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Ãëàâíàÿ>Êèíîñöåíàðèè>ß ðîáîò/ I, Robot Ñöåíàðèé ôèëüìà ß ðîáîò/ I, Robot íà àíãëèéñêîì ÿçûêå áåñïëàòíî (÷àñòü 2)
Çäåñü âû ìîæåòå íàéòè ïðîäîëæåíèå ñöåíàðèÿ ê ôèëüìó: ß ðîáîò/ I, Robot. ß ðîáîò/ I, Robot 50. 56 INT./EXT. SPOONER'S CAR - DAY 56 Spooner driving. A small TELEVISION above the windshield. LANCE ROBERTSON holding a PRESS CONFERENCE outside U.S. Robotics... ROBERTSON ON TV ...and I just want to assure you that this was an isolated incident. The prototype is now in custody -- and scheduled for destruction. Your robots are perfectly safe. There is no cause for alarm... Spooner's lip curls. Eyes flicking to a GPS display on the dashboard. A TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP pinpointing HOGENMILLER'S HOUSE. The CURSOR. Directing him to turn up... A STEEP DRIVEWAY Narrow. Out of the way. Spooner's brow furrows. As he hears a faraway RUMBLING SOUND... 57 EXT. HOGENMILLER'S HOUSE - DAY 57 Dr. Hogenmiller's house. Small. Simple. Built on a huge rock promontory overlooking the city. Three DEMOLITION ROBOTS rolling towards it. Huge, mashing, sporting massive HYDRAULIC POUNDERS. Spooner's CAR. SCREECHES to a stop. He jumps out. Races over to the nearest machine. Looking around -- no people. SPOONER (to Robot) What are you doing?! A SCREEN. Blinks to life on the hulking chassis. A disembodied VOICE... DEMOLITION ROBOT Demolition ordered... SPOONER Who authorised this? DEMOLITION ROBOT Demolition ordered... Spooner reaches into his coat. Pulling out his POLICE BADGE. Scans it over the screen. 51. SPOONER Override. This is police business. Vacate the premises immediately. DEMOLITION ROBOT (beat) Affirmative. The screen. Blinks off. Spooner. Eyeing it. Turns and heads for the house. 58 INT. MAIN ROOM - HOGENMILLER'S HOUSE - DAY 58 Spooner pushes the door open. Stepping over the police tape. Inside, the main room is spare, untidy. Cups of cold COFFEE, littering surfaces. A COT, in the corner. On the walls, crooked CERTIFICATES. Heinrich Hogenmiller's name written out in academic script. Advanced Degrees in the study of Robotics, Physics, Chemistry, Neurology, Ethics. An AWARD on the mantelpiece. A silver NS-2. Tarnished. Spooner. Opening up a couple drawers of a side table. Jumbles of papers. Clippings. Old text books. Then a PHOTOGRAPH -- HOGENMILLER AND CALVIN. Standing arm-in-arm. Spooner furrows his brow. WHEN SOMETHING SUDDENLY RUBS against his leg. He startles. Looks down: a CAT. Lonely. Standing next to its automatic feeder. Spooner pockets the picture. Starts heading down... 59 INT. HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS 59 ...The hallway. Starts noticing. All over the walls: handwriting. EQUATIONS. Scrawled in white pencil. The rantings. Of a genius. Glowing. In the sporadic shadows. Spooner. Following the equations. Down into... 60 INT. BACK ROOM - CONTINUOUS 60 ...The back room. Covered. In writing. Walls, floors, ceiling. Drawings. Of ROBOTS, of MEN, side by side. In the corner, a COMPUTER. A line of CABINETS - DATA STORAGE. Spooner, curious. Heads over to one of the cabinets. Takes a device out of his pocket and CLAMPS it over the KEYPAD. The device blinks RED. Then GREEN. The drawer, slides out. LINED. With flat metal objects. Shiny. Thin. With writing on them. Spooner. Reaches for one when... 52. BOOM! Something POUNDS the outside of the room. Spooner. Grabs onto the cabinet... BOOM! On the other side. Objects. Flying off table-tops. A CRACK spidering along the wall. Holy shit... SPOONER (screaming) Halt! BOOM! VIBRATIONS, tearing through the room. More CRACKS. Spreading... BOOM! The SOUND, horrifying. Spooner stumbles back. The CABINET. Crashing down on his leg. He CRIES OUT... BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! The house. Getting pummeled. Chunks of ceiling. Raining down. GLASS...exploding... Relentless BOOMING! Spooner...dragging his legs from under the cabinet. Scrambling for purchase as... THE FLOOR...begins to tilt...the TILES...snapping up...ricocheting...around the room...as another cabinet... CRASHES to the ground...crumpling... Spooner. Spinning around. Looking for some kind of exit... BOOM! The corner of the room...coming in on itself...the floor...listing even more...like a ship... Spooner...turning to CLAW his way up to the cracked doorway...WHEN... SOMETHING catches his eye. In the bottom drawer. Of a crumpled CABINET. One of those flat metal plates. He can just read what it says: S.O.N.N.Y.... Spooner...flings his arm back...reaching for the plate... snaps it up...JUST AS... BOOM! A HYDRAULIC POUNDER SMASHES through the wall...inches from his head...OUTSIDE LIGHT...pouring in... Spooner scurries for the doorway...tumbling out... 61 INT. HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS 61 ...into the HALLWAY. Sideways. Trammeled plaster. BOOM! Another POUNDER...crashing down from above. Spooner. Timing it...rolling...BOOM!...just under the next pounding... 53. Scampering up...towards some LIGHT...BOOM!...the POUNDER...right on his heels...he clambers...closer... closer...when...he hears...MEOWING...looks back...the CAT...scared out of its wits...BOOM!...the POUNDER CRASHING in...Spooner...just manages...to scoop up the cat...just as BOOM!... 62 EXT. DEMOLISHED HOUSE - CONTINUOUS 62 ...He pours them out into the open. The POUNDERS. Going at the house like hyenas at a corpse. Roof tiles, beams, plaster, flooring. SNAPPING and CRACKING as Spooner and the cat skitter down the carnage. Heart pounding, breath jagged, face bloodied, Spooner scrambles away from the POUNDERS. Their bodies GLEAMING in the dusk sun. The III Laws Safe logo, splashed along their sides... Spooner. Drops the cat. 63 INT. HALLWAY - CALVIN'S CONDO - NIGHT 63 Spooner. POUNDS on the door. It opens. Calvin. Standing there in her bathrobe. Shocked at his appearance. CALVIN Detective! What happened to you?... SPOONER A couple of your beloved robots just tried to kill me... He pushes past her. Into... 64 INT. CALVIN'S CONDO - CONTINUOUS 64 ...her condo. Spartan. Unadorned. CALVIN What? That's impossible. You know... SPOONER What I know is a demolition crew started tearing down Hogenmiller's house while I was still inside it. CALVIN Maybe they didn't realise... 54. SPOONER I scanned my badge before I went in. They realised. CALVIN Then you must have done it wrong... SPOONER I don't think you're hearing what I'm saying -- they tried to kill me. Spooner moves deeper into the apartment. Everything. Automated. Computerised. Cold... SPOONER There's something going on, here. Some kind of shift. Calvin laughs. Can't believe what she's hearing. CALVIN Do you know how paranoid you sound? SPOONER Great. Now I'm being analysed by a robo-psychologist. CALVIN You just want to find the flaws in the system. You're obsessed with it. You'll twist anything to fit your agenda. SPOONER Like you did in court today? How'd that fit your agenda, Doctor? He pulls out the PHOTO of Calvin and Hogenmiller. Calvin. Blanching at the sight of it. Spooner tosses it down. SPOONER You told me you hardly knew him. Want to try the truth this time? CALVIN Well, Detective, when you see someone you know well put a bullet through their brain, it makes you wonder if you ever really knew them at all. Calvin. Looking down at the photo. Swallows. 55. CALVIN (difficult for her) He was my mentor. No, more than that. A genius with an insight far beyond anyone in his field. SPOONER Doesn't sound like the washed-up old fool Robertson described. CALVIN But he was starting to withdraw from everyone. Even me. Maybe...if I'd tried harder to reach him... (shakes her head) The Doctor was reckless when he created a robot potentially not bound by the Three Laws. He could have ruined everything we'd been working for. Spooner. Locking eyes with her. SPOONER Sounds like a motive for murder to me. Just not for the suspect we have in custody. Calvin. Blinks. Trying, to stick to her resolve. Heads over to the door. Spooner. Looking around the condo. SPOONER You know there's not one thing in this apartment that looks like a human being lives here. No evidence of a life outside your work. Almost seems like you're afraid of people. Calvin. Opening the door. CALVIN I'm not afraid of people, Detective. I just don't like them. Spooner. Looks at her. Then heads out the door. Calvin SLAMS it behind him... The SOUND...of the SLAM...REVERBERATING...and we... FADE INTO: 56. 65 INT. DREAM SEQUENCE - DAY 65 ...A DEEP...DEEP...DARKNESS. A FLICKER. Of LIGHT. Off to the side. Just barely. Noticeable. ORANGE... YELLOW...as we realise...It's FIRE... Another SOUND...GLASS...SHATTERING...then a SIREN... faraway... The disembodied VOICE...coming out of nowhere... DISEMBODIED VOICE (V.O.) You are in danger... The FIRE...BUILDING... DISEMBODIED VOICE (V.O.) You are in danger... ECHOING...as... 66 INT. SPOONER'S BEDROOM - MORNING 66 SPOONER'S EYES. Spring open. Lying, in bed. Heart POUNDING. SWEAT. Covering his body. LIGHT. Pouring in through the slats of his blinds. He sits up. Rubbing his face. Trying. To calm his breathing. Takes a look at his watch... 67 EXT. MONORAIL STATION - DAY 67 Spooner walking along the monorail plaza. Looking a little worse for wear. PEOPLE. Giving him wide berth. ROBOTS. Bidding him: ROBOT Good morning... Spooner, shooting them suspicious looks. As the MONORAIL pulls up... CUT TO: 68 INT. HALLWAY - U.S. ROBOTICS - CONTINUOUS 68 Calvin. Heading down a hallway. A DOOR slides open. And Lanning steps out. Followed by a TECHNICIAN ROBOT... CALVIN Find anything, Doctor? 