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Charlotte Bronte (21.04.1816 - 31.03.1855) - English novelist and poet. Charlotte Bronte was a famous English novelist, poet and educator. She was born in a rather religious family on April 21st, 1816. Her father was a priest, who was later appointed as a vicar. Her mother died when she was still a child. Thus, Patrick Bronte was left alone to raise 6 children. As his wife died, he sent the girls to study at Cowan Bridge. This place was later mentioned by Charlotte in her outstanding novel about Jane Eyre. The overall atmosphere at school was terrible, so the two of Bronte sisters fell seriously ill there. Soon Charlotte lost two more close relatives. Now she was left with two other sisters - Emily and Anne. In fact, all three of them later became renowned writers. However the most glorious one was Charlotte. She began writing at a rather early age, to be precise, when she was only ten. All her early works were filled with inexistent Byronic colonies found in Africa. Poetry was definitely her cup of tea. After graduating from high school Charlotte stayed and worked there as an educator, i.e. a teacher of English. Her aunt supported the sisters with some money, which they spent on their French education. In 1838 they moved to Brussels to study French and at the same time they had the opportunity to teach there. At some point Charlotte had to return, as her aunt had died. Later her teaching experience was fully retold in one of her novels. After returning she lived in the family estate taking care of her elderly father. At the same time she ran a boarding house and worked on the new novels. In 1846 her sisters sold their works “Agnes Grey” and “Wuthering Heights” to English publishers, but Charlotte’s novel was turned down. For that reason she started promoting her “Jane Eyre” novel which gained an immediate fame and success. However, the writer’s happiness didn’t last. Soon, her brother died of tuberculosis. Two of her favourite sisters followed him. Basically, she was left alone. Under the influence of heavy stress she agreed to marry the local priest A. B. Nicholls. It happened in 1854. Shortly after the wedding she fell ill. At first doctors diagnosed her with pregnancy. In fact, she was ill and the state of her health was quickly deteriorating. At that time she was working on her new novel “Emma” which stayed unfinished. Charlotte died in 1855 when she was only thirty-eight. Two years later, on Patrick Bronte’s request E. Gaskell, who was Charlotte’s recent friend, wrote her full biography, based on the letters to Ellen Nassi.
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