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Главная>Тексты песен>Garbage>My Love's Box

Слова песни Garbage: My Love's Box на английском языке

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My lover's charms
Are in a box
Beneath my bed
And piece by piece
I'll cherish them
Until the end

Send me an angel to love
I need to feel a little piece of heaven
Send me an angel to love
I'm afraid I'll never get to heaven

They burn my hands
Scar my face
And blind my eyes
I'll steal your breath
And throw away
What I despise

Send me an angel to love
I need to feel a little piece of heaven
Send me an angel to love
I'm afraid I'll never get to heaven

Between these walls
And darkened halls
I've done my time
If I should die
Before I wake
Then you'll know why

Send me an angel to love
I need to feel a little piece of heaven
Send me an angel to love
I'm afraid I'll never get to heaven

Piece by piece
Send me an angel



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