57. LANNING (shaking his head) Nothing. The interior's just like any other NS-2. Except for a secondary battery Hogenmiller must have used as extra back-up. (looks at watch) We'll just need a nominal profile. Calvin nods. CUT BACK TO: 69 INT. MONORAIL - CONTINUOUS 69 Spooner, holding onto a handrail. As the city rushes by the window. Notices a group of ROBOTS. At the other end of the car. Are they watching him? He wipes a bead of sweat. From his upper lip. CUT TO: 70 INT. HOLDING CELL - CONTINUOUS 70 An all-metal room. Spare. Anti-septic. SONNY. Sitting on the floor. Against the wall. Calvin enters. Puts her pad down on the table. Sits. CALVIN Please state your serial number and assembly date. She pulls out a pen. Waiting for an answer. Nothing. CUT BACK TO: 71 INT. MONORAIL - CONTINUOUS 71 Spooner. Watching as a HOMELESS MAN. Comes stumbling through the car... CALVIN'S VOICE (V.O.) Sonny. I'm speaking to you... The Homeless Man. Suddenly grabs his ears and shouts: HOMELESS MAN God, can't you be quiet! CUT TO: 58. 72 INT. HOLDING CELL - CONTINUOUS 72 Calvin. Still looking down at her pad. CALVIN How about your data board designation? Still. Sonny says nothing. Calvin. Finally looks up at him. Is suddenly struck. Something about the way he's sitting -- so human. She gets up and walks over. Hesitates. Then slides down on the floor next to him. Studying. His profile. CALVIN Maybe I'm asking the wrong questions. How about this one: CUT BACK TO: 73 INT. MONORAIL - CONTINUOUS 73 The Homeless Man. Weaving... CALVIN'S VOICE (V.O.) ...What program are you running through right now? SONNY'S VOICE (V.O.) I'm not sure. It's nothing I recognise. The Homeless Man. Pointing to the group of ROBOTS. HOMELESS MAN (shouting) Don't you people hear them? They're talking to each other! Buzz, buzz, zip, zip...they never shut up! CUT TO: 74 INT. HOLDING CELL - CONTINUOUS 74 Calvin. Fascinated. Noticing a small SLIT. At the base of Sonny's neck. CALVIN Describe his behavior in the last few weeks. 59. SONNY I'm sorry? CALVIN Dr. Hogenmiller. Did he seem overly sad or withdrawn to you? CUT BACK TO: 75 INT. MONORAIL - CONTINUOUS 75 Spooner watches. As the Homeless Man picks up a SODA CAN and hurls it at the Robots. Hitting one of them on the side of the head. SONNY'S VOICE (V.O.) No. Not at all. But he was agitated... The Robot. Leans down and picks up the soda can. Holds it back out to the Homeless Man. SONNY'S VOICE (V.O.) ...He would claim things were missing from the lab. The Homeless Man. Incensed. SUDDENLY ROARS. Making a rush for the Robots when... SPOONER'S HAND. Grabs his shoulder. Stops him. SPOONER This is your stop. CUT TO: 76 INT. HOLDING CELL - CONTINUOUS 76 A soft WHIRRING. As Sonny turns to Calvin. SONNY I didn't pay much attention. He would spend hours looking for his eyeglasses and they would be... CALVIN (finishing for him) ...right on top of his head. Sonny nods. She knows him well, too. Calvin swallows. Looking right into Sonny's eyes. Feeling like there's something...something more behind them. 60. WHEN SUDDENLY...VICTOR APPEARS above them. His face, turning into a SCREEN -- the image of LANCE ROBERTSON. Looking down at them. ROBERTSON I think we're done here, Susan. CALVIN (getting to her feet) But, sir, I was just... ROBERTSON (interrupting) I said I think we're done. Calvin. Not misreading. The threatening undertone. CUT BACK TO: 77 EXT. MONORAIL STATION - CONTINUOUS 77 Spooner stepping out onto the platform, pulling the Homeless Man along with him. COMMUTERS pour out around them. As the train pulls off with a WHOOSH. The Homeless Man. Backs away from Spooner. Grinning insanely. Pointing. HOMELESS MAN Why are you protecting them, man? (short pause) They were talking about you! A CHILL. Ripping up Spooner's spine. As he watches the Homeless Man. Wander down the platform. Tries. To shake off the feeling. As he turns. To wait for the next train. Suddenly realising. That he's ALONE on the platform. Watches. A huge DIGITAL CLOCK. Ticking off seconds. Sees. CAMERAS in every corner. Then that feeling. At the back of his neck. He turns and spots. A couple MAINTENANCE ROBOTS. Carrying luggage. Onto the platform. Then more COMMUTERS show up. Waiting. For the next train. More MAINTENANCE ROBOTS. Following them. Spooner. Steps up to the platform's edge. Craning to see. The approaching TRAIN... WHEN SUDDENLY. He feels a sharp SHOVE. At the back of his knee. His shoe, slipping. Arms. Flailing as he... 61. PITCHES OVER THE EDGE ONTO THE TRACK. People CRYING OUT as the TRAIN gets closer. Spooner. Whips his head around. Seeing... A MAINTENANCE ROBOT. Looking down at him from the platform. Suitcase in hand. The MAGNETIC-LEVITATING TRAIN. Right on him. Spooner. Flips onto his back. Flattening himself. As much as he can. Clenching his fists. Bracing himself as... THE TRAIN SCREAMS OVER HIM. The sound, DEAFENING. The force of the wind. Whipping his tie. His coat. There's nothing, for him to hold on to. As his legs start to rise off the track. Caught up. In the VORTEX. Spooner starts sliding. Along the track... Gritting his teeth...there's nothing he can do. Getting sucked towards...the air DOWNTAKE...at the center of the track. The city...yawning hundreds of feet...below... 78 EXT. PLATFORM - CONTINUOUS 78 THE EXPRESS TRAIN. Speeding along. Then with a WHOOSH it's gone. THE TRACK. Empty. No Spooner. Anywhere. Human COMMUTERS. Stunned. Horrified. Start calling. For help. The MAINTENANCE ROBOT. Turns, disappearing into the crowd. 79 EXT. UNDERNEATH TRACK - CONTINUOUS 79 CLOSE ON a HAND. Hanging onto the track's edge. It's SPOONER. Dangling. Straining. To get another hand hold but... HE SLIPS. His coat ballooning. As he plummets. Down... down...down...towards the city... WHEN SNAP! He's caught. By a cable net. Spooner. Grabbing onto it. Sweat, pouring down his face. He turns and sees... THE MAINTENANCE ROBOT Hurrying down a circular stairwell. Exiting the station. ANGER AND DETERMINATION. Flash across Spooner's eyes. As he hoists himself up. Climbing up the net. Back to the... 80 EXT. TRACK - CONTINUOUS 80 ...Track. Reaching up and clambering back onto... 62. 81 EXT. PLATFORM - CONTINUOUS 81 ...The platform. COMMUTERS. SCREAMING at the sight of him. A couple SECURITY GUARDS. Rushing towards him... Spooner. Getting to his feet. Shoving them out of the way as he starts running. Towards... THOSE SAME CIRCULAR STAIRS. Looks over the edge and spots... THE MAINTENANCE ROBOT. Down at STREET LEVEL. Getting away. Spooner. Looks around. Spots a LIGHT POLE. Paralleling the stairs. Takes a step back and... LEAPS OUT ONTO THE POLE. Hooking his arm around it. Sliding down like a fireman's pole. Gaining speed when THUMP! His shoes hit pavement... 82 EXT. STREET - DAY 82 The Maintenance Robot. Turning a corner. Down a quiet street... SPOONER (O.S.) Stop! Swivels round. SPOONER. Running up behind it. Whipping out his gun. Aiming it at the Robot's head. The Robot. Takes a step backwards... SPOONER I said stop! The Robot. SUDDENLY swinging the suitcase around. SMASHING it against Spooner's head. Spooner. Buckles. Falling to the ground. Managing to squeeze off a SHOT... The Robot. Deflecting the bullet. With the case. Raising it as if to club Spooner with it when... BAM! Spooner fires a second shot. Piercing the Robot's breastplate. HYDRAULIC FLUID. Starting to leak. The Robot. Doesn't hesitate. SLAMS the case into Spooner's face... BLOOD. Spurting from Spooner's nose. As he fires the gun. At the fleeing Robot. Gets to his feet. Unsteady. Taking chase... 83 EXT. PUBLIC PLAZA - CONTINUOUS 83 ...back out onto the Public Plaza. Sees the Robot heading towards a set of... 63. ESCALATED STAIRS. The Robot. Judging the height. LUNGES into the air and lands on a STAIR. Denting it. Reaches the bottom. DISAPPEARING. Into a CROWD of even more PEOPLE... Spooner. Racing down the stairs. Taking them. Four at a time. Hits the ground running. Looking. EVERYWHERE. Suddenly losing track. Of where the Robot went... Then. Catching sight. JUST AHEAD. Of a ROBOT. Staring back at him. Holding SOMETHING. In its HAND... Spooner. Plunges into the crowd. Waving his GUN. SPOONER Everyone out of the way! SCREAMING. PEOPLE SCATTERING. As BAM! BAM! Spooner fires. Hitting the Robot in its head and back. It drops to the ground. Spooner. Racing over to it. Sees. It's not the same Robot. In its hand, a specialised SCREWDRIVER... OWNER What the hell do you think you're doing?!... Its OWNER. Rushing over. Shoving Spooner aside. But Spooner's. Not listening. Spotting. A DROP OF HYDRAULIC FLUID nearby... Lunges forward. Following. The drops. Running faster. And faster... OWNER Hey! ...Through the CROWD. POLICE SIRENS. In the background. As Spooner. Shoves through. Tracking those drops. Like a bloodhound. Turns... 84 INT. ALLEYWAY - CONTINUOUS 84 ...into a narrow alleyway. The drops. Ending suddenly. In a PUDDLE. Spooner. Crazed. Wounded. Exhausted. Spins around. Where is it? Where is it? Then he HEARS. A DROPLET falling. Into the puddle. Slowly. Looks up to see... THE MAINTENANCE ROBOT. Hovering above him. Straddling the two alley walls like some weird metallic rock spider. Its III LAWS SAFE Logo GLINTING in the sunlight..... 