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Ãëàâíàÿ>Êèíîñöåíàðèè>Ïàðê Þðñêîãî ïåðèîäà III/ Jurassic Park III Ñöåíàðèé ôèëüìà Ïàðê Þðñêîãî ïåðèîäà III/ Jurassic Park III íà àíãëèéñêîì ÿçûêå áåñïëàòíî
Çäåñü âû ìîæåòå íàéòè ñöåíàðèé ê ôèëüìó: Ïàðê Þðñêîãî ïåðèîäà III/ Jurassic Park III. Ïàðê Þðñêîãî ïåðèîäà III/ Jurassic Park III 1 EXT. PACIFIC OCEAN – DAY 1 A speedboat cuts swiftly through the ocean swells beneath the looming cliffs of ISLA SORNA. 2 EXT. BOAT - DAY 2 Illegal Costa Rican parasail operator ENRIQUE CARDOSO helps Americans BEN HILDEBRAND and twelve-year-old ERIC KIRVY -- already wearing life-vests -- strap themselves into a two- person PARASAIL HARNESS. 3 EXT. BOAT - DAY 3 Ben and Eric clamber onto a makeshift PLATFORM that hangs over the back of the board. Dangling from Ben's neck is a CAMCORDER. BEN You make sure to get us as close as you can, okay? If it's a good trip, I'll give you a little extra. ENRIQUE Don't worry. I take you close. But not too close. (rubbing Eric's head) You don't want them to eat you. Enrique heads toward the driver's seat and a large SECOND-HAND WINCH bolted to the deck. ENRIQUE (CONT'D) Ready, amigos? Ben and Eric nod excitedly and give the thumbs up. Ben lifts the camcorder to the record the action. Enrique jams the down the throttle down, and with a loud RAOR, the speedboat shoots forward. Soon the boat is whipping across the rolling ocean. Strapped together, Ben and Eric lean back over the passing water, intently watching for Enrique's signal. As the boat picks up speed, Enrique eyes the speedometer. Ben grabs the end of the RIPCORD attached to the harness. He and Eric braces themselves. Enrique finally signals with a pulling motion. He pulls the winch, Ben yanks the cord and - WOOOSH! A brightly colored PARASAIL blossoms behind the boat, hoisting Ben and Eric aloft. In a big BLOCK LETTERS on the parasail is stitched "DINO-SOAR." THE TOWNLINE unsold rapidly from its enormous reel. BEN AND ERIC climb higher and higher. ENRIQUE keeps an eye on the clients. When they reach a certain height, he LOCKS OFF the reel. High overhead, Ben and Eric are floating in wonderful, quiet splendor. The motor of the boat now sounds strangely distant. Down below, the boat enters a think blanket of FOG. Eric points excitedly at the islands as Ben films him with the camera. Then, a sudden TUG on the thing line cause Ben to drop the camera, which now dangles from his neck. ERIC What was that? A second tug...and now the faintest of screams. Ben and Eric look down to find that the boat has disappeared into the low bank of FOG. By the time the boat emerges on the far side of the mist...THEIR IS NO SIGN OF ENRIQUE. The deck is splattered with blood. As Ben considers the driverless boat... ERIC (CONT'D) Ben! Ben glances over at Eric, staring in horror at something below. Following his gaze, Ben finds that their boat is only moments away from crashing into A LARGE REEF. Sticking out of the water, the imposing reef is being battered by waves. AS THE BOAT SMASHES INTO THE REEF, it splinters into a number of pieces. A panicked Ben turns to Eric. BEN Unclip your line! Eric and Ben frantically unclip their lines. Catching an updraft, the parasailers float upward. A strong wind sends them wafting over the daunting cliffs of ISLA SORNA... 4 EXT. SUBURBAN BACKYARD - DAY 4 TWO PLASTIC DINOSAURS enter the frame and do battle accompanied by a child's ferocious sounds. CHILD (O.S.) RRRRROW! GRRRRRR! WINDER TO REVEAL - CHARLIE, a three-year old boy, plays in a sandbox with his favorite toy dinosaurs. ALAN GRANT squats next to him and watches with great delight. ELLIE SATLER stands over them, an INFANT in her arms -- a picture of the perfect family. GRANT Oh, actually, Charlie, those two are herbivores. They wouldn't be interested in fighting each other. But these... (picking up two other dinosaurs) See, these are carnivores. And this one here -- see its claws -- this one here uses its claws to gouge at the throat of its opponent… As Grant demonstrates with some GRUNT and GROANS of his own, he only succeeds in frightening the boy. ELLIE (interrupting) Uh, Alan? GRANT Hmm? ELLIE He's three. Why don't you wait till he's a little older? GRANT Oh, right. (back to Charlie) Happy dinosaurs. He bounces them along the sandbox edge. Then, the sound of a CAR ENGINE turning off and a door SLAMMING is heard. ELLIE That must be Mark. (calling out) Mark, we're back here! Ellie and Grant turn to see -- MARK DEGLER coming through the gate carrying a briefcase. He's their age, handsome but not annoyingly so, with a friendly, balance demeanor. He and Ellie kiss tenderly on the lips. ELLIE (CONT'D) Good day? MARK Keeping the world safe. (re: baby) Here, let me take her. Ellie hands off the baby. ELLIE Mark, this is Alan Grant. MARK Nice to meet you, Alan. I've heard a lot about you. The two men shake hands, and we now realize it is Grant who is the stranger in this household. Little Charlie runs to his father, showing his dinosaur. CHARLIE Daddy, this is a herbabore. Grant smiles uncomfortably, a third wheel. 5 INT. DINING ROOM - NIGHT 5 WINDEN to a PARROT in a large cage. Grant is teasing the bird with a cookie, holding a it just out of reach. GRANT What's my name? Come on, Jack, say it. Is my name Alan? Say my name. The bird doesn't respond. GRANT (CONT'D) He used to know me. ELLIE Sorry, Alan it's been six years. Grant shrugs, gives Jack the cookie, and heads towards the table. The three adults are finishing their dessert and coffee. The The children have been out to bed. An awkward moment of silence. Uncomfortable smiles. Then -- MARK More coffee? ELLIE (relived) Yes. Great. Mark stands and collects their cups. ELLIE (CONT'D) So, Mark's working at the State Department now. GRANT Really? (To Mark) What do you do there? MARK (with mock bravado) I could tell you about it, but than I'd have to kill you. GRANT Indeed. Mark smiles, nodding. Then he goes into the kitchen. Another uncomfortable silence. ELLIE So what are you working on now? GRANT We have a new site in Montana. At least until the money runs out. ELLIE Anything good? GRANT Raptors, mostly. ELLIE My favorite. Grant leans forward, realizing Ellie's one of the few people he can talk to about this. GRANT You remember the sounds they made? ELLIE I try not to. GRANT We've done cranial scans, and raptors actually had a quite sophisticated resonating chamber. I have a theory that their ability to vocalize is the key to their social intelligence. The way they can work together as a team. ELLIE You think they could talk to each other? GRANT To a degree we never imagined. And from the cage in the corner of the room... JACK Bullshit! Both look back at the parrot. ELLIE smiles. ELLIE You taught him that. 6 EXT. SUBURBAN STREET - NIGHT 6 Ellie and Grant head toward the rental car parked in the driveway. ELLIE Good luck with the fund raising. GRANT It was never easy, but before Jurassic Park, you could find money. Somewhere. Now fossils are out. Everyone wants to see a real live dinosaur. ELLIE Times change Alan. But you're the still the best. I mean that. GRANT The last of my breed. A long moment passes between them as both consider where they've ended up. GRANT (CONT'D) I'd better get going. ELLIE Let me know if I can help, Alan. You're bad about asking for help, but please ask me. Anything, anytime. GRANT (deep down knowing he never will) Okay. Goodbye, Ellie. ELLIE Goodbye, Alan. Not sure what the right thing to do is, they finally end up with a friendly hug. They keep it short. Grant gets in his car. Starts the ENGINE. He's about to pull off when Ellie knocks on the window. He rolls it down. ELLIE (CONT'D) When I met you, I thought that one day millions of years ago, all the dinosaurs became extinct. Wiped out. But you told me otherwise. When conditions changed, dinosaurs changed. They became other things. They evolved. GRANT A well-accepted theory. ELLIE (simply) Alan don't be afraid to evolve. Grant hears her, but Ellie knows it didn't really get through. A forced half-smile, than Grant waves goodbye. Ellie watches as he drives off. 7 INT. AUDITORIUM - DAY 7 The last stop on Grant's fund-raising tour, it's a public lecture hosted by some foundation. There are SCIENTISTS and STUDENTS here, but also a lot of DINO-FANS, some even with costumes. Grant finishes his speech to what was a full house -- some ATTENDEES are grabbing their coats and sneaking out. This wasn't the exciting guest speaker they were all expecting. A new slide comes up. Just black and white, and indecipherable. GRANT It's through the painstaking study of the Interior chamber in multiple specimens that we can determine this exciting correlation between the larynx and the upper plate. That lets us theorize -- theorize, mind you -- that the raptor might have been capable of bird- like vocalizations. Which as you can imagine, would be a tremendous breakthrough. He's finished, but no one seems to notice at first. Then the SYMPOSTUM LEADER stands up, leading a smattering round of APPLAUSE. SYMPOSTIUM LEADER Thank you very much Dr. Grant. Now does anyone have a question? Nearly every hand goes up. Grant doesn't seem surprised. GRANT Does anyone have a question that doesn't relate to Jurassic Park? Quite a few hands go down. GRANT (cont'd) Or the incident in San Diego, which I'll remind you, I did not witness. Now most of the hands are down. Picking one of the few remaining... MALE STUDENT Your theory on raptors is good and all, but isn't all this conjecture kind of moot? The STUDENT'S BUDDY nods in agreement. MALE STUDENT (CONT'D) I mean, once the U.N. and Costa Rica and everyone decides how to handle the second island, scientist will just go in and look for themselves. TOO-CLEVER SCIENCE REPORTER Isn't paleontology itself in danger of extinction? Recognizing those as fighting words, the symposium leader is about to step in. But Grant will take this himself. GRANT No, and let me be perfectly clear on this point. Dinosaurs lived 65 million years ago. What's left of them is fossilized in stone the actual scientists spend years to undercover. (MORE) GRANT (CONT'D) what John Hammond and InGen created are theme park monsters. Nothing more, nothing less. The class clearly disagrees with his assessment. ANOTHER STUDENT You're saying you wouldn't want to study them if you had the chance? GRANT No force on this earth or in heaven could get me on that island. 8 INT. DERELICT COCKPIT - DAY 8 Looking through the cracked windshield of a junkyard plane, we see someone spray painting red circles on the outside of the glass. 9 EXT. AIRCRAFT GRAVEYARD - DAY 9 NASH, a wry, intelligent mercenary pilot and soldier, is painting huge eyes the windows of a wrecked plane. Finished, he tosses the paint can through the open windows and walks quickly away from the plane. We now see that RED TEETH are painted on the craft's nose. It looks absurdly like some angry beast. We are one the edge of a dry lake bed, part of an aircraft graveyard. Wrecked planes lie all around. We hear a phone RINGING... 10 INT. CARGO PLANE - DAY 10 A RINGING satellite phone rests on a stack of gun cases. UDESKY, the leader of this crew, answers it. UDESKY Udesky. (beat) Yes sir. we're good to go. I'll lock it down as soon as you drop me the payment. With the phone still to his ear, Udesky wanders out of the craft... 