Флаг Великобритании Видео тренажёр английского в Ютуб или Дзен

Главная>Тексты песен>Prodigy>Thunder

Слова песни Prodigy: Thunder на английском языке

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I hear thunder but there's no rain
This kind of thunder breaks walls and window pane
I hear thunder but there's no rain
This kind of thunder



I hear thunder but there's no rain
This kind of thunder breaks walls and window pane
I hear thunder but there's no rain
This kind of thunder

I hear thunder but there's no rain
This type of thunder breaks walls and window pane
I hear thunder but there's no rain
This type of thunder breaks walls and window pane



I hear thunder but there's no rain
This type of thunder breaks walls and window pane
I hear thunder but there's no rain
This type of thunder breaks walls and window pane

I hear thunder but there's no rain
This kind of thunder breaks walls and window pane
I hear thunder but there's no rain
This kind of thunder

I hear thunder but there's no rain
This type of thunder breaks walls and window pane
I hear thunder but there's no rain
This type of thunder breaks walls and window pane




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