Главная>Тексты песен>Boney M>Nightflight To Venus
Слова песни Boney M: Nightflight To Venus на английском языке
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Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome aboard the starship Boney M
For our first passenger flight to Venus.
Ready for count-down: 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 - ignition - lift off
Nightflight to Venus
Way out there in space
Nightflight to Venus
Our new fav'rite place
Nightflight to Venus
All systems are go
Nightflight to Venus
The sky is aglow
Ladies and Gentlemen, we've had a successful
Take-off on this first night flight to Venus.
Our flying time will be eight hours. We'll be travelling
At a speed of 2183 miles per second.
That is, seven and one half million miles per hour.
The distance from Mother Earth to Venus is
Sixty million miles at this time.
To your left you can see the mountains of the Moon.
And right in the center under a huge plastic bubble,
Moon City, a boom-town if ever there was one
Because of the huge gold and diamond fields.
As for Venus, it took almost ninety years
To cool down the planet from its five hundred degrees
To the current pleasant seventy-five degrees
And to transform the atmosphere to make it habitable for Earth-people.
Nightflight to Venus
Way out there in space
Nightflight to Venus
Our new fav'rite place
Nightflight to Venus
All systems are go
Nightflight to Venus
The sky is aglow
Captain - unidentified object at 8 o'clock - 2 million miles away.
Stand by for emergency manoeuvre.
Object coming closer at the speed of light - we have eight more seconds.
Object coming closer - we have five more seconds.
Change course by four point six degrees.
Order executed.
That was a close one, Ladies and Gentlemen.
A meteor just passed us on its way to infinity.
Well, you can see, even in space
Traffic is getting heavier all the time.
Ladies and Gentlemen, in a few minutes we are going
To be landing on Venus, push the button on your left side,
The safety mechanism will do the rest for you.
We hope you enjoyed the world's first night flight to Venus,
Have a good time there.