11 EXT. CARGO PLANE - DAY 11 Udesky looks over at Nash and COOPER, another mercenary. Cooper's the quiet muscle of the bunch, a weapons specialist. He finishes loading a massive gun, essentially a hand-cannon. It's aimed at Nash's grimacing aircraft. UDESKY That's right, two of the very best I could find. No, I haven't worked with them personally, but they come with the highest recommendations. Then -- Cooper FIRES at the grimacing aircraft. A projectile rockets into the plane and EXPLODES with a fireball. Nash and Cooper exchange a satisfied smile. UDESKY (CONT'D) You've got nothing to worry about, sir. This is going to be a piece of cake. Pieces of the demolished craft come raining down. 12 EXT. EXCAVATION BASE CAMP, PT. PECK LAKE, MT - DAY 12 CLOSE ON a man's hand, carefully scraping the stone away from a dinosaur fossil. We follow his hand back as he wipes off his sweaty brow, revealing him to be BILLY BRENNAN, 25, an associate professor and site manager. He's a charmer. Looking past him, we see CHERYL, 21, a junior at junior of State. She's one of a dozen COLLEGE STUDENTS working at the site, and the one most smitten with her supervisor. CHERYL Billy? I don't think I'm doing this right. He scoots over, lying down beside her. Checks her work. BILLY You need to go slowly. See, just take it little at a time. She's not listening, just watching his eyelashes. CHERYL I can never tell what's bone and what's rock. BILLY Technically, it's all rock. The calcium in the bones is replaced during fossilization. But you can feel the difference. See? Rough, smooth. Rough, smooth. He runs her bare fingers over the two different patches, showing her. After a pause, she runs her finger along his stubbly chin... CHERYL Rough. ...and along his lips. CHERYL (cont'd) Smooth. Billy may not have started this flirtation, but he's not ending it either. It's then that a SHADOW falls across them. Billy looks up to see... BILLY Dr. Grant! Grant has just returned, a bag over his shoulder. GRANT Mr. Brennan. CUT TO: 12A EXT. WALKING TO THE MAIN TENTS - DAY 12A Billy takes one of Grant's bags, talking as they go. BILLY How was your trip? Profitable? GRANT We'll be broke in four weeks. BILLY Three weeks. I had to rent some equipment. The cross into one of the tents, which only has two "walls". On a dust-taped table, a dusty Macintosh is feeing data into a strange machine the size of a dorm refrigerator. A mechanical arm sweeps back and forth across a tray of fine sand. GRANT You rented an automated litter box. BILLY It's a rapid prototyper. I feed in the scan data from the raptor skull, than the computer breaks it into thousands of slices which this thing prints, one layer on top of the other. It's the future of paleontology. GRANT Not if it can't dig. The arm stops and suddenly the tray of sand shakes, dropping through holes in the bottom to reveal an object the size of a person's fist. BILLY I give you a raptor's resonating chamber. Grant hates technology, but he can't help but be amazed by the result. He lifts the strange object up, shaking out the remaining sand. Billy puts it to his lips and blows through it like a conch shell. The resulting SOUND is unique and piercing, the cry of an non-existent animal. Grant is speechless with excitement. And so he uses it again and again, producing different SOUNDS and variations. In the distance, flocks of birds rise to the sky and fly off. Billy looks up to see a MAN and a WOMAN getting out of a Cadillac. Cheryl is pointing them in the direction of the tent. BILLY (cont'd) (falsely casual) Oh, I forgot to tell you. Some visitors wanted to come by and talk to you. I told them you'd be happy to see them. maybe even have dinner with them. GRANT Absolutely not. BILLY They're here. GRANT What? Only now does Grant realize these two people Who were walking up to them. Putting on a friendly smile, Billy goes up to them. MAN Dr. Grant? GRANT Yes? MAN (extending his hand) Paul Kirby. Kirby Enterprises (reaching into his pocket) My card. PAUL KIRBY is a talkative optimist with no "off" switch. His wife AMANDA KIRBY, just as friendly, is harder to read. There seems to be exhaustion behind her eyes. GRANT What can I do for you, Mr. Kirby? PAUL Well sir, I am a great admirer of yours, and I have an extremely interesting proposition to discuss. Would you let my wife and I take you to have dinner tonight? Our treat. GRANT You know, I've been traveling and I'm very tired. Maybe some other time. PAUL I guarantee it'll be worth your while. Behind Kirby, Bill furtively rubs his thumb and fingers together, indicating the guy is loaded. Grant musters a weak smile. GRANT It's be my pleasure. 13 INT. HELL CREEK BAR AND GRILL, JORDAN, MT - NIGHT 13 They're only halfway through the entree, but Grant is ready to bolt. It's only Billy who's keeping him from being rude. They walk over to Paul and Amanda's table and sit down. PAUL First off let me say as a dinosaur enthusiasts, Amanda and I have admired your work for years. AMANDA It is truly, what's the word? Inspiring. GRANT Thank you. It's everything Grant can do just to be polite. He desperately wants to leave and get back to his dig. PAUL Amanda and I, well, we just love the outdoors. Heck we've been on pretty much any adventure tour they can come up with: Galapagos, K2, the Nile... AMANDA We even have two seats reserved aboard the first commercial moon flight. Billy nudges Grant. GRANT Hmmm. PAUL Now, for our wedding anniversary this year we wanted to do something really special, something... He places his hand on his wife's. AMANDA ...once-in-a-lifetime. PAUL We've arranged for a private airplane to take us flying over Isla Sorna. And we want you to be our guide. The Kirby's look to Grant as if they've offered him an amazing gift. But Grant just sighs and smooths the tablecloth. GRANT That's a very nice offer, Mr. Kirby, but I'm afraid I'm much to busy. If you like I can refer you to a number of highly qualified... PAUL No, no, see Dr. Grant, you're the best. You've seen these animals in the flesh. No one else has come close to you. GRANT I'm flattered, but I've taken this little adventure tour. And with the air restrictions they've imposed after the incident in San Diego, you can't fly low enough to see anything of interest. Paul is momentarily stymied, but Amanda rallies. AMANDA You see, that's just the thing. Paul and I have special permission to fly low. BILLY How low? PAUL Well, I'm no aviation specialist. But I do know it's hell of a lot lower than anyone else. AMANDA From what I understand, it's pretty much whatever we want. GRANT That's hard to believe. PAUL Let's just say that through my business -- imports/exports, emerging markets -- I've made some friends in high places. In this case, the Costa Rican government. AMANDA Dr. Grant, you don't know how important it is for us to have you come along. It would make all the difference. Grant is trying to find another way to say no, when Paul pulls out his checkbook. PUAL And of course, we're prepared to make a sizeable contribution to your research here. Billy looks at Grant. Don't say no. PAUL (cont'd) I can write all kinds of numbers on this check. Just tell me what exactly it would take. We HOLD ON a conflicted Dr. Alan Grant. CUT TO: 14 EXT. SKY - DAY 14 NNNNNRRRRRRNNNNNRRRRR... A SMALL AIRPLANE - a Beechcraft Kingair 200 Turboprop, to be exact - cruises through clear blue skies. 15 INT. PLANE - DAY 15 Grant re-settles, trying to get comfortable. Billy is across from him, finishing cleaning his camera lenses before putting them back in the ragged case. GRANT Even with what I pay you, you could get a better bag. BILLY No way. This is lucky. Couple years ago some buddies and I went hang gliding off these cliffs in New Zealand. Updraft sent me right into the side. BOOM! GRANT That does sound lucky. BILLY It was this strap alone that saved my life. Got caught on a rock as I was falling. GRANT Reverse-Darwinism. Survival of the most idiotic. Because he hasn't really said it... BILLY Listen Alan, I really appreciate you bringing me along. GRANT The bones will be there when we get back. That's the nice thing about them. They never run away. (beat) And besides, you got me into this. I don't intend to be alone with these people. ON PAUL AND AMANDA sitting near the front of the plane. Paul draws a long, nervous breath and looks at Amanda. She seems just as tense. Finally finding a comfortable position, Grant puts his hat over his eyes, ready to take a nap. Done with his camera, Billy turns to someone just off screen. BILLY So how do you know the Kirby's? and we reveal... Mercenary Cooper, the weapons specialist we met earlier. He's wearing sunglasses so dark you can't tell whether he's staring at you or fast asleep. He doesn't answer. Did he even hear? And then -- COOPER Through our church. BILLY What Religion? COOPER Uh…the one that worships God and believes in being Good. 16 EXT. SKY - DAY 16 The plane continues onward. 17 INT. PLANE - DAY / HOURS LATER 17 Grant slowly wakes in his chair, groggy. All the other passengers are fast asleep. Then Grant turns to his right. A RAPTOR sits besides him. The dinosaur eyes him curiously, then opens his mouth... RAPTOR Alan. And than it STRIKES. 18 INT. PLANE - DAY 18 Grant wakes up with a start, disoriented. Billy is leaning over him. BILLY Alan. We're almost there. The adrenaline still surging through him, Grant turns and looks THROUGH THE WINDOW. Clouds obscure the view, than parts reveal ISLA SORNA rising majestically out of the water. 19 EXT. SKY - COUNTINUOUS DAY 19 We watch the plane descend sharply to the island. 20 INT. PLANE - COUNTINUOUS DAY 20 In various combinations, Grant and Billy, Paul and Amanda look out the windows at the amazingly green island. Cooper looks out through a window of his own. 21 INT. COCKPIT - COUNTINUOUS DAY 21 Here we find the rest of the crew from the junkyard. Nash is piloting. A VOICE comes over their radio headsets. RADIO VOICE (Spanish accent) Unidentified aircraft approaching Isla Sorna, this is San Juan approach. You are flying in restricted airspace. Immediately turn to the coordinates two-zero-zero. I repeat redirect to... A look from Nash then Udesky switches off the radio. 22 EXT. PLANE - COUNTINUOUS DAY 22 The plane now descends to a mere hundred feet above the treetops. 23 INT. PLANE - CONTINUOUS DAY 23 Paul puts his hand atop Amanda's as they stare intently out the window. Billy looks to Grant. BILLY Admit it. You're excited. Grant will admit nothing. Calling back from the cockpit... UDESKY Cooper! Yell up if you see anything! COOPER (yelling back) No, I thought I'd keep it to myself. Suddenly Grant spots... GRANT There. There! An Apatosaur. Look at the coloration. EXT. ISLA SORNA – GRASSY FIELD – CONTINUOUS DAY An Apatosaur is grazing on the grass. INT. PLANE – CONTINUOUS DAY BILLY (amazed) I'm so use to seeing bones. It's weird to see skin. GRANT Mr. and Mrs. Kirby! If you look out the right you can see... But Paul just waves him away with a hand, staring intently out his window. We HOLD ON Grant a moment, thinking that odd. 24 INT. COCKPIT - CONTINUOUS DAY 24 Udesky puts down his binoculars. UDESKY South shore is clear. The rest is rock. NASH Are we on? UDESKY We're on. 25 INT. MAIN CABIN - CONTINUOUS DAY 25 Looking out the window, Grant notices they're flying awfully low. Just then, he hears a MECHANICAL HUM and a LOW RUSH from outside. Now wanting to believe -- GRANT That's not the landing gear? Paul, Amanda and Cooper don't respond. GRANT (CONT'D) What you're... (realizing) You can't land. Paul turns back to him. PAUL Dr. Grant if you'd just sit tight, we'll explain this all in a jiffy. GRANT This plane can not land! AMANDA It's going to be all right. Just... Grant is out of his seat, heading for the cockpit. He'll wrestle the controls if he has to. Cooper grabs him, pulling him back. Grant starts to struggle, but he's certainly no match. A well-practiced fist hits him dead on. CUT TO BLACK. 26 OVER THE DARKNESS 26 we hear Amanda's voice, strangely distant but amplified. AMANDA Eric! Eric! Are you there honey? Ben! Erriccc! Her calls continue as we FADE UP to... 27 INT. PLANE - DAY 27 GRANT'S P.O.V. -- blurry and disorientated. He finds himself lying on the floor of the plane. Seeing him come to, Billy helps him slowly get up. Grant's head is pounding. GRANT Tell me we didn't land. By his expression, we see Billy would have to lie. BILLY I think they're looking for someone. 28 EXT. LANDING STRIP, ISLA SORNA - DAY 28 The jungle has almost reclaimed this patchy vine-covered runway. The airplane is parked at one end. Nash, Udesky, and Cooper are checking their weapons. Amanda is at the edge of the tarmac calling into the jungle on a BULLHORN. Billy and a groggy Grant emerge from the airplane. Paul trots over. PAUL Dr. Grant, are you alright? I'm sorry we had to be so... The three mercenaries are now walking into the jungle with their guns. GRANT What the hell is going on? What are they doing? PAUL Establishing a perimeter. Making it safe. These guys are really good. One of them was a Green... GRANT Mr. Kirby, trust me, on this island, there is no such thing as safe. We have to get back in this plane... Grant looks to Amanda, who shouts through a bull horn. AMANDA (on-bullhorn) ERRR-IIIC! GRANT And tell your wife to stop making so much noise! We're food to these damn animals. PAUL (yelling) Amanda, Honey! Dr. Grant says it's a bad idea! AMANDA (on the bullhorn) What? PAUL (pointing broadly at Alan) He says it's a bad idea! AMANDA (on the bullhorn) What's a bad idea? As in on cue, there is a DEAFENING ROAR from the jungle. Everyone turns toward the sound and freezes. PAUL (to Alan) What was that? Grant doesn't answer, still listening to the reverberations. Then a couple shots are heard. BILLY (low) Is it a rex? GRANT I don't think so. Billy and Paul breathe a small sign of relief. GRANT (CONT'D) Sounds bigger. Nash and Udesky come RUNNING out of the jungle, headed for the plane. UDESKY We gotta go, now! PAUL What's the problem? Can't you guys...? As Udesky and Nash sprint past Paul in interrupted by a second, closer, DEAFENING ROAR. He pales. 