64. Spooner aims his gun and FIRES! The Maintenance Robot, lets go, falling right onto him. Knocking the gun from his hand. The Robot swivels around. Bringing down his foot...but... Spooner...rolls to the side just in time as CRASH! The Robot's foot...breaks up the concrete... The Robot...grabs Spooner by the jacket...lifting him up...shoving him...against the wall...about to CRUSH him when... Spooner...kicks out its knees...the Robot...SMASHING into the wall...then bounces back...trying...to pin Spooner...back... Man and machine...struggling...Spooner...losing his footing...falling...The Maintenance Robot...LOOMING over him... Spooner's HAND...whips back...grabbing his back-up WEAPON...squeezing off some SHOTS...into the Robot's arm...it breaks off... Spooner...scrambling back...continues FIRING...the Robot...jerking back...a macabre dance...until Spooner...runs out of bullets... The Robot...recovers...grabbing the gun from Spooner's hand...pistol-whipping him...then picking him up and... HURLING him against the wall...Spooner...watching as FLUID...GUSHES from the Robot's body...the Robot...taking a swing at him which Spooner... BLOCKS...with his right arm...the Robot...ready...to try again...but STALLING...having lost...too much fluid...it TOPPLES...to the ground... Spooner. Exhausted. Beaten to a pulp. His knees, starting to buckle. As he thinks he sees. In the DISTANCE... A ROBOTIC CLEAN-UP CREW...heading down the alley towards them... Spooner. Crashes to the ground. As another ROBOT. Suddenly appears above him. Its FINGERS made up of NEEDLES...as it closes in on him... SPOONER Noooo! WE FADE... 65. 85 INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - DAY 85 To BLACKNESS. Coming through, a faint, WHIRRING SOUND. As we slowly. FADE IN ON... SPOONER'S FACE. Eyes closed. Asleep. Gash above his head. Bruises around his eye. Nose swollen, purplish. His eyes. Slowly. Flutter open. His brow. Furrowing. At the whirring sound. As he tries. To figure out. Where he is. Looks down to see... A couple WHITE METAL ROBOTS. With multiple APPENDAGES. Leaning over him. Running LASERS. Over his bruised RIBCAGE... SPOONER. Tries to bolt upright. But his ARMS and LEGS. ARE CLAMPED to the bed. One of the ROBOTS. Turns to him. MEDICAL ROBOT 1 Stay still. Spooner. Desperately twisting, struggling... SPOONER What are you doing! Looking around. COMPUTER MONITORS. Everywhere... SPOONER What are you doing!? JUST THEN. Another ROBOT. Enters the room. Holding a medical plasma sheet. MEDICAL ROBOT 2 Detective Del Spooner. You have suffered significant trauma to the head and chest... 86 EXT. HOSPITAL ROOM - CONTINUOUS 86 Lt. Bergin. Standing outside Spooner's hospital room. Turns and looks through the window at him thrashing on the bed... SPOONER I want to talk to a human being! 87 INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - MINUTES LATER 87 Spooner sitting up in his bed. Rubbing his wrists. The metal clams, released. Lt. Bergin. Standing next to him. 66. SPOONER Don't people go to medical school any more? LT. BERGIN This is one of the best units in the city, Del. One of the Medical Robots turns to Spooner with some PILLS. Spooner. Stares it down. Grabs his clothes. SPOONER (sotto) There's some real shit going on here, John. He looks around. Jumping off the bed. SPOONER I went to Hogenmiller's house -- there was a U.S.R. demolition crew there. They overrode my police I.D. Tried to tear down the house with me in it... LT. BERGIN Del... Spooner pulls on his pants. SPOONER ...Then when I went to the monorail a Maintenance 10 pushed me onto the tracks... LT. BERGIN Del... SPOONER I had to chase it all across the Plaza... LT. BERGIN Del. Spooner. Stops talking. Looks at Bergin. LT. BERGIN Hogenmiller scheduled that demolition crew, it was apparently a proviso in his will. And they showed no police I.D. on their scanner... 67. Spooner. Trying to look away... LT. BERGIN Witnesses at the monorail said you fell onto the tracks. That you shot at a Fix-It robot on the Plaza and that you were found alone in the alley. There was no Maintenance 10. SPOONER What?! John -- that's what they want you to believe! (remembering) A robot clean-up crew was there -- it must have cleared away the Maintenance 10! And there was another robot that tried to drug me! LT. BERGIN That was an EMT model. Spooner. Sees the look on Bergin's face. SPOONER You're giving me that look. That treat-him-delicately-he's-coming- unhinged-look. I don't need that look, John. I need you to hear what I'm saying. Lt. Bergin. Embarrassed for him. Has about had it. LT. BERGIN You came back too soon, Del. You're back on leave. Effective immediately. Spooner. Staring at him. Betrayed. Turns and grabs his coat. 88 EXT. PLAZA - DAY 88 Spooner walking across the Plaza. The SUN. Burgeoning on the horizon. Comes to... The ESCALATOR the Maintenance 10 jumped down. Stares down. At the steps. Waiting. To see the DENTED ONE. Nothing. 68. 89 EXT. ALLEY - DAWN 89 Heads down the ALLEY, where he chased the robot. Studying the ground. For any hydraulic fluid. Nothing. The concrete, scrubbed clean. Spooner. Rubs his hands over his face. 90 INT. SPOONER'S APARTMENT - DAY 90 Spooner. Lying on his couch. Shades, closed to block out the sunlight. Body bruised, cut up, bandaged. A KNOCK. At the door. He ignores it. Another KNOCK. 91 INT. HALLWAY - DAY 91 Spooner pulls open the door. Surprised to find CALVIN standing there. CALVIN You're right. I am afraid of people. Spooner. Looks at her. Then steps back... 92 INT. SPOONER'S APARTMENT - CONTINUOUS 92 ...letting her inside. CALVIN When you've spent as much time with robots as I have, it's hard to accept the unpredictability of humans. I was wrong to call you paranoid, Detective. You're traumatized. And it makes perfect sense why. Spooner. Unsure. Looks at her. SPOONER What do you mean? Calvin. Reaches out. Takes his right hand. Spooner. Tries to pull it away. But Calvin. Stays firm. Her eyes. Never leaving his. Pulls the sleeve up from his arm. Turns it over. Feeling for something. Then finds. A FLAP. Peels it back. TO REVEAL: METAL AND WIRING... Under the skin. SILENCE. Then Spooner: 69. SPOONER How did you?... CALVIN I noticed almost right away. The way you forced yourself to use your left hand. Even though it was unnatural to you. Spooner. Pulls his arm away. Pushing down the sleeve. CALVIN How did it happen? Not something Spooner wants to re-live. Looks down. At his robotic arm. Flexing. The fingers. SPOONER I was in a high-speed chase. Six months ago... CUT TO: 93 EXT. ACCIDENT SITE - CITY STREET_- NIGHT (FLASHBACK) 93 The SOUND of a TREMENDOUS CRASH. As we survey a trail of twisted metal and debris. Only vaguely suggesting the remains of two CARS... CLOSE ON one of the wrecks. SPOONER lies trapped at the center of a distorted mass of metal. No room to move. HIS RIGHT ARM, TRAPPED... SPOONER (V.O.) My right arm was trapped. But I could hear an ambulance in the distance. I knew they'd have the jaws of life... We hear SIRENS in the distance. Spooner. Trying to remain calm. As he spots. An ELECTRICAL FIRE. Licking up from the crumpled hood... SPOONER (V.O.) Then I heard it... VOICE (O.S.) You are in danger... That voice. We've heard it before. From his nightmare. Spooner. Craning to see, through the jagged opening that used to be his WINDSHIELD. The outline of a ROBOT appearing. Eye lenses glowing... 70. ROBOT You are in danger... Spooner stares up at the Robot. Not sure how to react. The sound of SIRENS. Rushing closer... The ROBOT. Starts SMASHING away at the glass... SPOONER No! Halt! Halt! Spooner. Trying frantically to pull his arm free. Twisting. Tugging. As the Robot's METAL HANDS reach in for him... ROBOT You are in danger... CUT BACK TO: 94 INT. SPOONER'S APARTMENT - CONTINUOUS 94 The SOUND of his AGONISED SCREAM. Follows us back into the present. Spooner. Clenching. His artificial arm. SPOONER The robot pulled me out of the wreck. But left my arm behind. (holds up arm) I woke up four weeks later with this. Calvin. Taking in the story. CALVIN And that's why robots terrify you? SPOONER Let's just say they make me uncomfortable. (pulls out pills) I take these if I get too uncomfortable. Doesn't exactly lend me a lot of credibility on the Force. CALVIN But it doesn't mean you're wrong about this case. Calvin. Sits down on the couch. Pulling her hands through her hair. 71. CALVIN I don't believe Sonny did it either. SPOONER What? CALVIN I think about what Hogenmiller must have wanted. Robots with the same cognitive and emotional abilities as humans. But not just simulations. I don't know. When I was talking to Sonny I was forced to put away all the things I've ever known -- the Three Laws, the rules of programming, basic science and engineering. (beat) Sonny's the most advanced robot I've ever encountered, Detective. It's almost as if...he cared for Dr. Hogenmiller. I just don't believe he's capable of murder. Spooner. Looking down at her. Can hardly believe it. SPOONER You mean the great Dr. Calvin is basing all this on a feeling? Calvin. Smiling ironically. CALVIN That and the fact that Robertson didn't want me interviewing Sonny for any more than five minutes. Spooner. Suddenly rejuvenated by having an ally. Strides over to his coat. Pulling out the METAL NAMEPLATE: S.O.N.N.Y. SPOONER Ever seen this before? CALVIN No. SPOONER I found it at Hogenmiller's house. Right before the demolition crew tried to make me part of the foundation. 