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Тексты песен Elton John, слова песен бесплатно (часть 34)

Здесь вы можете найти тексты песен Elton John, слова песен бесплатно.


Тексты песен:

1-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 81-90 91-100 101-110 111-120 121-130 131-140 141-150 151-160 161-170 171-180 181-190 191-200 201-210 211-220 221-230 231-240 241-250 251-260 261-270 271-280 281-290 291-300 301-310 311-320 321-330 331-340 341-350 351-360 361-370 371-380 381-390 391-400 401-410 411-420 421-430 431-440 441-450 451-460 461-470 471-480 481-490 491-500 501-510 511-520 521-530 531-540 541-550 551-560 561-570

Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters

I used to think that New York City
Fell from grace with God
And innocence abroad
Waged a war for the underdog
When the snow falls
And Central Park looks like a Christmas card
I just looked beyond the bagman
And the madness that makes this city hard

I heard a basketball
Somewhere out beyond a chain link fence
Inner city prisoners
Argue for the right of self-defense
But there's a fast break
And every work of art wakes something in the soul
Just focus on the brush strokes
And the bouquets that the dancers hold

Spanish Harlem still sounds good to me
Yeah Mona Lisa's getting older
Standing in the shadow of Miss Liberty
While I walk along the west side
Down through Little Italy
Searching for the city that
That took away the kid in me


Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters

And now I know
Spanish Harlem are not just pretty words to say
I thought I knew
But now I know that rose trees never grow in New York City

Until you've seen this trash can dream come true
You stand at the edge while people run you through
And I thank the Lord there's people out there like you
I thank the Lord there's people out there like you

While Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters
Sons of bankers, sons of lawyers
Turn around and say good morning to the night
For unless they see the sky
But they can't and that is why
They know not if it's dark outside or light

This Broadway's got
It's got a lot of songs to sing
If I knew the tunes I might join in
I'll go my way alone
Grow my own, my own seeds shall be sown in New York City

Subway's no way for a good man to go down
Rich man can ride and the hobo he can drown
And I thank the Lord for the people I have found
I thank the Lord for the people I have found


Monkey Suit

If you're looking for the glory
You think that you might find
In a bullet-riddled stolen car
On a back road in the pines
If it's round just like a medal
On a tired old man of war
Or hidden like that Burma Star
In my dad's bottom drawer

Look at you in your monkey suit
Driving south, nothing left to prove
You come back here in your cowboy boots
Dressed to kill in your monkey suit
Every pose you strike, every frame they shoot
Shows you dressed to kill in your monkey suit

Build your ladder to the moon
Beat on that sacred drum
Trample on the hands of those
That cling to every rung
Every seed you crush beneath
Like stone ground in a mill
You never drew a decent breath
But you're just dressed to kill

Every pose you strike, every frame they shoot
Shows you dressed to kill in your monkey suit


Mr. Frantic

When you hold me, when you thrill me
My heart just sets on fire
When you love me, when you hold me
I'm just filled with desire

You know that I love you baby
But your kind of loving just drives me crazy
When you hold me, when you kiss me
Mr. Frantic, Mr. Frantic

When you tell me that I'm your only
I feel on top of the world
If you'd only say you will
Then you'll be my only girl

We could be such a happy pair
And I promise to do my share
When you hold me, when you kiss me
Mr. Frantic, Mr. Frantic

You know that I have loved you since
The day we met in the rain
And if you were to go away now
My heart couldn't stand the pain



When I can't find words and wisdom in my life
And barriers abound
Should I feel blinded by the light
Knee deep up to my neck in heavy water
I conjure up my muse
She's my means to achieve a simple quota

When it's make or break
Make no mistake
She appears like lightening in a bottle
I catch the spark
Oh she lights the dark
The knot's undone the ideas come
Like two hands on a throttle

There's a place of one way streets and doubt
No red lights ever change
We wind up with no exit out
Facts are facts and stumbling blocks delay the mind
That's when my muse arrives
To sew loose ends up in time


My Baby Left Me

Yes my baby left me,
Never said a word.
Was it something I done,
Something that she heard?

My baby left me,
My baby left me.
My baby even left me,
Never said a word.

Now I stand at my window,
Wring my hands and cry.
I hate to lose that woman,
Hate to say goodbye.

You know she left me,
Yes, she left me.
My baby even left me,
Never said a word.

Baby, one of these mornings,
Lord, it won't be long,
You'll look for me and,
Baby, and daddy he'll be gone.