29 INT. PLANE - CONTINUOUS - DAY 29 Udesky waits by the door, hustling everyone inside. Nash hurries into the cockpit. Everyone scrambles to a seat. Amanda climbs next to Paul. AMANDA We can't just... PAUL Don't worry, honey. We'll circle around and come back. Udesky closes the door. BILLY What about the other guy? UDESKY Coop's a professional. He can handle himself. A blood-curdling SCREAM echoes through the jungle followed by MACHINE GUN FIRE. NASH (yelling back) We're going! Udesky climbs into the copilot's seat, and Nash revs the engine. 30 EXT. RUNAWAY - DAY 30 The plane starts down the runway. 31 INT. PLANE - DAY 31 The passengers bounce in their seats as the plane picks up speed down the overgrown strip. 32 EXT. RUNWAY - DAY 32 Suddenly, two hundred yards ahead of the plane, COOPER emerges from the jungle. He stands in the middle of the runway. waving one arm wildly. His second, badly injured arm hangs limp by his side. COOPER Come on, Nash. Slow down, buddy. 33 INT. THE COCKPIT - DAY 33 Nash spots Cooper, shoots a glance at the airspeed indicator. NASH Coop, you know I can't do it pal. He slams down full throttle in an attempt to reach flying speed. Seeing that Nash has no intention of stopping, Paul shouts from the cabin. PAUL What are you doing? That's Mr. Cooper! 34 EXT. RUNWAY - CONTINUOUS - DAY 34 We are looking down on Cooper from behind. As the plane approaches, A SHADOW falls over the injured mercenary. Then with brutal speed, an ENORMOUS BEAST seizes him in its massive jaws and lifts him into the air. From this angle we get only a glimpse of a long crocodilian snout, powerful clawed forearms and spiny sail rising from the creature's back. 35 INT. THE COCKPIT - CONTINUOUS - DAY 35 All eyes are on the creature as it devours Cooper. Amanda turns away in horror. AMANDA Oh, my God! Paul, my God! 36 INT. THE COCKPIT - CONTINUOUS - DAY 36 Looking through the windshield, we see the creature is directly in the path of the plane. Nash pulls back on the stick. The plane rises. The left propeller clips the flank of the enormous dinosaur, SNAPPING the blade. Blood sprays the windshield and side windows. 37 EXT. RUNWAY - CONTINUOUS - DAY 37 The turboprop banks into the jungle, out of control. 38 INT. PLANE - CONTINUOUS - DAY 38 The passengers are thrown about as the craft CRASHES through trees, tearing off a wing and pieces of the tail. Finally coming to rest in the jungle canopy, the plane settles in the trees. SILENCE. The passengers slowly recover and have a look around. Foliage blocks most windows, making it impossible to see out. BILLY Is anyone hurt? Checking themselves, everyone seems pretty much intact. Still thinking of himself as in charge... UDESKY Quiet! We're okay. Let's everybody just stay put. He attempts to turn on the cockpit radio, but it's dead. NASH Who's got the sat-phone? PAUL Right here! Paul hands the bulky phone up to Nash, who dials out. Grant unstraps himself, climbs to the back to the side door and shoves. The door opens a few inches before hitting a branch. He looks out the and lets out a quiet gasp as the ground reels THIRTY FEET BELOW. He quickly shuts and latches the door. CLOSE ON the sat-phone. pressed against Nash's ear. RECORDED VOICE We're sorry. All circuits are busy. Please try your call again later... NASH Shit! PAUL What is it? What's the matter? Amanda SCREAMS. A huge reptilian face appears in the cockpit window. Everyone else SCREAMS now. The plane LURCHES - and we hear a deep GROWL. The passengers hold tight, paralyzed. Nash buckles himself into his seat. Suddenly, the plane is YANKED from the side to side. Battered this way and that, the terrified passengers tightly grip their seats. Finally, the horrible sounds of WRENCHING METAL as the nose of the plane is RIPPED RIGHT OFF. Nash and Udesky are suddenly sitting in open air. The nose of the plane is tilting downwards, the jungle floor far below. The passengers hang almost vertically in their seats, Debris tumbles out the open end of the plane, some of it striking Nash in the head. Udesky unbuckles his seat belt and climbs back up into the cabin. Nash follows. Suddenly, a long snout with dagger-like teeth pushes past the cockpit seats, opens wide, and CLAMPS DOWN on Nash's legs. The pilot CRIES OUT in agony. The others passengers grab onto his arms, trying to pull him back. But it's no use. The dinosaur rips Nash out of their grasp and down the aisle. Nash desperately grabs on to the seat cushion, then watches in horror as the fabric RIPS AWAY. He's pulled out of the plane and dropped to the ground. A giant foot steps in the way as the snout of the creature reaches down and quickly devourers the screaming pilot. It's horrifying sight, but no one can turn away. Pleased with the appetizer, the creature comes back for the main course. Grant tries to force open the jammed rear door. Billy tries to help, but the door won't budge. The dinosaur JAMS its snout into the fuselage and lunges for Amanda in the first row. She yanks her legs back as the jaws SNAP SHUT. Behind Amanda, Billy reaches forward, UNSNAPS her seat belt and pulls her into the next row back. The others unstrap their belts and crowd into the rear of the passenger compartment. The shift in weight sends the fuselage tipping backwards. 39 EXT. JUNGLE - CONTINUOUS - DAY 39 The plane breaks free of the tree limbs and DROPS tail-first to the jungle floor. It SLAMS hard, then flips over onto its roof. 40 INT. PLANE - CONTINUOUS - DAY 40 The passengers are prowled on the ceiling of the plane, dazed by the impact. Everyone is cut and bruised. Out of the open cockpit, they see two approaching dino feet. A window near Amanda fogs over with condensation. when it clears, she finds herself looking right into enormous eyes. Then all hell breaks loose as the plane is SLAMMED across the jungle clearing. The passengers are hammered against the walls of the plane, tumbling like socks in a dryer. Debris, seats and luggage fly everywhere. 41 EXT. JUNGLE FLOOR - CONTINUOUS - DAY 41 The plane comes to an abrupt halt as it SMASHES into a tree. A gargantuan FOOT steps on the fuselage and FLATTENS it like a paper tube. 42 INT. PLANE - CONTINUOUS - DAY 42 Inside, windows EXPLODE, raining glass over the passengers. As the walls compress, Udesky becomes trapped in the rear of the plane, the others in front. BILLY Over here! Udesky dives into the narrowing gap, and Billy pulls him the rest of the way through. Billy is as terrified as the rest of them, but he thrives under this rush of adrenaline. Then a huge CLAW digs into the skin of the fuselage and begins to slowly PEEL the plane open. Grant looks up in dread at the widening tear. GRANT This way! Grant leads the group out the open end of the cockpit. They make a mad dash for the jungle. A tremendous ROAR causes Billy to look behind him. He can't help but steal a glimpse of this terrifying, but utterly fascinating, animal. Grant yanks him forward. 43 EXT. JUNGLE - DAY 43 With Grant in the lead, and Udesky taking up the rear, the group tears through the jungle. Concealed by the dense undergrowth, the unseen dinosaur bears down on them -- mowing down the young trees which TOPPLE all around them. Grant spots a grove of HEAVIER TREES and leads the group into it. The dinosaur cannot fit between the trunks. It ROARS at the fleeing humans, searching desperately for a route after them. The group continues their relentless pace, putting as much distance as they can between themselves and the beast. Paul Kirby looks like he's about to have a heart attack. Even Billy is gasping for air. They stop, thinking they've outrun it. Grant directs the group through some underbrush and into -- 44 EXT. CLEARING - CONTINUOUS - DAY 44 Our friends stop dead in their tracks. Amanda stifles a cry. Before them lies an immense unmoving SAUROPOD. GRANT Don't worry. It's dead. Then a full-grown bull TYRANNOSAURUS rises up behind the carcass. It was feeding, its mouth mottled with blood and carrion. Grant FREEZES. GRANT (CONT'D) Nobody move a muscle. Remember: the T-Rex tracks motion. Obeying, the group FREEZES for a few long beats. Then Udesky takes off running. And T-Rex ROARS. Everyone runs. T-Rex is right behind them. 45 EXT. JUNGLE - DAY 45 Dashing back the way they came, the group suddenly comes face to face with -- THE FIRST MONSTER. We now get our first full unobstructed view of the gigantic creature, SPINOSAURUS AEGYPTICUS. Over forty feet long and twenty-five feet high, the dinosaur has a bony sail along its back. Its head is crocodilian with rows of long, curving teeth. Sinewy six foot arms terminate in three fingers hands with fourteen inch claws. Nowhere else to run, the group scatters into the brush as the two behemoth predators rush forward, their ROARS thunderous. Paul and Amanda scramble into one direction, Billy and Udesky in the other. But Grant can't go anywhere - his foot is stuck between two branches. He manages to free himself as the two dinosaurs approach. They'll have to deal with each other before eating the humans. Grant dives down between two fallen trees as the Spinosaurus and T- Rex circle one another like gladiators, each searching for the other's weakness. Laying flat on his back, Grant lets out a terrified GASP as the giant foot of Spinosaurus lands across the two trunks mere inches from his face. Spinosaurus lunges forward, powerful jaw open wide. T-Rex sidesteps the assault, its tail knocking down small trees as it spins out of the way. In the tress, Paul and Amanda scurry again for cover. Between the fallen trunks, Grant attempts to get away on his hands and knees. T-Rex presses the attack, slamming its tail into the flank of its adversary. Spinosaurus is knocked back, and Grant is again forced to duck for cover. As Spinosaurus struggles to regain its balance, T-Rex dives forward. Spinosaurus is driven backwards as T-Rex tries to grip its throat. Amanda yanks Paul out of their path. They Scramble over to Billy. Now on its side, Spinosaurus fights back ferociously. It slashes at T-Rex with its long arms and razor sharp claws, then finally kicks the animal with one mammoth foot. Tyrannosaurus staggers back, wounded. Down below, Grant is splashed by the blood pouring from the dinosaur, as he slowly makes his way towards his fellow humans. Spinosaurus lunges for the T-rex with gaping jaws and manages to topple T-Rex off its feet and sends the falling dinosaur to the ground. With an earth-shuttering CRASH, the dinosaur lands between Grant and the rest of the group. The companions scurry out of the way, but as they do so, the head of the T-Rex now lands almost directly on top of them. Plastered against an immense tree, the group watches in horror as T-Rex starts to rise but is thrown back down as Spinosaurus latches onto its throat. Spinosaurus crushes the life out of its adversary, and T-Rex opens and closes its jaw a mere inches from our terrified friends. Finally, Grant reaches the others. GRANT Come on! Spinosaurus lets out a victorious HOWL, and the blood-drenched professor leads the group through the undergrowth. 