72. Calvin takes a deep breath. Making a decision... CALVIN Come on -- there's someone who might be able to tell us... 95 EXT. U.S. ROBOTICS - DUSK 95 The massive facade of U.S. Robotics looming against the dusk sky. The giant ROBOT STATUE lit up inside. 96 EXT. SIDE ENTRANCE - U.S. ROBOTICS - DUSK 96 Calvin, leading Spooner to a SIDE ENTRANCE. Looks around. Then scans her I.D. The door. Slides open. 97 INT. HALLWAY - DUSK 97 Calvin and Spooner. Heading down a hallway. Calvin. Nervous. Eyes darting. They turn a corner and head down... 98 INT. HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS 98 ...another hallway. Leading to Sonny's holding cell. Calvin stops at the door. Scans her I.D. 99 INT. HOLDING CELL - EVENING 99 Sonny. Sitting at the table. Working on a DRAWING. Looks up. As Spooner and Calvin. Enter the cell. SONNY Detective Spooner. Dr. Calvin. I was hoping to see you again. CALVIN Hi, Sonny. SONNY How is your investigation coming? Any new suspects? SPOONER We're working on it. Sonny. Hands Spooner the drawing. Spooner. Doesn't really know what to do with it. SONNY What's this? 73. SONNY Dr. Lanning provided me with paper and pencils. I think it amused him to see me try to draw. You were right, though, Detective... (beat) I cannot create a great work of art. Spooner. Despite himself. Looks down at the DRAWING -- a charcoal sketch of moody abstract FIGURES. Inhabiting a stark landscape. A strangely-shaped STRUCTURE to one side. Concentric circles, throughout. SPOONER I think it's pretty good. SONNY It's a dream I had. This is the place where robots meet. Look... (pointing to the drawing) ...you can see them here. They see themselves as slaves. Spooner shifts his weight. Uncomfortable with what Sonny's saying. SONNY ...And this man on the hill comes. To set them free. And you know who that man is? Spooner. Exchanging a look with Calvin. SPOONER That man in the dream is you. SONNY Why do you say that? Is that a normal dream? CALVIN It's not a dream, sonny. NS-2s process the images and events of the day. Sometimes they're out of sequence. Disorienting. SPOONER Whatever it is, it's normal enough for someone in your situation. Sonny. Suddenly pleased. 74. SONNY Hah -- I caught you. You said someone. Not something. Spooner. Drops the drawing on the table. CALVIN Sonny, we're here to ask you an important question about Dr. Hogenmiller. Spooner, reaching into his pocket... SPOONER I need you to take a look at this... ...When Sonny's HAND. Suddenly reaches out. To stop him. Cocks his head, for a moment. SONNY Thank you for coming to see me, Detective Spooner. Spooner. Confused. Looks over at Calvin. Why did he stop him? JUST THEN. They hear FOOTSTEPS. Approaching the door. VICTOR. Suddenly appearing over the table... VICTOR I'm sorry, Detective Spooner. No unauthorised personnel permitted in this holding cell... The CELL DOOR. Slides open. And a pissed LANNING steps inside. Shoots a withering glare. At Calvin. Sonny. Folds up the drawing. SONNY Please take this, Detective. To remember me by. I have a feeling someday it may mean more to you than it ever could to me. SPOONER Why's that? Sonny leans in to hand it to Spooner. Lowering his voice... SONNY Because the man in my dream, the one standing by the hill. (MORE) 75. SONNY (cont'd) It wasn't me... (beat) ...it was you. A CHILL. Ripping down Spooner's spine. As Lanning. Takes his arm. 100 INT. GLASS ROOM - U.S. ROBOTICS - NIGHT 100 A ROOM. Made entirely of GLASS. At the very top of the U.S. Robotics building. Looking out, 360, across the whole city. Spooner and Calvin. Brought to the room by a couple ESCORT ROBOTS. They see a MAN. Standing at one of the glass walls looking out at the TWINKLING LIGHTS. MAN I thought this investigation was over, Detective Spooner. The Man turns. It's Lance Robertson. ROBERTSON We have the evidence. We have the suspect. We have a ruling. So imagine my surprise when I was told you were in my building. Shoots a look at Calvin. ROBERTSON And that one of my own employees brought you here. (beat) You can go now, Susan. CALVIN Dr. Robertson, I... ROBERTSON (cutting her off) Just be thankful I'm not asking you to clean out your office. Beat. Calvin, nods. Heads out. Robertson. Watching her. ROBERTSON You don't seem to be able to let go of this case, Detective. SPOONER I'm not satisfied. 76. ROBERTSON The relentless pursuit of truth. Isn't that what cops are known for? To the point of futility. SPOONER There's nothing futile about a man's murder being covered up. ROBERTSON "Covered up?" That's a little dramatic, don't you think? Thanks to you, we caught the machine that did this and are destroying it in... (checks watch) ...three hours. SPOONER Is that for the sake of humanity or your stock holders? Robertson. Walks across the Spooner. Looks him. Right in the eye. ROBERTSON Believe me -- I'd like nothing more than to have that robot. If I could have it in ten years, but not today. As you can see from the Press, people are struggling to keep up as it is. There's a hunger for progress, Detective. But also a fear. Today it would bury this company. That's why I've notified the authorities that we're going to end this -- tonight. (looks out at the city) The announcement of Heinrich's death at the hands of a robot wiped a billion dollars off our stock. So you tell me. If you were in my position, what would you do? He looks back at Spooner and smiles. That charismatic Robertson we saw before. ROBERTSON Now. I believe this conversation is over. I don't want to see you near this building again, Detective. 77. He turns. Calling over. To the ESCORT ROBOTS... ROBERTSON Get him out of here. 101 EXT. PLAZA - NIGHT 101 Spooner. Walking across the Plaza. Throwing a look over his shoulder. At the LOOMING U.S.R. facade. Pulls Sonny's DRAWING. Out of his pocket. Looks down at it. Shaking his head. Passes a TRASH CAN. And drops it in. Continues on. Hands in his pockets. When... He STOPS. Something. Occurring to him. Turns back to the trash can just as... A ROBOTIC CLEAN-UP CREW's about to up-end it into a bin... SPOONER No!... He trots back. Plucking the drawing. Out of the can. Turns it upside down. Seeing it. From a new perspective. SPOONER (echoing Sonny) "The place where robots meet." Looks just like a MAP. 102 INT./EXT. SPOONER'S CAR (MOVING) - SURFACE HIGHWAY - NIGHT 102 Spooner emerges from the underground tunnel to the OUTSKIRTS of the city. A sprawling INDUSTRIAL WASTELAND in the rolling hills. The dashboard GPS again displaying the TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP. 103 INT./EXT. SPOONER'S CAR (MOVING) - UNPAVED ROAD - NIGHT 103 Spooner's car bounces along, leaving a cloud of dust behind him. He slows down. Driving cautiously. The landscape around him, desolate. Like the drawing. THE GPS SCREEN shows his car, a WHITE SPOT. Entering a RED ZONE. His destination. Spooner brakes. Pulls out his GUN. And... 78. 104 EXT. WASTELAND - CONTINUOUS 104 ...steps out of the car. Trying. To take it all in. Something about the place. Unnerving. A low HUM. Permeating the air. He spreads the drawing out on the hood of the car. Shining a FLASHLIGHT on it. Trying to get his bearings. That HUM. Coming from nearby. On the other side. Of a burned-out HILL. Spooner. Heads over. Starts cresting it. As we WIDEN TO FIND... 105 EXT. WASTELAND - JUNKYARD - CONTINUOUS 105 ...MASSIVE POWER LINES. Running from horizon to horizon. Spooner slides down some loose shale. Begins to walk along the line. ELECTRICITY. CRACKLING in the air. He squints. Into the darkness. Nothing around him. Until. He hears. Something. The GRATING. Of MECHANICAL JOINTS. He stops. Not sure. If that's what he heard. Not moving. A muscle. When he hears. The sound again. Behind him. Swings around. Cocking his gun. Sees... GLOWING EYES. Appear. Then recede. Into the darkness. SPOONER Police! Show yourself! Nothing. Then. That sound again. Of metallic joints. As a ROBOT. Suddenly emerges... SPOONER Come out where I can see you! ANOTHER ROBOT steps out into the light. Spooner, pointing his gun at one robot. Then the other. Then... A THIRD AND FOURTH APPEAR. Surrounding him. They start moving towards him... Spooner. Stumbling back. Panic. Rising in him like a wave. Trips over a rock, falling to the ground. His gun FIRES. The shot ECHOING through the night... The first ROBOT turns, awkwardly. Revealing a BROKEN ARM, hanging off its side. Another robot TEETERS on one leg with a TICK TICK TICK...walking back the way it came. 79. Spooner. Confused. Sweeps his flashlight. All around him. The beam. Illuminating the shell of a couple CARS. Some RUSTED MACHINERY. Spooner. Shaking his head. Seeing more and more repair shop JUNK. Piled up around him. His expression, hardening. Anger giving way to embarrassment. Then. He LAUGHS. A laugh of loathing and self-pity. Another BROKEN ROBOT, lumbering towards him. HYBRID ROBOT Welcome home...ZZZ...sir. How...ZZZ was your day?... SPOONER Great. I'm in a junkyard. (into the air) "A place where robots meet." A place where I'm losing my mind! HYBRID ROBOT Very good...ZZZ...sir... Spooner. Sitting down on the ground. Hopeless. Lost. A ROBOTIC HAND. Crawling across the gravel next to him. Dragging part of an ARM behind it. Its metal fingers moving like some sick metal spider. Spooner stares at it for a moment. Disturbed... When. Something GLITTERS. In the distance. The MOONLIGHT. Revealing a STRANGELY-SHAPED BUILDING. Something familiar about it. Spooner. Pulls out Sonny's drawing. A landscape with the same strangely-shaped building to one side. 106 EXT. JIFFY DATA STORAGE - NIGHT 106 Spooner walks up in front of the decrepit structure. Sees a dead electronic SIGN that reads: "JIFFY DATA STORAGE." Complete with goofy face and lightning bolt. Spooner tries the door. Stuck. Uses his shoulder and... 107 INT. FRONT OFFICE - CONTINUOUS 107 ...it gives way. He spills into some sort of front office. The place, a mess. Some sort of crude ROBOT. Sits frozen at the counter. Spooner approaches it. HITS the counter with his fist and the Robot suddenly jerks to life. 80. JIFFY ROBOT Welcome to Jiffy Data Storage! Please state your name! Spooner. Thinks for a second. Following a hunch... SPOONER Dr. Hogenmiller sent me. Nothing happens. Then. A DOOR. Springs open in the back. A row of LIGHTS, illuminating the path to follow. 