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Главная>Тексты песен>Britney Spears/ Бритни Спирс>Wake Up Girl

Слова песни Britney Spears/ Бритни Спирс: Wake Up Girl на английском языке

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Dumb girl
Did you see the latest Vogue
Has it ever occurred to you
That you don't fit the latest trend

Dumb, dumb girl
Can't you see you're such a joke
When was the last time your cellphone rang
Babygirl let's not pretend

Be smart - don't try to discodance, and
Sweetheart - don't even come at all

Wake up girl
All the beautiful ones are laughing
Wake up girl
all the beautiful boys are forever taken - girl!

Dumb girl
You could always be like us
Do your boobs and a nosejob to
And don't forget about the smile

But 'til then
Keep a distance on the bus
Take a look at my beeper now
That's a number not to dial



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