46 EXT. JUNGLE - DAY 46 Winded from running, Paul is caught off-guard as a furious Grant slams his back against a tree. Only one thing he wants to know -- GRANT Why did you bring us here? Paul is too startled to speak. Udesky tires to step in, but Grant gives him back a look. AMANDA Our son is on this island. We need your help to find him. Still crunched against the tree, Paul pulls out a photo from his shirt pocket. PAUL This is him. Eric. He's thirteen now. He's just about the greatest kid in the world. Letting go of Paul, Grant takes the photo, a Sears-style portrait of the boy we saw Parasailing at the beginning. He shakes his head, disbelieving. He hands the photo to Billy. The group splits into two sides -- Paul and Amanda, Grant and Billy -- with Udesky stuck between. Dialogue overlaps in places. AMANDA He's with a man named Ben Hildebrand. BILLY Who's that? PAUL Her new boyfriend. AMANDA A friend. We were vacationing. Eric wanted to see the island and the dinosaurs, so Ben found a guy who would take them parasailing. They never came back. PAUL We called everyone, did everything we could. Because of all the controversy over this island, no one will step in. Costa Rica says it's a no-fly zone, it's their own damn fault. Guys at the U.S Embassy -- our U.S. Embassy -- said we should "accept the inevitable." You believe that? GRANT So you hired these mercenaries. UDESKY We prefer "recovery specialists." We do overseas custody issues and... GRANT (interrupting) Then you duped us into coming here. PAUL We needed somebody who knew the lay of the land. Somebody who'd been to this island before. GRANT (disbelieving) I have never been on this island! PAUL Sure you have. You wrote that book... BILLY That was Isla Nublar. This is Isla Sorna. The second island. PAUL (low, to Udesky) I didn't know, there were two islands. AMANDA Still, you have survived the dinosaurs before. You saved those kids. GRANT A few of us survived. A lot more died. And we were better prepared and better armed. (finally) How many days have they been missing? A look between Amanda and Paul. PAUL Eight weeks. Grand and Billy are speechless. It might as well be eight years. GRANT After what you've seen today, you really think your son could be alive? AMANDA He's smart, Dr. Grant. And he knows so much about dinosaurs. Before anyone else can talk, Grant puts his hand out. He wants everyone to shut up while he plans their next move. GRANT No, I'm sorry, but no. We'll savage what we can from the plane. Then we head for the coast. There may be a boat left, something to get us off this island. PAUL Dr. Grant, we're not leaving without our son. GRANT You can stick with us, or you can go and look for him. Either way you're probably not getting out of here alive. With that he leaves, A beat later, Billy follows. He has genuine sympathy for the Kirby's, but he's logical enough to know Grant is right. BACK WITH PAUL AND AMANDA They look to Udesky. PAUL What do we do? Udesky is clearly at a loss, but for everyone's reassurance he tries to mutter some brio. UDESKY Well, I think we should start searching for your son. In the direction they're going. PAUL Excellent. They follow after Grant and Billy. 47 EXT. PLANE CRASH SITE 47 The five survivors search through the wreckage, trying to find anything useful. The task is grim. Mindful of Grant's warnings, they move quickly and quietly. Udesky picks up a gun out of the swampy water. The barrel is bent almost 90 degrees, unless. Billy finds his camera, intact. Digging a change of clothes out of his suitcase, Paul steps around the side of the plane to change. He's in his underwear before he notices Amanda is also there changing. PAUL Sorry. AMANDA Nothing you haven't seen before. A beat. Amanda looks over as they get dressed. AMANDA (CONT'D) How much weight have you lost? PAUL Twenty, twenty-fire pounds. I've been swimming at the Y. AMANDA You hate to swim. PAUL People change. A nod to mean, that's the truth. PAUL (CONT'D) You look good. AMANDA So do you. They make brief eye contact, which Amanda breaks. Around the side, Billy is taking photos of a giant footprint the dinosaur left in the mud during its attack on the plane. Grant looks over. GRANT How would you classify it? BILLY Obviously a superpredator. (best guess) Suchimimus. that snout. GRANT They never got that big. BILLY Baryonyx? GRANT Not with that sail. (Billy gives up) Spinosaurus Aegypticus. BILLY I don't remember that on InGen's list. GRANT That's because it wasn't on their list. Who knows what else they were up to? Billy looks past Grant to see Paul approaching. He's struggling with the straps on his backpack. turning in circles. Billy regards him with suspicion. BILLY So Mr. Kirby, tell me, when you climbed K2, did you base camp at 25- or 30,000 feet? PAUL Thirty-thousand, I think. Closer to the top. BILLY About a thousand feet above it, actually. (closer) Most mountain-climbers remember how tall that mountains were. Paul knows he's caught. GRANT There is no Kirby Enterprises, is there? PAUL There is. I own a place called Kirby Paint and Title Plus. We're out in the Westgate Shopping Center in Enid, Oklahoma. The "plus" is for bathroom fixtures, fireplaces accessories, patio furniture. Stuff like that. BILLY I don't suppose that check you wrote us is any good. UDESKY He paid us half up front. Cash. PAUL Mortgaged everything we had to do it. Even the store. and if we make it off this island with my son, I swear, I'll make good on the money I owe you. I don't care if it takes me the rest of my life. Grant and Udesky exchange a dubious glance. UDESKY However long that is. 48 EXT. JUNGLE PATH - DAY 48 Amanda, Paul, Billy, Udesky and Grant walk through the jungle. AMANDA Eric! GRANT Quiet! PAUL (loud whisper to Amanda) Stop that. Dr. Grant says this is dangerous territory. AMANDA Well we should split up or something. We can cover twice the area. PAUL No, Dr. Grant says... AMANDA Dr. Grant says this, Dr. Grant says that... PAUL Well what's the use of hiring an expert if your not going to listen to him? AMANDA Because "Dr. Grant" isn't looking for Eric. Dr. Grant is looking for the coast. PAUL Fine...and when the Tricyclatops comes after you, don't come crying to me. AMANDA Oh, don't worry about that. PAUL What? AMANDA Nothing. PAUL What did you say? AMANDA Nothing. PAUL What did you say! AMANDA Just drop it Paul! The Kirby's conversation trails off into the jungle. Udesky moves up next to Grant and Billy. UDESKY If they split up, I'm going with you. And as they continue forward, Billy spots something in the trees ahead. 49 EXT. JUNGLE CLEARING - DAY 49 A parasail chute is caught in the branches of a tree. A yellow life vest hangs limply from a branch. Paul rushes over, unsnags it, and examines the label. PAUL Young adult. AMANDA Eric... UDESKY (O.S) Hey. Got something here. All turn to see Udesky holding up a camcorder encased in a waterproof shell. AMANDA That's Ben's! She grabs it from Udesky and pops open the housing. She tries the power switch on the camcorder, but the battery's dead. Udesky pull out a flashlight from his pack and looks to Amanda. UDESKY Here, give that to me. And as Udesky fiddles with the flashlight, Grant and Billy consider the parasail. BILLY It looks intact. GRANT We should take it with us to signal any planes. UDESKY (O.S) I think I've got it. Udesky has rigged the wires on the flashlight so that the batteries can be used to power the camcorder. He brings a live wire to back of the camcorder. A red power light comes on. AMANDA It works! UDESKY I don't know for how long. Udesky swings the tiny screen out and pushes play. The others crowd around. ON THE SCREEEN Eric and Ben play frisbee on the beach. PAUL (O.S.) (excited) That's him. That's Eric! AMANDA (O.S.) I filmed this the morning they left. Ben catches the frisbee, checks his watch and motions to Eric. Eric runs over, and Ben puts his arm around him as they run to the camera. Paul reacts to this image but holds his tongue. THE VIDEO SCREEN - The image now CUTS to a shot from aboard Enrique's boat speeding towards ISLA SORNA -- the start of the movie. Eric points excitedly at the island and smiles at the camera. We replay the opening moments of the movie from Ben and Eric's perspective, soaring high until... ERIC Ben! BEN Unclip the line! THE JUNGLE - A PAN from face to face of all watching this tape with a mixture of hope and nausea. ON SCREEN - Angle again with Ben's legs in the foreground. Falling fast. BEN (CONT'D) Hand on! Hang on buddy! Now the camera penetrates the jungle canopy and the picture and sound become complete chaos: SCREAMS from the both, branches BREAKING, flashes of Ben and Eric's frightened faces as the camera is buffeted in all directions. With a lurch the terrifying descent in finally over, and the jungle floor is just ten feet away, swaying back and forth beneath Ben and Eric's feet. BEN (CONT'D) Are you ok, buddy? There's GURGLING to his voice. Ben may be more hurt than he's letting on. ERIC (through his sobs) I don't know. I think so. BEN We're okay. It's going to be okay. Here, get ready. I'm going to unhook you. The sound of PUMPLING is followed by the sight of Eric DROPPING into the frame, landing on the ground rolling. He stands and looks back up at Ben. ERIC I'm all right BEN (O.S) (weaker) We're going to get out of this, pal. And on that, the power and picture fade away. BACK ON PAUL AND AMANDA - overjoyed. PAUL See? He's okay. He's alive! Everything's going to be all right now. Amanda brings a hand to her mouth, silently nodding her head. Grant and Billy exchange a dubious look, than begin pulling the parasail out of the tree. As they do so, the sail gets caught on a branch. They pull harder. The branch bends, but the sail won't come loose. One last tug and than, SNAP. The branch breaks, the chute falls away to reveal… A SKELETON. It swings down directly at Amanda. She SCREAMS. Finally, the others are able to pull her away. As they untangle the lines, the men are able to get the first view of the remains of Ben Hillenbrand, still caught in his harness. Amanda's knees buckle. Regaining her balance, she runs off into the jungle. Paul quickly follows. PAUL (CONT'D) Amanda! 50 EXT. THICKNESS - DAY 50 Reeling, Amanda comes to a stop in an area with thick undergrowth. It's danger here, very still and quiet. She tries to calm herself, but each effort to suppress just makes her more emotional. She's surprised as Paul wraps an arm around her to comfort her. But she doesn't fight it. PAUL I'm sorry Amanda. I am. And I'm sorry for the things I said about him. AMANDA No, it's... PAUL I know you liked Ben. I had no right to... AMANDA (frustrated) It's not about him. It's Eric. He's alone out here somewhere. Our baby is all alone. Saying it aloud, the reality sinks in for both of them AMANDA (CONT'D) I guess I was hoping that with Ben around, there'd be someone to keep him safe. Checking in on clients, Udesky stops at the edge of the thicket. Something raises the hairs on the back of his neck. UDESKY Dr. Grant! He nods for the others to take a look at this. They head over, Grant at the rear. As he approaches, Billy is packing up the rest of the chute in a backpack. He stops short from what he sees. Looking down, we CIRCLE across the jungle floor. Here we find a strange, hollowed-out construction made of sod and branches. Maybe six feet around. Just now noticing the others' stare, Paul looks down into one of the bowls at his feet, a half-buried nest. It's filled with football-sized eggs, laid in a spiral. And this isn't the only nest. Amanda counts twelve in all, laid out in an oddly symmetrical pattern. The last to arrive, Grant identifies the species in a horrified instant. GRANT Raptors. And as he says the words, off in the distance, we hear the cry of some herbivores, around by the chorus of snarls. SMASH CUT TO: 51 EXT. FURTHER IN THE FOREST - DAY 51 The party blasts through the forest, trying to keep up with Grant. They haven't even had time to ask -- AMANDA (to Paul) What's a raptor? Paul has no idea. UDESKY They don't look that big. I mean, comparatively. GRANT If we came across one, we might live. PAUL Well that's good. GRANT But you never came across just one. From the back -- AMANDA Wait! Where's Billy? They all stop. The only one not there is -- Grant Billy! Billy! AMANDA (almost sotto) I thought we weren't suppose to yell. BILLY (O.S) Here! He comes in from the left. Excited, he explains to Grant -- BILLY (CONT'D) I got some great pictures of the nest. You know this proves raptors raised their young in colonies. Furious with his student. Grant just keeps moving. There's no time to stand around and argue. BILLY (CONT'D) This speaks to a larger social structure, the possibility of Darwinian altruism. It changes everything. A beat. Trying not to sound presumptuous -- BILLY (CONT'D) We could co-write a paper. GRANT Ah yes, the first rule of academics. Publish or perish. 