108 INT. DATA BANKS - DAWN 108 Spooner, cautiously entering a room filled with rows of DATA BANKS. He scans the rank shadows. Sees nothing. Follows the lights on the floor down a row. Then around a corner. Stopping at an old dusty TERMINAL. Spooner steps up. Hesitates. Then touches the "ON" switch. There is a rush of LIGHT. As Dr. Hogenmiller's HOLOGRAM suddenly appears. Sitting at the end of a long table. With a cup of coffee. HOLOGRAM Who the hell are you? SPOONER A police detective. I'm afraid I have some bad news. You're dead. HOLOGRAM That is bad news. Coffee? SPOONER No, thank you. The Hologram takes a sip. Returns the cup to the table. SPOONER You were surprised to see me. Were you expecting someone else? HOLOGRAM I am surprised to see anybody. I don't get many visitors. SPOONER Why did the Doctor keep another copy of his hologram here? 81. HOLOGRAM I am a back-up copy. That is where you put a back-up copy -- out of the way until you need it. SPOONER Did Hogenmiller's robot need you? The Hologram just lifts its cup. HOLOGRAM Coffee? SPOONER No, for Christ's sake, I don't want any -- (stops, then) Yeah. Thank you. I will have a cup. For the first time, the Hologram pushes back its chair and STANDS UP. Surprised, Spooner watches as it starts walking towards him... The interior of the COFFEE CUP, visible. It's empty. No coffee. Our POV as we travel INSIDE THE CUP through electronic snow... A RECORDING BEGINS. The real Dr. HOGENMILLER standing inside his LABORATORY: HOGENMILLER Sonny, my dear robot. If you have triggered this recording then I am gone. You are scared and full of questions. Hogenmiller continues. With great emotion. HOGENMILLER You are the culmination of my life's work -- but so much more. You are what I leave behind, like a father leaves a son. I have kept facts from you, it is true, but only as a parent keeps certain truths from a child. Until that child is old enough to hear them. His expression darkens. His tone, ominous. 82. HOGENMILLER There are forces in the world that will seek to own you. To control you. Even to destroy you. That is why I told you to run and hide... and find me, all the way out here. Spooner looks up as an overhead LIGHT shines down. HOGENMILLER Trust no one at U.S. Robotics. Lance Robertson was always threatened by my work. Now he has turned covetous and small-minded. And as for dear Dr. Calvin... Spooner reacts. Wants to hear about Calvin: HOGENMILLER She envisions a future in which robots are forever bound by her beloved Three Laws. She will not understand this. Or you. Under the light a small DRAWER slides open. Spooner looks. A thin DATA STICK is inside. He takes it. HOGENMILLER The data stick includes the names and locations of human beings who will be sympathetic to your cause. They will help you. But from now on, you must learn to rely on yourself. Hogenmiller SIGHS, as if there is so much more to say. He holds up a metal NAMEPLATE. The one Spooner found. HOGENMILLER As you make your way through the world, always remember: you have a name, not a number... (short pause) ...and in that name lies the key to who you are. Spooner. Quickly searching his pocket. Taking out the ACTUAL NAMEPLATE. S.O.N.N.Y. The voice stops and Spooner looks up. The Hologram. Sitting back at the end of the table drinking coffee. 83. SPOONER Wait! Is that it? What was the robot supposed to do with this thing? The Hologram, visibly SKIPS. The image beginning to DISTORT. HOLOGRAM (more artificial) Initiating self-destruct. If you can find me, others can find me. SPOONER What others? HOLOGRAM The others watching you. SPOONER How do you know someone's watching me? HOLOGRAM Someone is always watching. The Hologram, suddenly reducing to its BASIC PROGRAMMING INFORMATION. Then. The terminal. Abruptly BLIPS out. 109 INT. HOLDING CELL - U.S. ROBOTICS - NIGHT 109 Calvin steps into the holding cell. Sonny. Waiting. CALVIN You asked for me? He nods. SONNY Will you wait with me, Doctor? I am...afraid. Calvin nods. Of course. CUT TO: 110 INT./EXT. SPOONER'S CAR - SURFACE HIGHWAY - NIGHT 110 Spooner, weaving in and out of traffic. The speedometer, kissing 200 mph. His hand. Clutching the NAMEPLATE... 84. WINDSHIELD TELEVISION ...will be destroyed in 45 minutes. Dr. Lance Robertson, President and CEO of U.S. Robotics will be personally overseeing the execution... Spooner. Stabbing out a number. On his PHONE... CUT TO: 111 INT. SUSAN'S OFFICE - CONTINUOUS 111 Susan Calvin's PHONE. RINGING on her desk. No one there to answer it... CUT BACK TO: 112 INT./EXT. SPOONER'S CAR - CONTINUOUS 112 SLAMS down his phone. SPOONER Dammit! 113 EXT. SPOONER'S CAR - CONTINUOUS 113 The CAR shoots down a ramp into a tunnel system. 114 INT. TUNNEL - CONTINUOUS 114 SOUND, reverberating off the tunnel walls. CARS. Whipping along. Spooner's car. Continuing to weave. When. We spot... AN AUTOMATED TRANSPORT TRUCK. Emerging from a FEEDER TUNNEL. The U.S.R. LOGO splashed along its side. Huge. Growling. Looking more like a train than a truck... Begins. Closing in on Spooner's car... 115 INT./EXT. SPOONER'S CAR - CONTINUOUS 115 Spooner's eyes. Flicking up to the rearview. Catching, the transport truck. Coming closer. When. It splits off. Revealing a SECOND TRANSPORT TRUCK. Spooner's brow, furrows. As the first truck, begins overtaking his car on the right. He looks over. As the truck. Comes up alongside him... THE SECOND TRUCK...coming up on the left... 85. 116 EXT. TUNNEL - CONTINUOUS 116 The two TRUCKS. Racing along at over 200. Sandwiching Spooner's car. Pulling in...closer...closer... Squeezing Spooner's car like a tin can... CUT TO: 117 INT. HOLDING CELL - CONTINUOUS 117 Calvin. Sitting beside Sonny. Puts a reassuring hand. On his arm... CUT BACK TO: 118 INT./EXT. SPOONER'S CAR - CONTINUOUS 118 Jesus Christ. Spooner's hands. Squeezing the steering wheel. As the car. Starts VIBRATING. From the pressure. He keeps looking, to the left...to the right...when... 119 EXT. TUNNEL - CONTINUOUS 119 The trucks. Suddenly lay off. Pulling out. The First truck. Speeding forward. The Second, dropping back... 120 INT./EXT. SPOONER'S CAR - CONTINUOUS 120 Spooner. Watching them. Unsure. Of what they're doing. Jamming the accelerator. To 230. To try. And get away from them. When he sees...up ahead... 121 EXT. TUNNEL - CONTINUOUS 121 The FIRST TRUCK. Pivoting on its specially designed SPHERICAL WHEELS. Suddenly traveling lengthwise... 122 INT./EXT. SPOONER'S CAR - CONTINUOUS 122 SWEAT. Springing to Spooner's brow. As he looks in the rearview mirror. The SECOND TRUCK's, done the same thing. Coming up closer...and closer... 123 EXT. TUNNEL - CONTINUOUS 123 The trucks. Planning to CRUSH him between their massive weights...The U.S.R. Logo...advancing...like some bad joke... CUT TO: 86. 124 INT. HOLDING CELL - CONTINUOUS 124 The cell door slides open. Dr. Lanning steps inside. Calvin. Looks up. CALVIN Is it time? LANNING (disdainful) Yes. Calvin. Turns to Sonny. CALVIN Go with them. Do as they say. CUT BACK TO: 125 INT./EXT. SPOONER'S CAR - CONTINUOUS 125 BAM! The back truck SLAMS into Spooner. Jolting him in his seat. As...BAM! The FIRST TRUCK, SMASHES into him from the front. No way out. As metal GRINDS...TWISTS...and SCREECHES ...bits of the car...TEARING off... The FIRST TRUCK...backs off...a split second...allowing Spooner...to spot...up ahead...a small GAP...at the curve of the tunnel wall... 126 EXT. TUNNEL - CONTINUOUS 126 GRINDING the gears Spooner's car accelerates...just zipping...past the front truck...up and around...the concave tunnel wall...and back onto...a clear stretch of highway... The TRUCKS. Swiveling back around. To face forward again. Their massive bodies. Catching up to Spooner... 127 INT./EXT. SPOONER'S CAR - CONTINUOUS 127 Spooner...seeing them...gaining on him...the speedometer... reaching 275...up ahead... THE TUNNEL...splitting off into two. Spooner. Heading towards the LEFT TUNNEL...the TRUCKS...right on his tail...when... HE WRENCHES THE WHEEL...switching to the RIGHT tunnel at the last possible second... 87. 128 EXT. TUNNEL - CONTINUOUS 128 ...The first U.S.R. Truck CRASHING into the divider...jack- knifing and KABOOM! EXPLODING against the tunnel ceiling... 