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Главная>Тексты песен>Britney Spears/ Бритни Спирс>I've Got The Urge (To Herbal)

Слова песни Britney Spears/ Бритни Спирс: I've Got The Urge (To Herbal) на английском языке

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I've got the urge
(I can I can)
I can wait another minute
I've got the urge to herbal (ow baby baby)
Ow yeah yeah (ow yes)
I can wait another minute
I've got the urge to herbal
It's all so natural

Ow baby baby
I can't wait another minute
I've got the urge to herbal (ow baby baby)
Ow yeah yeah (ow yes)
I can't wait another minute
I've got the urge to herbal
It's all so natural
Ow baby baby yeah



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