52 SCENE PREVIOUSLY OMITTED 52 53 EXT. RIDGE - DAY (HOURS LATER) 53 Much fatigued, the five now mach upward towards a crest. Panting and flushed, they reach the top of the ridge and gaze into the distance. A jungle valley stretches before them. Not far off in A VAST COMPOUND - comprised of several buildings. One building alone seems to cover several acres. The weary group breathes a sigh of relief. PAUL I bet there's a very good chance Eric's in there. I'd bet my bottom dollar. Udesky and Grant share dubious looks and continue down into the valley. 54 EXT. INGEN COMPOUND - DAY 54 The group emerges from the jungles and enters the compound. They walk through an overgrown parking lot, littered with abandoned vehicles. Some are lying on their side. Others are overturned completely. They're not going to be driving anywhere. A troubled Grant peers through a windshield, partially caved in, like some giant head butted the glass. (Think back to Lost World) And the group finally approaches the front doors of an enormous building. As they head up the front steps, we see something in the distance behind them: CAT-LIKE MOVEMENTS on the high ridge. To fast to see what it was. But too ominous to dismiss. 55 INT. BUILDING LOBBY - DAY 55 Our friends now find themselves in a sparse, one quietly opulent corporate lobby now in the process of being reclaimed by the jungle/ Roots and ivy poke through the floor and walls. In the waiting area, the cushions of a sofas and chairs have been gnawed at and pulled apart. Dusty coffee mugs and filled ashtrays lie on the table. The water has turned brackish in a near by cooler. Sudden FLAPPING. We look up and see BIRDS nesting in the rafters. It is an eerie, haunted place. PAUL (calling out) Eric! Are you here? AMANDA Eric! All listen for a response. Nothing. Paul and Amanda exchange a despondent look. Sitting on the reception counter is an official-looking telephone. Everyone has the same thought, but no one dares. Finally - AMANDA (CONT'D) What the hell. Amanda puts the receiver to her ear. Nada. With Grant in the lead, they head deeper into the building. Unseen by the group, a fleeting SHADOW flits across the lobby's dirty windows with terrifying speed. 56 INT. CORRIDOR - DAY 56 A couple vending machines stand at the one end of this long hallway covered with vines. Paul notices them and pulls change from his pocket. PAUL Let's see. I've got about a dollar seventy- five. How about you guys? Billy SMASHES IN the window of one machine with his boot. Picking through the glass, he pulls out some candy bars and chips. He checks the expiration date. CONTINUED: 56 BILLY Thank God for preservatives. He tosses the food to the others. Paul now turns to his own vending machine and SMASHES it with his heal. The glass refuses to break. 57 INT. HATCHING LABORATORY 57 Grant and Billy push through a set of doors to see A CAVERNOUS HATCHING FACILITY filled with much of the same equipment we recognized from the first island, although the sheer size of this place dwarfs any of the facilities seen previously. As the group walks down the ramp and onto the floor, they begin to absorb the incredible array of technology: enormous cryonic freezer, their plug pulled years ago; empty incubators; tanks of formaldehyde with dinosaur fetuses and body parts. Machines with intricate tubing and wing arms stand beside conveyer belts cris crossing the room at different levels. AMANDA This is how you make dinosaurs? GRANT This is how you play God. Billy looks around the lab. He can't help but be impressed. BILLY Okay if I take pictures? Grant nods. Billy sets his lucky camera back down on the worktable. Two years from now, astute observers of the DVD will not that Billy doesn't actually take his camera from the bag; he was carrying it because there wasn't any room inside. Billy pulls a new roll of film from the bag and zips it shut. ACROSS THE LAB Amanda is passing a large cylindrical tanks with half-formed embryos floating in formaldehyde -- genetic experiments gone awry. Finally she reaches A GIGANTIC MANIFIED RAPTOR HEAD floating in the one tank. Something about this specimen catches Amanda's attention. She bends forward, getting very close to the glass. She peers right into the eyes of the nightmarish creature. Then -- AN ACTUAL RAPTOR lunges at her form behind the tank. She SCREAMS. Fortunately the raptor can't get between the closely spaced tanks. Amanda runs. PAUL Amanda! GRANT Back out! Move! And as the group races through the lab the Raptors find a larger gap between the tanks. 58 INT. HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS - DAY 58 Paul leads the way, checking the door for possible escape routes or hiding places. Twenty feet behind, THE RAPTOR rounds a corner, bolting after them. Paul ducks in the closest door. PAUL In here! 59 INT. DINO KENNEL - CONTINUOUS - DAY 59 The group slams the door behind them and quickly takes in the room. There are several rows of oversized steel cages, apparently used for containing young dinosaurs. Many of the cage doors are standing open. The group races down a lone aisle. Close behind, the raptor BURSTS into the room, ROARS. As the Raptor gains ground, Udesky and Billy run into one of the open cages, SLAMMING the door behind them. Grant, Paul and Amanda duck into another. Before they can swing the cage door shut behind them, however, the raptor SLAMS into it, driving the door into the cage. They are forced back against a chain-like wall, trapped in a small triangle space by the advancing door. The angry Raptor is now inches away through the cage door. Then, suddenly, the raptor looks up. We follow its gaze. The top of their triangular enclose is wide open. The eager raptor climbs up the chain-like door. Catching the tail of an idea, Amanda grabs the door and nods to the others. AMANDA Push! They push hard on the cage door, swinging it and the raptor right through the opening of the cage. Now the raptor is trapped in a small triangular space, the door going right to the ceiling. Amanda slides the door's bolt through the chain like wall, temporarily trapping the dinosaur. The raptor struggles desperately, GRAWLING AND SNARLING, but the cage door seems to be holding. As everyone rushes back to the door. The raptor begins to make a LOW, HAUNTING MOAN. As the others head for the door, Grant lingers a step, listening to the beast's simple melodic cry. It has the same tones as came from the model resonating chamber. GRANT She's calling for help. 60 EXT. COMPOUND - DAY 60 The group exits the rear of the lab building and finds itself in a large equipment yard. The CALL of the raptor is still audible as they head for the tree line. Now they moan is ANSWERED from distant jungle quarters. The responses quickly MULTIPLY. To the group's dismay, they soon find themselves virtually SURROUNDED by raptor CRIES both distant and near. Grant looks around with amazement. It's vindication of his theory on raptor communication, but it couldn't come at a worse time. Responding to the growls, a herd of grazing HADROSAURS suddenly flees across the open space. Then, in the distance behind the herd A PACK OF RAPTORS emerges from the jungles, coming their way. GRANT Head for the trees! From the lab building, the raptor we left imprisoned now BURSTS out one of the doors and HOWLS to the pack -- the same cry we heard in the lab. The raptor pack moves into the hunting formation. One ALPHA-MALE RAPTOR. slightly larger than the others, leads the charge up the middle. Grant risks a looks back. But doesn't stop running. GRANT (cont'd) THIS WAY! In an effort to escape the oncoming raptors, Grant leads the group right into the stampeding heard of hadrosaurs. Suddenly, all is chaos. Hadrosaurs race past, splitting up the group. Letting the others get ahead of him, Grant looks back. Much to his dismay, the raptors are ignoring the hadrosaurs. Indeed, the pack weaves its way through the herd -- the raptors only want them. In the chaos of the stampede, everyone loses sight of each other. Up ahead, Billy trips and falls. As he rolls the strap on his camera bag breaks. He doesn't notice it's missing until he's already back on his feet and running. Amanda and Paul keep close to each other. Further back, Grant spots Billy's fallen camera back. He grabs it as he runs past. Looking back, Billy sees that Grant now has his back... BILLY ALAN! GRANT KEEP GOING! They lose sight of each other in the rush. 61-19 OMIT 61-69 69A EXT. EDGE OF THE JUNGLE - DAY 69A As the hadrosaurs WHIP PAST, Paul and Amanda climb up into a tree. A raptor leaps at Paul, barely missing his leg. Trying to pull Paul up, Amanda nearly loses her balance. This time, Paul catchers her. Billy climbs up a nearby tree of his own in sight of Paul and Amanda. Udesky has nearly reached a tree of his own when he finds himself HEADED OFF by a raptor. He turns to the other way, but finds THERE ARE MORE RAPTORS. He picks up a fallen branch as these dinosaurs cautiously approach. Not more than a few feet away, the leader of the trio stops, peering at him. Udesky swings hard, but the dinosaurs feints. From behind him, another raptor slashes at the back of his legs, severing his muscles. Udesky CRIES OUT and drops to the ground. IN THE TREETOPS Paul, Amanda and Billy can hear him. PAUL Udesky. AMANDA (Listening) He's this way. From here, the thick branches overlap, forming a kind of "second floor" above the ground. It's not easy, but you can move from branch to branch, tree to tree. ON THE FLOOR Unable to walk, Udesky attempts to crawl away from the animals. The effort clearly causes him great pain. Strangely, the raptors suddenly don't seem interested in him anymore. Rather, they're "talking" among themselves. Udesky is amazed to find him self still alive. Suddenly, one of the raptors SLASHES at him again. But it's delicately not a mortal blow, just a very painful one. Udesky CRIES OUT, louder this time. IN THE TREES Hearing the new cry, Paul, Amanda and Billy move faster, now finally seeing Udesky on the ground. He's face-down, barely moving but still MOANING. The raptors are gone. In the lead, Amanda starts to climb down. But Paul grabs her, holds her back. PAUL It's not safe. AMANDA We have to help him. BILLY He's right. A predator wouldn't leave a kill wounded. AMANDA He's not a kill, he's still alive. She breaks from Paul's grip and drops to the ground. She's only a foot away from the tree when ALL FOUR RAPTORS lead out from their hiding places. They almost catch her as Billy and Paul pull her back up on the limb The raptors stare up at them, angry their plan didn't work. PAUL They couldn't climb up, so they were trying to get us to come down. BILLY They set a trap (amazed) They actually set a trap. Bored with waiting, the raptors go back to finish off Udesky, making a meal out of it. Up in the branches, the survivors are horrified and sickened. Then, from the deep in the forest, a new RAPTOR CRY. The feasting raptors look up, listening, then suddenly run off into the dark jungle. PAUL Where's Grant? 69B EXT. ELSEWHERE IN THE JUNGLE - DAY 69B Climbing higher in a tree, Grant is just feet above a growing pack of raptors. He scales one branch, the next, finally reaching a perch that the dinosaurs can't jump to. LOOKING DOWN The entire pack is now standing still, watching him. In the center, the Alpha Male lets out a sort of BARK. Responding to the cry, the other raptors CALL BACK. As terrified as he is, he can't help but be fascinated by their communication. Like a hellish bird song, there's a rhythm to it, a structure. They're clearly talking about something. Under his breath, Grant is able to mimic its patterns. GRANT What does that mean? What are you saying? Of course they can't answer. They just keep using the same "phrase." Ready to ditch Billy's camera bag in order to climb higher -- he's had to hold it by the strap -- Grant finds his hand covered with a runny slime. He looks down at the camera bag, and that's the source. It's oozing out the bottom. He unzips the bag to find A BROKEN RAPTOR EGG inside, the white and green yolk still dripping from the pieces of the shell. There's another intact egg beside it. This is what the raptors where chasing. GRANT (CONT'D) God damn you, Billy. Ever the scientist, Dr. Grant tests a theory even in the face of danger: he holds up the intact egg so that the raptors can see it. They suddenly go crazy, howling the same phrase but LOUDER. GRANT (CONT'D) It means, "Give us the egg," doesn't it? "We want the egg." He gently drops the bag to the ground. Although the raptors are interested, pulling out the unbroken egg, they're still by no means placated. The song may have changed, but they still want Grant dead. They begin to jump at him, eventually, hopping up on each other's backs. It's only a matter of time till they reach him. Grant moves to climb higher, but sees no branches he can reach. And than he hears the low CREAKING. A CRACK. The branch he's on is starting to give in. He looks down at the face of his enemies, knowing he'll be their next meal. And then, A SMALL CANISTER lands at the base of the trees, immediately SPRAYING out a thick cloud of oily fog. It's the first of FIVE CANISTERS that land in the area, creating a thick cloud. It's not just smoke though something far more caustic. As it hits the raptors they immediately recoil, those closest to the canisters SHRIEKING in pain. Tumbling in the dirt. There may be a pheremonal element to the mist as well -- they seem panicked, disoriented. Pack mentality takes over, and after the first ten raptors take off running, so do the rest, some tripping over their feet blindly. This may be dino-tear gas, but it's not good for humans either. Up in the tree, Grant's eyes immediately burn from the vapor He squints to see through the fog, where he spots A HUMAN SHAPE at the edge of the smoke VOICE Come on! They'll be back! Grant half-climbs, half-falls out of the tree, rushing to get through the heaviest of the smoke. A SMALL DIRTY HAND grabs his, pulling him along. 