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Главная>Тексты песен>Britney Spears/ Бритни Спирс>Need You Next To Me

Слова песни Britney Spears/ Бритни Спирс: Need You Next To Me на английском языке

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I love you more than life
I'd give you all I have
You know, I need you next to me

Like the touch of a star
You came to my life
Giving me happiness
With the warmth of the sun
You blessed me inside
Giving me radiance

Ooh you know it's true (you know it's true)
My miracle is you

I love you more than life
I'd give you all I have
You know, I need you next to me
You always give me love
You sent from up above
You know, I need you next to me

Like a rainbow of light
You've opened my dreams
Filling my emptiness
When I'm deep in your arms
I feel what love means
Just with a simple kiss



Oh baby
You give me more than anybody can conceive
So pure and special
Your love is the key
I will be sure to have you always next to me
You've given me the reason- the reason to live



I love to see you smile
I loved you all the while
You know I need you next to me

Spoken: I need you next to me.

New Milenium

Turn it up
Come feel the joy all around
each generation has style
they've got their own kind of sound
so come and shout it out
you got your own kind of groove
baby you can see its your move
gotta taste that leave
you can move
shout it out
ba da ba ba ba ba da ba ba ba
gotta get that joy of pepsi
for those who think young

Next Generation Pepsi Commercial

Turn me up
Come feel the joy all around
Each generation has found they've got their own kind of sound
Time to let it out
You've got your own kind of groove
Baby you can't see it it's your move
Gotta take that leap
You can't lose
Time to shout it out
Ba ba ba ba
Ba ba ba ba ba
Love that joy of Pepsi-Cola
Pepsi for those who think young



Текст песни/ слова песни Britney Spears/ Бритни Спирс: Need You Next To Me бесплатно
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