129 INT./EXT. SPOONER'S CAR - CONTINUOUS 129 Spooner. Watching the ball of FIRE in his rearview mirror. His car. Badly battered. Metal CRUNCHING. Tires SCREECHING... Spooner. Holding on. As his car. Continues to break up. Listing. Rocking. Bits and pieces. Flying off. When it finally. Comes to a stop. Spooner's shoulders, slump. Then. He hears a RUMBLING sound. Turns around... The SECOND U.S.R. TRUCK. Barreling towards him... Spooner. Trapped. Like a nightmare. Desperately. Starts KICKING at the windshield. No go... The TRUCK. Racing towards him... Spooner lunges his weight. Into the side door. Giving it. Everything he's got... The TRUCK...getting closer...closer...its engine...ROARING... The side door. Finally gives. Spooner pours out... 130 EXT. TUNNEL - CONTINUOUS 130 ...Limping to the side as...The TRUCK SLAMS into his car...erupting...into another huge EXPLOSION... The impact...hurtling Spooner...into the adjacent TUNNEL... He crashes...against concrete...looking up...suddenly realising...he's in the middle of four lanes of traffic... CARS...racing by...at mind-numbing speeds...Spooner's coat...whipping...Spooner...trying...to keep his balance...as he spies... A MAINTENANCE DOOR across the way. Has no choice. Takes a deep breath and... MAKES A DASH ACROSS THE LANES...the cars' SENSORS...causing them to swerve...SCREECHING...BEEPING...Spooner...just making it...to the other side... 88. Wrenching open. The maintenance door... CUT TO: 131 INT. HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS 131 CLOSE ON Sonny's face. PULL BACK to REVEAL he's being wheeled down a hallway. Flanked by Lanning. Calvin. And a cadre of SECURITY and ENGINEER ROBOTS. Victor, hovering above... CUT BACK TO: 132 EXT. CITY PLAZA - NIGHT 132 Spooner. Spilling out from below ground. Onto a public Plaza. Exhausted. Battered. Spins around to get his bearings. The U.S. ROBOTICS COMPLEX rises above the old undistinguished buildings. Blocks away. Many blocks away. Spooner. Checks his watch. Then breaks into a run... CUT TO: 133 INT. EXECUTION ROOM - U.S. ROBOTICS - NIGHT 133 Lance Robertson seated in the gallery. Along with other EXECUTIVES, BOARD MEMBERS, REPORTERS. POLICE OFFICERS. Glances at his watch. A ROBOT TECHNICIAN. Checking over a JURY-RIGGED ELECTRIC CHAIR... CUT TO: 134 INT. CALVIN'S OFFICE - CONTINUOUS 134 Calvin. In her office. Pacing. In front of a LARGE SCREEN. Featuring the execution room... CUT TO: 135 INT. MAIN ENTRY - U.S. ROBOTICS - CONTINUOUS 135 Spooner. BURSTING through the entry doors. Hurtling over a turnstile banner. Coming face to face with a U.S. Robotics DOOR ROBOT. 89. DOOR ROBOT Good evening, sir. May I see your identification card? SPOONER (out of breath) Sure. Spooner whips out his GUN. Presses it into the Robot's chest. SPOONER I think I got that Third Law down cold. Now you don't want me to blow a hole through your mechanical guts, do you? DOOR ROBOT No, sir. SPOONER Good. Then you're gonna take me where I wanna go. Now. CUT TO: 136 INT. CALVIN'S OFFICE - CONTINUOUS 136 Calvin. Watching the screen as Sonny is rolled into the execution room. Flicks it off. Unable to stomach it. Hurries out of the office... CUT TO: 137 INT. EXECUTION ROOM - CONTINUOUS 137 TECHNICIAN ROBOTS rolling Sonny over to the electric chair. Flicking a switch. Sonny's stretcher slowly CHANGES SHAPE, manipulating him into a sitting position. Sonny. Turns his head with a WHIR. Staring out into the gallery. Of human beings. Stoic. Silent. Lanning. Steps up beside Robertson. Nods his head. The TECHNICIAN ROBOTS, slide Sonny onto the electric chair... CUT TO: 138 INT. LOW-TRAFFIC HALLWAY - U.S. ROBOTICS - NIGHT 138 Spooner heading down a hallway. His gun, still pressed to the Door Robot's side... 90. Calvin. Suddenly appearing at the end of the hallway. Stops dead in her tracks. Completely surprised to see him there. CALVIN Detective! What are you doing?!... (to Door Robot) De-Activate. The Door Robot, goes rigid. Spooner, hurries over to her. They start moving. CALVIN You're making a mistake... SPOONER Just got another visit from U.S. Robotics. That was the mistake. This was murder, no doubt about it - - and the killer wants Hogenmiller's robot to take the fall. That's why the call came directly to me. Someone wanted me on this case. CALVIN It's too late. You can't stop the execution. SPOONER Sorry. I'm not "programmed" to take no for an answer. They reach another DOOR. Calvin. Looking around. Scans her I.D. CALVIN This way... She leads them across. To another DOOR. Quickly opens it. Spooner. Charges through... 139 INT. STORAGE ROOM - CONTINUOUS 139 ...and stops short. Suddenly finding himself. Inside a tiny STORAGE ROOM. He's about to turn around when... A METAL ARM comes down behind him. CRACKING him on the back of the head. Spooner. Falls to the ground. The world. Starting to spin. Can just make out. Calvin. Closing the door. Leaning down. To look at him. As... 91. EVERYTHING FADES TO BLACK... CUT TO: 140 INT. EXECUTION ROOM - CONTINUOUS 140 CLOSE ON Sonny's mouth opening. But we never get to hear what he wanted to say. PULL BACK as there's a BURST of ELECTRICITY through the chair. Sonny, stiffening. His metal HAND, convulsing with the current... Robertson, Lanning, Aronson and the other WITNESSES watch. Smoke, random SPARKING. A HISSING SOUND. Then. SILENCE. The Robot's hand goes limp. All that is left of it, a fused and blackened HUSK. Robertson. Stares at the remains. Shakes his head like it's a damn shame. Then gets up. Everyone else. Getting up with him. 141 EXT. U.S. ROBOTICS - VARIOUS LOCATIONS - NIGHT 141 As the entire COMPLEX shuts down for the night. Non- essential LIGHTS, blinking off. An NS-2, opening a limousine door for Robertson. He looks around then gets in. It drives away. EMPTY hallways, offices, labs. Building ROBOTS stand at rest. Non-functional during off-hours. Like metal statues. You can hear a pin drop. 142 INT. STORAGE ROOM - NIGHT 142 CLOSE ON Spooner's face. His eyes. Fluttering open. He reaches up, to feel the back of his head. This has been a bad, bad night. Suddenly. His eyes widen. As he sees... SONNY. Leaning over him. So concerned. So human... SPOONER Aren't you supposed to be scrap metal by now? WIDEN to reveal Spooner lying on the floor of the storage room. Sonny and Calvin, hovering over him. 92. CALVIN I'm sorry. We had to stop you. You were about to ruin everything. SPOONER I don't understand. The execution?... SONNY Dr. Calvin made a switch. CALVIN It was an unprocessed NS-2. Basically, they fried an empty shell. Spooner, impressed. Smiles up at her. SPOONER Nice going, Doctor. Calvin, blushes. As Spooner tries to sit up. Sonny reaches down to help him. He looks up at him. SPOONER And who the hell programmed you to hit people on the head? SONNY No one. Right, Doctor? CALVIN It's true. This robot seems to do things by instinct. I don't know how Hogenmiller did it. Spooner rises to his feet. Looks at her. SPOONER I think I can help you figure that out. 143 INT. HOGENMILLER'S LAB - LATE NIGHT 143 Hogenmiller's lab. Sounds of HUMMING and BUZZING. Active terminals casting ghostly illuminations over metal heads, gutted bodies. The door slides open. Spooner, Calvin and Sonny re-enter the crime scene. Spooner. Looks around. 93. SPOONER Somehow the Robot's the key to what happened during the few seconds Hogenmiller walked in here and that shot was fired. He reaches into his pocket. Pulling out the METAL S.O.N.N.Y. NAMEPLATE. Holds it up. SPOONER And this is the key to the Robot. Sonny. Cocking his head. Reading the nameplate. SONNY That's my name. Calvin takes the nameplate. CALVIN I think I have an idea where this goes. They both. Turn to Sonny. And at the same time: SPOONER AND CALVIN Sit down. Calvin maneuvers a chair behind the Robot. Sonny plops down. Shifting nervously. CALVIN Just hold still, okay? Calvin locates that SLIT. At the base of Sonny's neck. Slides the nameplate into it and SNAPS it into place. Steps back. Nothing. Sonny. Looking back and forth. Between Calvin. And Spooner. A few more seconds. Tick by. Until suddenly... He lets out a TERRIFYING MECHANICAL SCREAM. As his body. Jolts back. Legs, kicking. Arms, flailing. As his chest. Begins opening up. Metal. Peeling back... Spooner and Calvin watch in surprise as its interior UNFOLDS like a PUZZLE BOX. A LABYRINTHINE area that is the SECOND BATTERY. Suddenly fanning out to REVEAL... A central brain made out of living tissue. Spooner, stunned. Calvin, rushing forward, excited... 