69C EXT. JUNGLE - LATE DAY 69C Eyes swollen from the gas. Grant stumbles, barely able to see as the other person pulls him along. It's only now we can identify his rescuer as ERIC KIRBY, the boy he was brought to rescue. A lot has changed in the last eight weeks. It's not just dirt and muck -- he's the filthiest child you've ever seen -- something primal has come out in him. Something wild. 69D EXT. INGEN COMPOUND - TWILIGHT 69D On the far side of the tipped over vehicle, Eric pulls open a hatch -- his hiding place. The door opens part way. Eric motions for Grant to follow. 69E INT. INSIDE THE BUNKER - TWILIGHT 69E Squeezing in sideways -- it's very tight fit -- Grant finds himself in a space no bigger than the inside of a Datsun. lit by a small battery-powered lantern. This is where Eric has been hiding. The minute Grant's inside, Eric goes back to work re-sealing the door. This 13-year old boy has become astonishingly efficient at staying alive. GRANT Eric... The boy holds up a hand. He listens for a moment. He doesn't hear anything outside. GRANT (CONT'D) Eric, your parents are both here. ERIC In Costa Rica? GRANT On the island. Eric truly can't believe it. He hoped to be rescued but... ERIC They'll never make it. I mean, they can't manage when the cable goes out. GRANT You'd be surprised what people can do when they have too. Eric studies his guest, finally certain he recognizes him. ERIC You're Alan Grant, aren't you? (off surprised reaction) I read both of your books. GRANT Which one do you prefer? ERIC The first one. Before you where on the island. You liked dinosaurs back then. GRANT Back then, they hadn't tried to eat me. Grant takes a better look around Eric's tiny hideaway, impressed with what he's been able to scavenge. Among the many items we see another smoke canister, some battery-powered lanterns and lots of candy wrappers. This kid's been living on chocolate for weeks. ERIC When InGen cleared out, they left a lot of stuff behind. GRANT Any weapons, radios? Eric pulls up a long cattle prod to show Grant. ERIC Found this, but the battery's dead. GRANT It's a wonder you aren't. I'm amazed, Eric. I barely lasted 30 hours. You lasted eight weeks. The line catches Eric strangely. It's the first moment of true emotion we've seen him in. ERIC Is that all it's been? I thought it was longer. GRANT (trying to be positive) The important thing is we both made it. That's something we have in common. Eric rips into a candy bar. After a moment, he realizes he should offer one to his guest as well. Grant takes it. A lone beat. Than, Grant just has to know... GRANT (CONT'D) Did you read Malcolm's book? ERIC Yeah. GRANT What did you think? ERIC I dunno. I mean, it was kind of preachy. Chaos-this, chaos-that. And like, to me, the guy seemed kind of high on himself. Grant smiles. GRANT That's two things we have in common. 69F EXT. TREETOPS - NIGHT 69F The trio is where we left them, perched up in the branches. They're far from safe, but nothing's after them for a while. In Billy's eyes, we can see a storm of guilt raging. But he hasn't said anything. Won't say anything. AMANDA We can't just stop looking. Eric and Dr. Grant are out there somewhere. PAUL I want to find them too, but we can't do a bit of good right now. For every scary thing we saw in the daylight, I'll bet there ten times more of 'em at night. (to Billy) Am I right? BILLY I don't know. PAUL I thought you were an expert. BILLY Dr. Grant was. AMANDA Well Dr. Grant isn't here, so we're going to have to figure out what to do ourselves. Amanda is impressed by her own determinations. A long beat. AMANDA (cont'd) So what do we do? No one has the faintest clue. 69G EXT. DEEP IN THE FOREST - NIGHT 69G VARIOUS SHOTS; The creatures of Isla Sorna walk past in the shadows, some looking up at the light in the trees. Suddenly, one of the creatures is attacked by another. We hear ROLLING, SNARLING, HISSING, just seeing the outline of the fight. Just as fast as it began, the fight is over, the winner snakes on the loser. 69H EXT. TREETOPS - NIGHT (LATER) 69H Everyone's moved to different branches, trying to settle in for the night. Paul keeps looking over to the tearful Amanda, about to say something. He finally does. PAUL I just want you know, Amanda. It's not your fault what happened. Amanda looks over, not sure what his absolution. PAUL (cont'd) Eric has always been headstrong, and you throw Ben Hildebrand into the mix and well... AMANDA Well what? PAUL Well damn it. I don't speak ill of the dead. What I'm trying to say is, it's was just a crazy accident. The exact same thing could have happened if he was with me. You can't go beating yourself up about it. Realizing he's trying his best, Amanda can't stay angry with him. AMANDA This wouldn't happen if he was with you. I mean, you drive five miles below the speed limit. I totaled three cars in fives years. PAUL That one time was just the bumper. AMANDA He would have been, safe. Completely, entirely, suffocatingly safe. (beat) I would have him to see more of the world than Enid, Oklahoma. I wanted to see more of the world than Enid, Oklahoma. And so yes, it's my fault that this happened. I'm sorry that you have to be here. Really looking at her... PAUL I'm not sorry at all. 69I EXT. INGEN COMPOUND - DAY 69I Morning on Isla Sorna. A low mist hangs tight to the forest floor as Eric seals up his hideaway for hopefully the last time. They start walking. Eric pulls something out of his pocket, shows it off to Grant. ERIC Know what this is? GRANT (takes it) A raptor claw. I use to have one. A fossil. ERIC Mine's new. Grant hands it back. Eric is becoming more and more a normal thirteen-year old boy. There's an innocence to him that's coming back. GRANT How much of this island have you explored? ERIC I stayed pretty close to the compound, Figured if anyone came to look for me, that's where they'd start. GRANT We need to head for the coast. ERIC Are you sure? GRANT Why? ERIC Closer you get to the water, the bigger things get. 69J EXT. JUNGLE - DAY 69J Billy and Amanda wait for Paul as he comes out of the bushes, hiking up his shorts. Trying to take charge... BILLY We need to stick to the plan. Head for the coast. AMANDA What about Eric and Dr. Grant? BILLY Going to the coast was Alan's idea. If he's alive, that's where he's headed. AMANDA What about Eric? Billy represses his instinct to say Eric's dead. PAUL (rationalizing) He's probably has a better chance by the coast as it is. Figures that all the big dinosaurs would live in the center of the island. (to Billy) Right? BILLY Sure. 69K EXT. JUNGLE - DAY 69K As Grant and Eric walk, both stop, hearing a strange sound. But for a change, it's not an ominous one. It's a human one. A phone is RINGING, very faintly. Without a word to each other, Grant and Eric decide its coming from the right. 69L EXT. JUNGLE - CONTUNUOUS DAY 69L Paul is picking the briars out of his socks as they hike, risking tripping on every step. Then Amanda stops short. She's the first to hear it: THE SAME RINGING. After a beat, everyone else can hear it too. And recongnition finally lights on Paul's face... PAUL My phone. Suddenly, Paul frantically searches his pockets as the others anxiously watch. AMANDA You had the phone the whole time? BILLY Where is it? PAUL I don't know. I don't have it with me. AMANDA When did you have it last? PAUL I don't remember AMANDA Think. And Paul wracks his memory... PAUL The plane. I got a call on the plane, put it in my coat pocket, and... Bust suddenly, he stops, his face is lighting with an awful realization. Amanda couldn't bear the wait... AMANDA What?...WHAT!? PAUL I loaned it to Nash. He must have had it on him when he... The hideous implication of his words slowly sink in. 69M EXT. JUNGLE - DAY 69M Still following the faint RINGING, Grant and Eric turn to find A SAIL moving through the low trees. We recognize it as the back of a spinosaurus. We might think it's any random spinosaurus, except for the RINGING coming from somewhere inside it. Grant and Eric press back against a tree, keep perfectly still as they hear the THOOOOMB, THOOOOMB, THOOOMB of the creature's footsteps reverberating. It's tail RUSTKES against the brush. It's moving behind them, and it's close. We hear the RINGING move from left to right as it passes. So far, its has no idea they're there. Looking across the clearing, Eric is startled to see PAUL AND AMANDA are no more than 20 yards away, also hiding. An involuntary reflex, Eric calls out... ERIC Mon! Dad! Grant immediately covers the boy's mouth. But it's to late. The dinosaur has stopped. We still can't see it. We don't know how close it is. Paul and Amanda spot Eric with Grant. They're a thousand emotions at once: relieved, disbelieving, terrified, overjoyed. They want to run to him, to yell out to him, but the monster is close. Grant takes his hand off Eric's mouth. They both stay completely silent. All this time, the sat-phone is RINGING. Than it stops. And after an agonizing beat, the beast moves. At first we're not sure which direction it's headed, but finally we can tell its moving away. Once the sail is finally out of sight, Eric breaks from Grant's hold and dashes to his parents' arms. They coop him up. Hug him, kiss him, their affection unquenchable. He's crying. AMANDA (reassuring him) Sweetheart, you're okay. (reassuring herself) You're okay. (disbelieving) You're okay. PAUL Never had a doubt. Never did. Us Kirby men, we stick around, huh? ERIC We do. Looking at her grubby son, Amanda licks her shirttail, trying to rub his face clean. PAUL Honey, there's not enough spit in the world for that. She LAUGHS. It's the first times she's laughed in two months. Billy crosses the distance to Grant. GRANT We need to keep moving. BILLY Alan, I want to tell you that I'm so sorry about the... GRANT Billy, I can't talk to you now. He walks off. Billy follows him. BILLY Please, okay? Just yell at me. Call me an idiot. An asshole. Stupid. Tell me I screwed up because I know I did. Grant doesn't respond. BILLY (CONT'D) I thought if we could get a raptor back to the mainland, we could get serious money for it. Enough to fund the digging for 10 years. More. Whatever it took. Grant shakes his head, disgusted, But doesn't stop. BILLY (CONT'D) You have to believe me. I did it with the best intentions. GRANT (finally turning on him) Some of the worst things imaginable have been done with the best intentions. You rushed in with no thought to the consequences, to yourself or anyone else. (finally) You're no better than the people who built this place. Grant keeps walking, leaving Billy with his guilt. 70 INT. CANYON BUILDING - DAY 70 The group enters a structure with giant windows designed to look into the canyon beyond -- only there's nothing to see but a thick fog. Toward the center of the room, a spiral staircase that leads to a lower level. With Billy lagging, Grant approaches the stairs and peers down the circular opening in the floor. There is not much to see, just fog, a glint of sunlight. 