You know you left me,
You know you left me.
My baby even left me,
Never said a word.

Now, I stand at my window,
Wring my hands and moan.
All I know is that
The one I love is gone.

My baby left me,
You know she left me.
My baby even left me,
Never said a word


My Baby Loves Lovin'

My baby loves loving, my baby loves loving
She's got what it takes, and she knows how to use it
My baby loves loving, my baby loves loving
She's got what it takes, and she knows how to use it

I was lonely once in this great big world
Just a nowhere man without a girl
'Till that lucky day when she came my way
And she smiled at me as if to say

My baby loves loving, my baby loves loving
She's got what it takes, and she knows how to use it
My baby loves loving, my baby loves loving
She's got what it takes, and she knows how to use it

She's the only one, makes me feel so good
Can't believe my love so I knock on wood
All my silent fears seem to fly away
And she smiled at me as if to say

Your baby loves loving, my baby loves loving
She's got what it takes for me

No more lonely nights just waiting for the telephone to ring
No more lonely days, my baby's taking care of everything
I'm telling you people

My baby loves loving, my baby loves loving
She's got what it takes, and she knows how to use it
My baby loves loving, my baby loves loving
She's got what it takes, and she knows how to use it

She's the only one, makes me feel so good
Can't believe my love so I knock on wood
All my silent fears seem to fly away
And she looked at me as if to say


My Elusive Drug

I'm not the same as I used to be
All the things you've heard seem hard to believe
Haven't always been good, never really been bad
Most times I've been happy, yea sometimes I've been sad
Sure I've made mistakes, haven't we all
I've been loose as a cannon and dumb as a wall
Haven't always been sober in counting my ducks
And if I look back now I've had my share of luck

But the change didn't come over night
I've been searching for you all my life
All the habits that I couldn't handle
I've swept them under the rug
In exchange for the sweetest addiction
You, my elusive drug

I'm going to stay now, I really like it here
I may paint your picture, and I might grow a beard
There were times I was crazy couldn't handle my life
Don't think you'd have liked me not at any old price

But the change didn't come over night
I've been searching for you all my life
All the habits that I couldn't handle
I've swept them under the rug
In exchange for the sweetest addiction
You, my elusive drug

And I've taken the pills
I got burnt out and chilled by the cold
But I've no regrets and that being said
You know cheap thrills can get pretty old

Yeah, Yeah, oh Yeah

But the change didn't come over night
I've been searching for you all my life
All the habits that I couldn't handle
I've swept them under the rug
In exchange for the sweetest addiction
You, my elusive drug

In exchange for the sweetest addiction
You, my elusive drug


My Father's Gun

From this day on I own my father's gun
We dug his shallow grave beneath the sun
I laid his broken body down below the southern land
It wouldn't do to bury him where any Yankee stands

I'll take my horse and I'll ride the northern plain
To wear the colour of the greys and join the fight again
I'll not rest until I know the cause is fought and won
From this day on until I die I'll wear my father's gun

I'd like to know where the riverboat sails tonight
To New Orleans well that's just fine alright
'Cause there's fighting there and the company needs men
So slip us a rope and sail on round the bend

As soon as this is over we'll go home
To plant the seeds of justice in our bones
To watch the children growing and see the women sewing
There'll be laughter when the bells of freedom ring


My Heart Dances

I see you in the distance and I see us as we are
So nearly so contented but a careless word too far
I see you in confusion for a once enchanted boy
My heart dances, oh oh, but not for joy

I longed to love you better but I swear I don't know how
You could have been my future but I had to have it now
The things we love completely we are fated to destroy
My heart dances, oh oh, but not for joy

It's easy to be certain that another's heart will fall
Much harder to be certain of your own
It moves you, and inspires you then it drives you to the wall
And leaves you so excited but alone

My heart dances, oh oh
My heart dances, oh oh
My heart dances, oh oh, but not for joy
But not for joy
But not for joy
But not for joy

1-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 81-90 91-100 101-110 111-120 121-130 131-140 141-150 151-160 161-170 171-180 181-190 191-200 201-210 211-220 221-230 231-240 241-250 251-260 261-270 271-280 281-290 291-300 301-310 311-320 321-330 331-340 341-350 351-360 361-370 371-380 381-390 391-400 401-410 411-420 421-430 431-440 441-450 451-460 461-470 471-480 481-490 491-500 501-510 511-520 521-530 531-540 541-550 551-560 561-570



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