the odd occasion." Then the Rabbi had his turn of interrogation. He asked, "Your religion, too... I know you're suposed to be celibate, but...?" The priest replied, "Yes, I know what you're going to ask. I have succumbed once or twice." There was silence for a while. Then the Rabbi peeped around the newspaper he was reading and said, "Better than pork, isn't it?" <<<Предыдущий анекдот Следующий анекдот>>>
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