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Главная>Тексты песен>Prodigy>Fat Of The Land

Слова песни Prodigy: Fat Of The Land на английском языке

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If you belive
The western sun
Is falling down
On everyone
Your breaking free
The mornings come

If you would know
Your time has come

If you belive
The western sun
Is falling down
On everyone
You feel it burn
Your trying to run

You feel it burn
Your time has come

I feel it!

You feeling all the melody...

I feel the powe go away...

You feeling all the melody...

I feel the power go...

You feeling all the melody...

I feel the power go...

If you belive
The western sun
Is falling down
On everyone
Your breaking free
The mornings come

If you would know
Your time has come

If you belive
The western sun
Is falling down
On everyone
You feel it burn
Your trying to run

You feel it burn
Your time has come

I feel it!

You feeling all the melody...

I feel the power go away...

You feeling all the melody...

I feel the power go...

You feeling all the melody...

I feel the power go...

( various chanting )



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