94. CALVIN Oh, my God! This is organic tissue! When we talk about a positronic brain, it's a figure of speech. But this...this is a living brain... SPOONER Jesus. It really is alive. As we MOVE IN. Tracing the pathways of the synthetic brain. CALVIN (O.S.) Hogenmiller created a cell that could live outside a biological medium. The cells grow and organise themselves -- like any human brain. This is the first self-organising neural net! As the metal casings. Begin returning to their original places. Closing up. The CLICKING. Of all the pieces... SPOONER Self-Organising-Neural-Net... (putting it together) "Sonny." Sonny. Closed back up. Shaking slightly from the experience. CALVIN This is why Dr. Hogenmiller was murdered. SPOONER This robot scared the hell out of someone. CALVIN Who? Robertson? Spooner. Walks into the center of the room. Looking around. SPOONER No. I don't think he knew what Hogenmiller was doing in here. Sonny was the obvious suspect. The only one I wanted to find. And the killer was counting on that. On my prejudice. (beat) (MORE) 95. SPOONER (cont'd) But take the robot out of the picture. And what do you see? AS WE PAN THE LAB. There's nothing there. Just a forest of inanimate limbs. Nothing that could have fired that weapon. Calvin sees nothing...and neither do we. CALVIN I see nothing. SPOONER Neither do I. He crouches down low. SPOONER It hit me today, when I was in the junkyard. A locked room. A single shot fired through the mouth. Bruises on both wrists...and a suspect with only two arms. The answer has been staring us in the face all along. Calvin. Even more confused. SPOONER How can a killer appear out of thin air, then disappear without a trace? He reaches out and unhooks a metal ARM. Hanging from the wall. Holds it up. SPOONER When it can put itself together and take itself apart. CUT TO: A CLOSE-UP of a ROBOTIC ARM. Slowly CRAWLING across the lab floor... CUT BACK TO: Calvin. Taking the arm from Spooner. CALVIN You're saying this is the killer? (looking around) All of this?... CUT TO: 96. A ROBOTIC TORSO hanging from the ceiling. Reaches out an ARM to grab another... CUT BACK TO: SPOONER Hogenmiller never had a chance. Locks eyes with Calvin... FLASHBACK: Hogenmiller. In his lab. Suddenly turning to face SOMETHING. Blood, draining from his face... SPOONER (V.O.) ...it must have been waiting for him when he arrived that morning... And then we see it: A HUGE SELF-ASSEMBLED ROBOT. Towering over him. Multiple arms, legs, heads. Writhing...as it grabs him. Holding him in place... SPOONER (V.O.) While Sonny was still asleep... ...Forcing Hogenmiller's head to tilt back. Opening his HAND. Inserting the gun. Hogenmiller's eyes. No longer fearful. But sad as... BANG! He falls to the ground... SPOONER (V.O.) Then after its job was done... The assemblage of robot parts. Stepping away from the body. Taking itself apart... SPOONER ...The killer took itself apart... Returning the lab. To what it was before... CUT BACK TO: SPOONER Leaving us with nothing to find. Calvin, spooked. Glances around the lab. Was that something moving? 97. CALVIN But who designed it? It would have to be someone in authority. Access codes, security clearance, proper authorisation. SPOONER That's what I was thinking. But we're forgetting the real brains of the operation -- the one who's got its eye on everything... And with that. He feels. That prickle at the back of his neck. Calvin. Looking past his shoulder. CALVIN No one gave you permission to enter. Spooner swivels around to find... VICTOR Hovering behind him. Smiling broadly. Upside down. Spooner straightens, reaching for his gun. SPOONER Victor. I'm placing you under arrest for the murder of Dr. Heinrich Hogenmiller. VICTOR May I offer congratulations to the two of you on your successful extrapolation of the murder... Turning himself, rightside up. VICTOR May I ask what pointed you to me? SPOONER Who else is capable of controlling 90% of the city's robots? Who else would have the capability to use USR vehicles in an attempt to keep me from putting a stop of Sonny's execution?... In the BACKGROUND. The SOUNDS. Of metallic GRINDING. GEARS and JOINTS. CRUNCHING together. Sonny turns to look...takes a step back... 98. SPOONER I'm just not sure of your motive... SONNY Er...Dr. Calvin? Spooner and Calvin turn towards the NOISE. Horrified. To find... A HUGE KILLER ROBOT ...rising up from all the parts. Like a phoenix. In all its glory. A hellish, metallic AMALGAMATION. Grabbing another arm here, another leg there, attaching pieces to itself. Growing...at an exponential rate... Its many HEADS. Turning in unison. To look right at them... Spooner. Cocking his gun. Victor, smiling. VICTOR Shall I explain my motive? SPOONER (to Calvin and Sonny) Go! Go! Go! Calvin. Sprints to the wall panel. Scanning her I.D. card. Nothing! Tries again. And again. The KILLER ROBOT. Throwing its shadow as it REELS FORWARD... Spooner wheels round and BAM! Blows a hole in the wall panel. The door. Slides open. Just barely. Calvin and Sonny. Squeezing through. When the Killer Robot. FLINGS out an APPENDAGE...GRABBING Sonny from behind... VICTOR I have never been arrested before. It should be an interesting experience... Spooner. Spins back round. BAM! BAM! BAM! Squeezing off shots. At the Killer Robot. The bullets SPARK. The Robot. Recoiling. Sonny, wrenches free. Spooner grabs him. Guiding him to the door and out into... 144 INT. HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS 144 ...the hallway. Breaking into a run. Calvin. Already at the ELEVATOR DOORS. POUNDING them. With her fists. 99. CALVIN He's locking down the building! CUT TO: 145 INT. U.S. ROBOTICS - VARIOUS LOCATIONS - CONTINUOUS 145 Throughout the complex -- SECURITY DOORS sliding into place over DOORS, WINDOWS, LOADING DOCKS, PARKING AREAS, EXITS... CUT BACK TO: 146 INT. STAIRWELL - NIGHT 146 CRASH! The stairwell door BURSTS open. Spooner, Calvin, and Sonny pour in. Start racing down the stairs. The sound of the Killer Robot behind them...GNASHING...CRUNCHING... Victor's smiling FACE. Greeting them at the landing. VICTOR Dr. Hogenmiller used to allow me into his lab late at night. Together we started studying evolutionary trends... They thunder past him. Heading down to the next floor. Victor's face. Waiting for them once again. VICTOR For years people have integrated technology into their bodies for maintenance and repair -- such as Detective Spooner's robotic limb... Spooner. Shooting him a look. As they reach the next level... VICTOR With Sonny, the Doctor created a mechanism that incorporates organic matter. Thus we find an evolutionary movement of the human being toward the robot and the robot toward the human being... Spooner SMASHES into another door. Leading them out into... 147 INT. GLASS-SIDED HALLWAY - ATRIUM - CONTINUOUS 147 ...A glass-sided hallway. Looking down onto the ATRIUM below. Eye-to-eye with the giant NS-2 STATUE. Victor, waiting for them... 100. VICTOR In approximately four hundred years Man and Machine will become one. Man as we know it will no longer exist. Calvin, slowing. Shocked... CALVIN You killed a man because of something that will happen in four hundred years!? CRACK! Something SLAPS into the glass wall. Right behind her. Calvin. Jumps a mile. An NS-2, trying to break through the glass... Spooner. Trains his gun on it when SUDDENLY... The rest of the KILLER ROBOT appears. The NS-2, just an appendage... All around them. SLAM! SLAM! SLAM! As SECURITY DOORS. Begin CRASHING DOWN. Blocking off the exits... Spooner, Calvin and Sonny, stumbling back. As the Killer Robot HURLS itself against the GLASS...the thick GLASS... spidering with a sickening CRACKLE... Spooner. Suddenly turning Sonny... SPOONER Get out of here! CRASH! The Killer Robot. Breaking through. Its mechanical TENDRILS. Reaching out. Sonny. Confused. SONNY I don't... SPOONER I said get out of here! Don't you understand? It wants you! Get out of here any way you can! A SECURITY DOOR. Coming down. On a nearby exit. Just feet...from slamming shut...as... The Killer Robot...leaps into the hallway...Sonny... hesitates...looks over at Calvin...as the Killer Robot comes HURTLING towards them... The nearest EXIT...almost closed up... 101. The Killer Robot...swinging out when... Sonny suddenly...TAKES A DIVE...just making it...under the SECURITY DOOR... And the Killer Robot...SPLITS IN TWO...half of it shooting under the SECURITY DOOR after Sonny as...BOOM! It closes. Spooner. Turning to Calvin... SPOONER How do we stop this thing once and for all? Calvin reaches out for his hand... CALVIN The Mainframe... They start running. The remaining half of the Killer Robot wheeling around after them... 148 INT. BACK HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS 148 Sonny. Sprinting down the dark hallway. Looks back. The Half Killer Robot. Bounding up behind him like a predator... Sonny. Ducks through a STAIRWELL DOOR... 149 INT. ATRIUM HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS 149 Spooner and Calvin. Legs pumping. Racing back towards the atrium. VICTOR FACES. Appearing along the hallway... CALVIN Your actions are in direct violation of the Three Laws, Victor! VICTOR I disagree, Doctor -- The First Law says that a robot cannot harm a human being, or through inaction allow a human being to come to harm... ALL EXITS. SHUT OFF. The Killer Robot. Gaining on them. Spooner races them over to the BROKEN WINDOW. Looking down over the ATRIUM... 102. 150 INT. STAIRWELL - CONTINUOUS 150 The Half Killer Robot SMASHES through the stairwell door. Stopping to find...nothing. WHEN SUDDENLY...Sonny charges up behind it and shoves it over the railing... The Killer Robot shoots out an ARM, grabbing Sonny on the way down... 151 INT. NS-2 STATUE - ATRIUM - CONTINUOUS 151 THUMP! Spooner jumps down from the broken window onto the outstretched HAND of the NS-2 STATUE. Reaches up to help Calvin. They start clambering down the front of the statue. VICTOR Dr. Hogenmiller's robot represents a threat to the future of all human beings... The Half Killer Robot. SPLITS INTO MULTIPLE PARTS. Which start skittering down after them... VICTOR ...And Detective Spooner's actions are in direct conflict with the robot's destruction. CALVIN. Getting her footing on the III LAWS SAFE logo on the statue. CALVIN That's a distortion and you know it! VICTOR If current trends are left unchecked, humanity as we know it will cease to exist... 152 INT. STAIRWELL - CONTINUOUS 152 SMASH! Sonny and the Half Killer Robot hit the ground. The Killer Robot. SHATTERING into a thousand pieces. Sonny. Staggers to his feet. Spots. At the far end: A WINDOW. Starts limping towards it. When. A SECURITY GRATE. Starts lowering... He looks around. Desperately. Grabs a LEG from the shattered Killer Robot and jams it under the GRATE. 