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Главная>Тексты песен>Boney M>Eye Dance

Слова песни Boney M: Eye Dance на английском языке

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Eye dance
Eyes that follow you is good dance
We should make for two
People eye dance, looking for response
A unique dance, now it's one on one

But the girls and the guys in the world all in their eyes
Look at the bloke, he can dance the eye

Let's get all, let's get all a sin for you
No you're convict to the eye
Exchanging pleasance, your eyes at the moon
You stuck together at the eye

Eye dance
Eyes that follow you is good dance
We should make for two
People eye dance, looking for response
A unique dance, now it's one on one

But the girls and the guys in the world all in their eyes

Look at the bloke, he can dance the eye



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