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Главная>Тексты песен>Garbage>Show Me

Слова песни Garbage: Show Me на английском языке

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You could hear long before you could dream
You could walk
You could run long before you could sing
You could talk
Think about all the things you never say
And spit them out

And show me
Show me how
Show me
Show me who you are
Show me
Show me now

It's not as easy as it seems
The world is big
The sea is deep

There is no rope
There is no line
We're specs of dust up in the sky

There is no space
There is no time
There's only you and what we leave behind

Show me
Show me how
Show me
Show me who you are
Show me
Show me now
What we leave behind
What we leave behind

Show me what we leave behind



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