Главная>Тексты песен>Britney Spears/ Бритни Спирс>Sugar Mama
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Oh sweet heart baby girl.
Oh yeah,ugrade u,oh yeah,oh yeah.
Inside of me,oh yeah,oh yeah,oh yeah.
Inside of me,oh yeah,yeah,yeah,yeah.
Oh pretty sugar mama,you.
Oh pretty sugar mama,you.
Oh pretty baby girl,oh yeah.
Mother listen too me.
Just go without me,oh no.
Sugar Mama,(uh((uh).
Mother come back too me.
where's is my baby sister,oh no.
where's is my baby sister,oh no.
where's is my baby brother,oh yeah.
where's is my baby sister and I?
Ok,I am ok.
Sugar Mama,(uh)(uh),oh yeah