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Главная>Тексты песен>Детские английские песни>Skin and bones

Текст детской песни Skin and Bones на английском языке

Здесь вы можете найти текст детской песни на английском языке: Skin and bones.


There was an old woman all skin and bones, O-o-o-o!
She lived down by the old graveyard -o-o-o!
One night she thought she'd take a walk, -o-o-o!
She walked down by the old graveyard, o-o-o!
She saw the bones a-layin' around, O-o-o-o!
She thought she'd sweep the old church house, O-o-o-o!
She went to the closet to get a broom, O-o-o-o!
She opened the door and BOO!



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