71 EXT. RIVER CANYON - DAY 71 Step by step, Grant leads the group down a rusty spiral staircase below the observation room. The stairs end in a lower level. Although we're technically outside, this whole place feel strangely enclosed. There's a thick fog at this level -- clouds, really -- but far below we can see the river. And at its banks, a barge. GRANT We climb down to the barge and follow the river out to the ocean. With any luck, the Costa Rican coast guard will pick us up. ERIC Then we go home? AMANDA Then we go home. Grant leads everyone down a RAMP to -- 72 EXT. LANDING - DAY 72 A catwalk branches off, a SET OF STAIRS continuing down the along the canyon wall. Grant starts down the stairs. He's only taken a few steps down the rusty staircase suddenly BREAKS BENEATH HIS FEET. Paul grabs him in the nick of time. The staircase vanish into the fog. CLANFING AGAINST the canyon wall. After a few more seconds of silence, they hear the CRASH far below. AMANDA You okay? Grant nods and looks in the other direction. GRANT How about if we try this way? Their only other option is a precarious catwalk that disappears into the mist. AMANDA Do you think it goes all the way across? GRANT One way to find out. The only way to get his-near-fall is to push ahead. But his stomach turns at being so high. Amanda follows. The catwalk creaks and groans, listing slightly. She freezes mid-stride. GRANT (CONT'D) (glancing back) We'd better do this one at a time. Amanda steps of and Grant carefully pushes forward, disappearing into the thick fog. The others listen to the CREAKING of the catwalk until it STOPS ABRIPTLY. SILENCE. PAUL Dr. Grant? More silence. Then, out of the fog, a distant voice call out -- GRANT (O.S.) Come on over. One at a time. Amanda steps tentatively forwards. Eric is clinging to her. AMANDA Eric, its okay. You'll be right behind me. PAUL We're not going anywhere, I promise. As Paul holds Eric, and Amanda shares a look. Amanda We're all together now, Eric. Eric reluctantly releases her mother. Amanda starts to cross. 73 EXT. REVER CANYON - FAR WALL - DAY 73 Grant has stopped at a lateral support across the catwalk, trying to get the sense of where they are and what purpose this place may have served. Seeing that the support beams are brace high arched walls of steal mesh, it becomes obvious that we are inside this vast construction. Amanda emerges from the mist and turns back to the catwalk. AMANDA (calling out) Okay! Come on, Eric! 74 EXT. LANDING - DAY 74 Eric is next to go across. He's still tentative. PAUL How 'bout if I... ERIC No, I can do it. Billy and Paul look on as Eric disappears into the vapor. PAUL (muttering to himself) That's it Eric. Nice and easy... 75 EXT. CATWALK - DAY 75 Eric slowly gropes his way forward. He feels a GUST OF WIND and a HEAVY THUD ahead on the catwalk which now sways beneath him. Regaining his balance, Eric peers forward, but the fog prevents him from seeing more than fifteen feet ahead. There is an EERIE SILENCE. Eric calls out timidly. ERIC Mom? 75A EXT. RIVER CANYON - FAR WALL - DAY 75A Across the canyon, Grant moves across the later support. With his hand on the railing, he sends a white, hardened substance dropping into the mist. Looking up, Grant notices a large strut, covered with the same substance. Realizing what it could be. GRANT Oh, my God. AMANDA What is it? GRANT A bird cage. Then, the sound of Eric SCREAMING. 75B EXT. CATWALK - DAY 75B Eric watches as A LOOMING SHAPE emerges from the fog -- a nightmarish vision stalking purposefully forward. A FULL GROWN PTERANODON, standing over seven feet high, walks upright on clawed feet, his thirty foot wings folded bat-like at his side. The creature sees Eric and fixes him with a demonic glare. Eric CRIES OUT and dashes back down the teetering catwalk. The Pteranodon ruses to its feet, spreads its thirty-foot wings and flies directly at him. AT THE OTHER END OF THE CATWALK Hearing Eric's SCREAMS, Paul charges onto the catwalk, searching in the fog. PAUL Eric! BILLY It won't hold! Suddenly, ERIC emerges from the fog, racing toward his father. And then THE PTERANODON swoops out of the fog, opens its giant rear claws, and snatches the terrified boy from the catwalk. Paul Kirby watches in stunned, abject horror as the Pteranodon carries Eric directly overhead -- PAUL ERIC! The flying reptile struggles with the boy's weight. Paul watches helplessly as Eric is carried high across the canyon. Paul runs back alone the catwalk in a desperate attempt to keep Eric in sight. Billy stays behind, moving back up the platform to try to keep the dinosaur in view. With a new idea, he races back up the stairs to the observation room. He has a way to save Eric. When he reaches the canyon wall, Paul turns a corner and runs along another enclosed catwalk leading deeper into the canyon. Grant and Amanda now come pounding down the catwalk trying to catch up with Paul. AMANDA (shouting) Paul! Where is he? Can you see him? PAUL (shouting back) I'm trying! That thing took him down this way! GRANT Split up! THE PTERANODON carries Eric deeper into the canyon. The creature's wings beat steadily overhead, and the WIND is fierce. Eric looks down and sees the river far below. The Pteranodon swoops over an isolated outcropping of rocks at the end of the canyon and drops Eric into -- 75C EXT. PTERANODON NEST - DAY 75C A large bowl of mud and branches the size of a satellite dish. Eric lands right on top of a pile of dinosaur bones picked clean. Mixed among is one human skull. Before Eric has time to cry out, he looks up to find SIX PTERANODON HATCHLINGS closing in on him with sharp-edged beaks. He picks up the human skull and whips it to the hatchlings. They easily duck it and keep coming. 76 EXT. OBSERVATION ROOM - CONTINUOUS DAY 76 Grant looks up to see Billy leaning out over the edge of the observation platform. He suddenly realizes what Billy is about to do. GRANT BILLY! WAIT! Billy SHOUTS BACK, an excited-terrified grin on his face. BILLY I CAN GET HIM! GRANT NO! BILLY I KNOW THE CONSEQUENCES! Billy jumps off the railing and DROPS TOWARDS THE CANYON BELOW. Grant, Paul and Amanda watch as Billy FALLS past them like a stone, plummeting towards certain death. But then -- THE PARASAIL CHUTE blossoms above him. Not only does it slows Billy's descent, but he even manages to catch an updraft and begin to rise. He struggles to control the parasail, swooping dangerously close to the canyon wall, barely avoiding it. Up ahead he catches sight of Eric and steers towards him. 77-80 OMIT 77-80 81 EXT. PTERANODON NEST - DAY 81 Eric struggles to keep away from the hatchlings. But there's no way out of this nest. Billy SWOOPS overhead, but he's too high to reach Eric. BILLY ERIC! HOLD ON! He circles around to make another attempt. 82 EXT. ENCLOSED CATWAY - DAY 82 Paul rounds the corner and finally catches sight of Eric in the nest, some fifty feet below, fighting off the hatchlings. PAUL Hang on, Eric! Paul sees an outcropping he could jump onto from here. It's a big leap, though, he might not make it. He steels himself up for the jump, then chickens out. Grant and Amanda come up behind him. Suddenly, A SECOND PTERANODON CRASH LANDS on the catwalk enclosure about them -- right next to a gaping hole in the mesh. The catwalk GROANS with the extra weight. The pteranodon JAMS its head through the hole, SNAPPING at them. 83 EXT. CANYON - IN THE AIR - DAY 83 Billy circles, making his approach. In the nest, Eric kicks at the hatchlings, but they're undeterred. Billy and Eric will only have one chance. As Billy swoops past, Eric jumps and grabs onto his boot. He is yanked up and out of the nest. But than, MOTHER PTERANODON shoots past, tearing out a piece of the parasail in its beak. 84-85 OMIT 84-85 86 EXT. OVER THE RIVER - DAY 86 The pteranodon who landed on the top of the catwalk continues to SNAP through the hole in the enclosure. Finally the reptile's massive weight proves to much, and the entire section of the catwalk BREAKS FREE of the canyon wall and FLIPS OVER LATERALLY. Amanda, Grant and Paul are able to hang on, but so is the pteranodon, who now climbs their way. 87 OMIT 87 88 EXT. OVER THE RIVER - DAY 88 His parasail badly damaged, Billy tries to keep aloft. Heading as low as he dares, he yells to Eric -- BILLY Let go! Terrified, Eric falls into the river safely. He surfaces, immediately swimming to shore. Trying to gain altitude, Billy bends hard to the right. But the rigging is too badly damaged. He flies right into the canyon wall, hitting hard. Instead of tumbling down to the river, he finds himself swinging from his harness - the parasail snagged on a rock spire above him. 89 EXT. BROKEN CATWALK - DAY 89 Paul, Grant and Amanda struggle to stay away from the pteranodon as it moves towards them. Suddenly. the far end of this inverted section of catwalk detaches from the canyon wall and SWINGS DOWNWARD. The force of the action sends the three tumbling directly towards the pteranodon. Miraculously, they manage to avoid its open beak. But they are all sent plummeting toward the river below. 90 EXT. RIVER - DAY 90 They hit the water hard, resurfacing moments later. The current is carrying them downstream. 91 EXT. CANYON WALL - DAY 91 The two pteranodons who were pursuing Billy now land on nearby ledges and consider how best to dispatch their prey. Billy frantically tries to unhook his harness, but the tension is so tight from his own weight that he can't loosen the buckles. 92-93 OMIT 92-93 94 EXT. RIVER BANK - DAY 94 Paul and Amanda emerge from the water by the canyon wall and find their son hiding behind a rock, searching the skies for Billy. Amanda takes Eric tightly in her arms, and Paul urges them to keep moving. Up ahead, the mesh of the aviary meets the river. Wading the shore, Grant now scans the canyon, searching for Billy. It doesn't take long to spot him. 95 EXT. CANYON WALLL - DAY 95 Billy continues to struggle with the harness but to no avail. The doomed young man is suspended high up on the canyon wall like a modern Prometheus, an entire FLOCK of pteranodons gathering around him preparing to peck away his liver. And everything else. A MAMMOTH PTERANADON has landed beside him and looks him straight in the eye. The gigantic creature lunges at him. Billy dodges away as best he can. The pteranodon's frustrated bite severs a crucial juncture on Billy's harness, and Billy is able to wriggle free. 96 EXT. RIVER BANK - DAY 96 Eric, Amanda, Paul and Grant watch in amazement as Billy is the last to PLUNGE DOWN into the river. GRANT He made it! Billy bobs to the surface and spots the group downstream. He waves and begins to swim towards them. Soon he nears the shore and gets to his feet, wading as he comes. Grant, Paul, Amanda and Eric hurry to meet him. Grant is overjoyed to see him alive. But his smile quickly fades as he sees THE ENTIRE FLOCK OF PTERANODONS diving down from above in angry pursuit of their lost prey. GRANT (CONT'D) Billy, look out! Billy glances behind him. He races forward, motioning fro his companions to turn around. BILLY Get back! Get back! Just then Billy is knocked down by the lead pteranodon. It strikes from behind with a brutal, calculated beak to the head. Billy stumbles and falls to the ground. Grant rushes forward with Paul right after him. Amanda takes Eric to safety down river. Billy SCREAMS as the ENTIRE FLOCK of pteranodons now swarms around him, picking him apart with their beaks and claws. GRANT Billy! PAUL It's no use, Dr. Grant. No use. Grant can't take his eyes off Billy, whose BLOOD stains the water rushing by. And now several pteranodons are heading their way. Difficult as it is to leave Billy behind, Grant and Paul make a run for it. Just as the pteranodons are about to swoop in for the kill, Alan and Paul dive back into the river... 97 EXT. THE RIVER - CONTINUOUS DAY 97 ...and resurfaces on the far side of the mesh aviary wall, GASPING for air. Just behind them, the mammoth PTERANODON CRASHES into the mesh. It tears at the steel, actually ripping it in one place. At the dock up ahead, Amanda and Eric have found a rusty, waterlogged barge that's somehow still floating. Carrying a tarp-covered cage, the boat was meant for transporting dinos up and down the river. Amanda pushes them away from the dock as Alan and Paul climb on board. 