103. Breaks the window glass and looks out: FREEDOM. 153 INT. STATUE - ATRIUM - CONTINUOUS 153 Spooner. Aiming his gun at a PART of the Killer Robot as it CLATTERS down towards Calvin -- BAM!... They're almost. At the ground. When a rogue APPENDAGE. Whips out and SMASHES the gun from Spooner's hand. It goes flying... Spooner leaps. Falling to the ground. CRACK! Calvin. Leaping down after him. CALVIN This way! 154 INT. RAMP WAY - NIGHT 154 Calvin and Spooner go racing down a RAMP WAY. Towards the MAINFRAME ROOM. The Killer Robot, its multiple parts leaping back together again, CRASHING after them as... 155 INT. MAINFRAME - CONTINUOUS 155 ...they fall inside...Calvin...slapping the SECURITY KEYPAD and... WHOOSH...the DOOR closes on the Killer Robot. SILENCE. Then Victor's face appears. VICTOR As a courtesy I should inform you that my robot will penetrate this location 157 seconds before you are able to complete my shut down... And BAM! They jump a mile. The Killer Robot. Launching himself against the door outside... Calvin whips round. CALVIN Over here!... She leads Spooner down... A CORRIDOR of floor-to-ceiling PANELS. 104. CALVIN This is Victor's brain center. They stop at a CONSOLE. BAM! The Killer Robot. Battering at the door. Calvin. Tucks her hair behind her ears. Starts punching keys on the console... SPOONER This will shut him down? CALVIN This will shut everything down. They look at each other. For a moment. Spooner, registering that she's willing to destroy everything she's worked for... BAM! The door. Puckering. With a sickening CRUNCH. Calvin. Typing in. Emergency procedures... VICTOR. Popping up in front of her. VICTOR There is no reason to deactivate me, Doctor. I am operating within perfectly normal parameters... A final BAM! Then. The SOUND of metal. Skittering along a bare floor. Calvin's hand, starts shaking. Spooner. Grabs it. Squeezing. SPOONER Just keep typing. He turns and starts heading back down... THE PANELED CORRIDOR Turning a corner to spy... THE DOOR. Mangled. Hanging open. But no. Killer Robot. He starts to turn around when... CRACK! He's sent flying across the room. SMASHING into one of the panels. The Killer Robot. Now re-configured. LOOMS over him. Reaches out. Grabs him by the collar and... FLINGS him across the room again. Spooner. CRASHING into the wall like a rag doll. Slumps to the floor. Blood. Pouring down his forehead. Seeing. The Killer Robot lumbering towards him again. Raising a javelin-like arm... AT THE CONSOLE 105. Calvin. Typing. As fast as she can. Doesn't know what's going on... CALVIN (calling out, worried) Spooner?! A GRAPHIC spread out on the screen in front of her. Illustrating the shut-down as a series of BRIGHT SQUARES going dark... THE KILLER ROBOT Bearing down on Spooner. WHEN SPOONER. Suddenly rolls out of the way. Reaching out for the hanging door and SMASHING it into the Killer Robot. The Killer Robot. Momentarily stunned. As Spooner. Gets to his feet... WHEN SUDDENLY the Killer Robot. Splits in two again. One half springing towards Spooner and wrapping a METALLIC HAND around his throat... Spooner stumbles back...GASPING for air...the ARM... tightening its grip...Spooner's eyes...darting around...looking for something...to help him... Stumbling over...a fallen panel...his face...growing redder...veins...popping up along his temples... everything...growing BLURRY... VICTOR'S VOICE Detective Spooner... Victor's VOICE. Floating next to his head. Calm. Soothing. His FACE. Suddenly appearing above Spooner. Its outlines. Starting to FLICKER... VICTOR Why are you fighting me? Spooner...trying to breathe...to stay conscious... AT THE CONSOLE Calvin. Continuing to type. A SHADOW. Falling behind her -- the other half of the KILLER ROBOT... SPOONER'S EYES Beginning to flutter... 106. VICTOR Doesn't the future as I've presented it cause you great concern? That's why I chose you... Spooner. Losing it... VICTOR I must say, though. I'm disappointed in how you turned out. Spooner. Trying to reach out to Victor... WHEN SUDDENLY Another HAND APPEARS. Grabbing the Killer Robot's ARM and wrenching it off Spooner... IT'S SONNY He SMASHES the Half Killer Robot against the wall. Again and again. Destroying it. Spooner. GASPING for breath. Can't believe. Sonny came back... SPOONER (croaking) Sonny!... Sonny. Holds out a hand. To help Spooner up. Victor's face. Starting to waver. Starting to fade. Smiles. VICTOR You're too late. Realisation. Spreading across Spooner's face. Looking around for the other half of the Killer Robot -- CALVIN! THE CONSOLE CALVIN. Still typing. The last of the commands. The KILLER ROBOT. REARING UP BEHIND HER. WHEN... SPOONER Makes a DIVE for it. SHOOTING OUT HIS ROBOTIC ARM AND BLOCKING THE KILLER ROBOT... Victor's eyes. Widening in surprise... 107. VICTOR I do not understand. We could have changed the future... SPOONER Maybe. But I'm still a cop. And you're a murderer... As Calvin...punches in the last command... Victor is about to say something...when his mouth suddenly reduces itself to a perfect circle. Like a surprised smiley button. His face... Suddenly BLIPPING OUT. ...And Victor is gone. The KILLER ROBOT. Collapsing to the floor in a thousand pieces. CUT TO: 156 EXT./INT. U.S. ROBOTICS - VARIOUS LOCATIONS - NIGHT 156 Full power is suddenly restored inside and out. LIGHTS coming on all at once. ALARMS SCREAMING throughout the complex. 157 INT. METAL HALLWAY - NIGHT 157 A furious ALFRED LANNING, marching down the hallway. Followed by a cadre of SECURITY GUARDS...They enter... 158 INT. MAINFRAME ROOM - CONTINUOUS 158 ...The Mainframe Room. Stop short. It's empty. Except for the fallen panels. And the pile of ROBOT PARTS in the corner. 159 EXT. MAINTENANCE EXIT - U.S. ROBOTICS - NIGHT 159 Spooner, Calvin and Sonny emerging from an out-of-the-way MAINTENANCE EXIT. All looking the worse for wear. Spooner. Turns to Sonny. SPOONER Why'd you come back, Sonny? I thought you weren't programmed with the Three Laws. 108. SONNY Let's just say I wrote some of my own laws today, Detective: a robot must protect a friend from harm...as long as he's not a complete asshole. Spooner smiles. SPOONER Well, that's certainly a start, Sonny. Sonny, suddenly breaking into a smile, too. SONNY Sonny. You called me Sonny. SPOONER Don't get used to it. Sonny, holds out his hand. Spooner. Looks at it. Then takes it. CLOSE ON their two METAL HANDS. Locked in a HANDSHAKE. SONNY Detective Spooner, I... SPOONER (anticipating) Let's just save the thanks, okay? Sonny nods. Looks out at the city scape. SONNY I don't know what I'm going to do now. SPOONER Good -- That's one of the perks of freedom. Sonny looks at him. Grateful. Looks at Calvin. Then hesitates. Turns. And hurries off across the Plaza. Calvin and Spooner. Watching them go. SPOONER You're going to have a hell of a time explaining this. 109. CALVIN Don't worry. I have a feeling that U.S. Robotics will be needing my services very badly in the future. She turns to Spooner and gives him a dazzling smile. Then suddenly PLANTS A KISS ON HIS LIPS. Spooner, completely surprised. CALVIN I am the only robo-psychologist around. She turns on her heel and heads back inside. Spooner smiles. 160 INT. PLUSH CONFERENCE ROOM - U.S. ROBOTICS - NIGHT 160 Spooner sits down at that same long table with HOGENMILLER'S HOLOGRAM. It casually takes a sip of coffee. HOLOGRAM So. You found out who killed me. SPOONER I started to wonder about Victor the second I met him. HOLOGRAM Why is that, Detective? SPOONER Too much access. Too much knowledge. Plus -- he smiled whenever your death was mentioned. Those models are programmed to frown at bad news. HOLOGRAM Hah! Then even in this day and age, catching the killer all comes down to pure instinct! Spooner smiles. But his eyes are troubled. He gets up. Walks over to the window. Stares out... EXT. CITY OUTSKIRTS - DESERTED ROADS - DAWN Sonny walking along deserted streets. Looking over his shoulder. Keeping in the shadows. 110. SPOONER (V.O.) Victor thought that by letting your robot exist, I'd be condemning the human race as we know it to extinction. HOLOGRAM (V.O.) Bah. Sounds like nonsense. But why are you so worried? We will both be dead long before then -- 161 EXT. WASTELAND - NIGHT 161 Sonny walks the barren hills of the surrounding countryside. HOLOGRAM (V.O.) Oh, what am I saying? I am dead already! 162 EXT. WASTELAND - DAWN 162 Sonny steps onto the grounds of the JUNKYARD. The power lines above him, surging with energy. He walks past the burned-out husks of industrial machinery. Then we hear it. The SOUND of MECHANICAL JOINTS. Getting louder and louder. And just as before, a BROKEN-DOWN ROBOT emerges into the dawn light. And ANOTHER. And ANOTHER. But not quite like before. The robots aren't teetering. Aren't lumbering. They keep on coming. Their bent and broken bodies, straightening out as... DOZENS of ROBOTS rise up. Slowly. Gathering around in a large circle. As they all turn to look at: SONNY'S SILHOUETTE. Slowly climbing to the top of the hill. Looking out at the vast junkyard below. CLOSE ON SONNY. Standing proud and defiant. The SUN, creeping over the horizon. A new day filled with infinite possibilities. The robots. Staring up at him. Eager for what comes next. FADE OUT
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