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Главная>Тексты песен>Prodigy>Trigger

Слова песни Prodigy: Trigger на английском языке

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Keith (and some of Maxim):

One and a two to the three
Give the trigger to me !
One and a two to the three
Give the trigger to me !
One and a two to the three
Give the trigger to me !
One and a two to the three,
Give the trigger to me !


Terrorist, with my head in the skys
Trigger on the streets, down from the river

You can't run me, you can't run me
I gotta spit the venom, I gotta spit the venom, yeah!


Shoot you down, gonna shoot you down,
Gonna shoot you down, shoot you down gonna,
I gotta shoot you down,with my head in the skies!

Keith & Maxim:



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