98 EXT. ON THE BARGE - CONTINUOUS DAY 98 The current takes the craft downstream, letting us get our first good look at the incredible AVIARY. It's a vast, domed mesh structure that spans the entire canyon. In all, a feat of remarkable engineering and unmistakable hubris. Catching their breath, our four survivors look at the cage they were caught in. 99 EXT. DOWN RIVER - DAY / LATER 99 Yanking the starter rope one final time, Paul finally gets the engine to turn over, PUTTERING along. Amanda is beside him, bailing water. PAUL My own kid was right in front of me and I didn't do a damn thing. AMANDA You couldn't have made that jump. PAUL I should have tried. It should have been me on that beach back there, not Billy. AMANDA How would you have helped Eric? (he can't answer) He needs you, Paul. He needs us. PAUL He could have died. AMANDA But he didn't. And neither did you. And I'm glad about that. 99A UP ON THE BOW 99A Grant is beside Eric, keeping watch, but also feeling the weight of Billy's death. ERIC Do you have any kids? GRANT No. Although I've studied them in the wild. Eric looks over, not sure what that means. GRANT (CON'T) I have a theory that there's two kinds of boys. Those who want to be astronomers and those who want to be astronauts. ERIC I want to be an astronaut. GRANT See, I was the opposite. I never understood why anyone would want to go into space. It's so dangerous. You do one thing wrong and you're dead. The astronomer -- or the paleontologist -- get to study these amazing things from a place of complete safety. And truthfully, everything you really need to learn, you can learn it from the ground. ERIC But then you never get to go in space. GRANT Exactly. The difference between imagining how things might be and seeing how they really are. To be able to touch them. That's what Billy wanted to do. The barge starts to round a bend. On the bow, Grant and Eric are the fist to see something remarkable. Eric GASPS, unprepared. We don't know yet what they see. GRANT (cont'd) I can blame the people who made this island. But I can't blame the people who want to see it. To study it. At the rear of the barge, Paul just now sees what's ahead. Awe- struck, he slows the motor and motions for Amanda to take a look. And so do we. UP AHEAD The setting sun illuminates an incredible valley filled with dinosaurs. We see armored ANKYLOSAURS with clubbed tails. Duck-billed CORYTHOSAURS. We float under the gigantic, arching necks of eighty-foot BRACHIOSAURS. With the mist from the river and the play of light, we're witnessing a kind of primal Eden. GRANT (cont'd) How's a boy suppose to resist this? 100 EXT. FURTHER DOWNSTREAM - NIGHT 100 A FULL MOON passes behind clouds. THUNDER quietly rumbles, and LIGHTNING flickers in the distance. Paul is still at the wheel. The river is narrower here, and cautions must be taken to avoid the banks. As the barge begins to round another bend. a FAMILIAR HIGH- PITCHED SOUND pierces the darkness. Muffled but unmistakable, it is the RINGING SAT-PHONE. All exchange looks of sheer PANIC, expecting Spinosaurus to leap out at any moment. Grant scans the river banks. GRANT Keep quiet. Paul cuts the motor, and time seems to stop as the four stand posed for action. The barge finishes rounding the curve, and the ringing grows LOUDER. The suspense is excruciating until finally... Their eyes widen at some horrifying sight, more horrifying than anything they've yet seen. SEVEN MOUNDS OF DINOSAUR DUNG sit on the patch off treeless flat ground just beyond the river bank. As our friends consider the sight, an idea comes to them all of them almost simultaneously. With Eric still in the boat, Amanda, Paul, and Alan jump into the river and rush to the bank. 101 EXT. RIVER BANK - CONTINUOUS - NIGHT 101 The three companions sprint towards the source of the RINGING. GRANT Find it before it stops ringing! And bracing themselves and hocking their breath, they PLUNGE their arms into their respective dung-heaps. After a few moments of this disgusting search... PAUL I've got something. I think I've got something! All turn to Paul. Clearing away the clinging defecation, he holds up to a beeper. And still the phone RINGS. Returning to their bleak task, they shovel the excrement with their arms. Finally: AMANDA I've got it! I've got it! Grant snatches the RINGING SAT-PHONE from Amanda's hands, presses a button, and puts it to his ear. RECORDED VOICE (ON PHONE) You too can own a time share in beautiful Guadalajara. Enjoy a meal in one of our four star restaurants, explore our coral reefs, or just walk on the beach... The Kirby's hear the recorded voice and let out a collective, heavy sigh. Grant shuts off the phone. In all the excitement, none of them notice a fierce horned CARNOTAUR right behind them. The giant creature ROARS, ready to eat them. But as it gets in close, it smells them. Even a dinosaur won't eat something that is covered in shit. After a beat, the Carnotaur turns and walks away, back into the jungle. PAUL Can't help but be a little offended. 102 EXT. BACK ON THE BARGE - NIGHT 102 CLOSE ON the cleaned satellite phone's display. The battery level indicator is FLASHING. PAUL Whatever you do, don't call the U.S. Embassy. They won't do a God Damn thing. GRANT Well, we don't exactly have a Costa Rican phone book here, so it will have to be somebody we know in the states. Someone we can absolutely count on to send help. PAUL (to Amanda) Stan. AMANDA I wouldn't trust Stan with a snowball in a blizzard. Paul glares at her. Now Eric notices something odd in the river. ERIC What's that? The others look down in the murky water. Just below the surface, A SHIMMERING WAVE OF SILVER passes beneath the boat. Then a SINGLE FISH jumps from the water. And another. And another. GRANT Bonitas. ERIC Something must've scared them. Another roll of THUNDER, this time much closer. GRANT Get the motor going. Paul moves the motor and pulls the start cord. The engine sputters but won't come to life. And now the phone BEEPS. The battery is getting even weaker. Grant makes a quick decision and DIALS. AMANDA Who are you calling? But Grant ignores the question. RING. RING. GRANT Pick up! Pick up! 103 INT. ELLIE'S LIVING ROOM - NIGHT 103 Wearing his jammies, three-year old Charlie awkwardly picks up the phone with both hands. He has the mouthpiece next to his lips, but the earpiece is hanging out in space. CHARLIE Hewwo? INTERCUT Recognizing who it must be... GRANT Charlie? Charlie. Get your mother. Right away! A long silence. Charlie bites his lip, looks around. GRANT (CONT'D) Charlie? Are you there? CHARLIE Hewwo? The sat-phone BEEPS again, this time much LOUDER. Amanda and Eric watch Grant, realizing their fate may hang on this single call. Paul struggles without success to start the motor. Then, unseen by the group, a GIGANTIC FIN rises from the water just fifty yards from the barge. It's headed right to them and closing fast. GRANT (desperate) Charlie! It's the dinosaur man! Go get mommy, okay? CHARLIE Okay. Not sure what to do with the phone, Charlie makes a logical choice and hangs it back up. He walks away to his mom. 104 EXT. BARGE - NIGHT [END INTERCUTTING] 104 Grant realizes he's been cut off. He's about to redial when WHAM! The barge is RAMMED, sending everyone tumbling. Grant manages to stay on top of the wheelhouse, but he loses grip on the phone, which falls on deck. SPINOSAURUS rises from the water, towering over the barge. As lightning FLASHES and thunder CRACKS, the dinosaur lets out an ear- splitting ROAR. It lunges at Grant with gaping jaws. Grant leaps out of the way just in time as the dinosaur RIPS OFF the entire wheelhouse. CUT TO: 105 INT. ELLIE'S LIVING ROOM - NIGHT 105 Charlie leads Ellie into the room. Hands her the phone. Of course, it's just a DIAL TONE. ELLIE Was somebody on the phone? CHARLIE Dinosaur man. Ellie looks at him with confusion, then quickly checks the Caller ID box besides the phone. It's international, and not a number she recognizes. BACK TO: 106 EXT. THE BARGE - NIGHT 106 Grant stays one step ahead of the Spinosaurus as the beast rips apart the quickly-sinking boat. It spits out the wheelhouse and bites down on the stern of the boat, ripping off a chunk. Grant is heading up to the other three when he hears the sat- phone RING. He spots it, just about to fall into the water. Dives for it, answering... GRANT ELLIE! 106A INT. ELLIES LIVING ROOM - NIGHT 106A ELLIE Alan? She can hear the Spinosaurus ROAR. ELLIE (CONT'D) Alan? Alan! But he's cut off by a SECOND ROAR, the sound of someone SCREAMING. And then the line goes dead. Ellie pales. Charlie looks at her with a smile. CHARLIE (imitating) Raaaar! 106B EXT. BACK ON THE BARGE - NIGHT 106B Dropping the dead phone, Grant scrambles towards the front of the boat and joins Paul, Amanda and Eric, who have taken refuge in the dinosaur cage. The fearsome beast now lifts the stern of the boat clear out of the water. The cage SCRAPES across the deck and SLAMS into the gunwale, toppling off the barge and INTO THE RIVER. Grant and the Kirby's are still inside. 107 EXT. THE RIVER - UNDERWATER - NIGHT 107 The cage sinks. The closest to the door, Paul manages to get out. The other three aren't as lucky. The cage rotates as it descends and lands on the river bottom with the door side down, trapping them inside. In the cold murky depths, they pull frantically on the bars. Debris and equipment float around them. Paul surfaces out of the breath and disoriented. Spinosaurus pushes past the boat. If anyone is going to save his family, it has to be him. And so he dives. Pushing with all his might, he manages to tip the heavy structure, just enough so Amanda, Eric and Grant can get out. Paul himself isn't so lucky. Spinosaurus grabs the cage and Paul, throwing both straight up out of the water. Paul flies twenty feet away, further from the shore. AMANDA PAUL! ERIC DAD! Spinosaurus is going after the heroic Mr. Kirby, who dives, swimming underwater. He's trying to lead it away from his family. GRANT (looking around) Up! Up! He points to a heavy crane assembly, designed for lifting cages off the large boats. Now well accustomed to fleeing on command, Amanda sends Eric up first, climbing the scaffolding like a jungle gym. All the while, they're trying to spot Paul. Grant is the last to climb, reaching the first section as Spinosaurus returns from the water, SLAMMING into the base of the crane. The whole assembly SHUDDERS, threatening to rip into the water. ERIC Where's Dad? AMANDA Just hold on. Try as it might, the beast can't climb the crane. So instead it RAMS it, SHAKES it, trying to knock them off. Eric slips, but Amanda catches him. About to shed his bag to climb higher, Grant finds one last hope. It's the resonation chamber model. A beat before he decides: It may not be the best choice, but it's the only choice. He blows through it, the same EERIE PITCH we heard before. On the third try, he's able to approximate the "egg" cry he heard the raptors give. He keeps it up, repeating over and over. Spinosaurus stops for a beat, confused How this sound could be coming from a non-raptor. But then keeps SMASHING. We can hear the mounting bolts STRAIN. Soon the whole crane will tip. But not before a MATCHING CRY is heard in the jungle. Grant stops, not certain he heard it. But there it is AGAIN. He keeps blowing. The crane is close to tipping when a single RAPTOR appears from the darkness, CHIRP-BARKING at the Spinosaur, who simply bats away. But then MORE RAPTORS come. And even MORE. Soon there are dozens gathering, circling. Grant stops signaling. All three survivors watch with horrified fascination, knowing their fate is perilous no matter which side wins. Looking at his adversaries, Spinosaurus ROARS. And suddenly the raptors attack. Spinosaurus easily handles the first few, but like ants they just keep coming. They climb up his back, slicing, into him with their razor-sharp claws. GRANT Jump! Swim for the far shore! All three drop from the crane arm into the water. Meanwhile, the fight continues. Spinosaurus rallies, shaking off many of the raptors, but they just keep coming. Their hooked claws dig in, scraping the meat to the bone. Spinosaurus puts up a brave fight to the end, but finally collapses, dead. The raptors continue to shred it to ribbons. Then one of the raptors looks over to see the survivors swimming away. But a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. It goes back to its meal. 107A EXT. FAR SHORE - NIGHT 107A Grant is trying to move them along. still headed downstream. But Eric won't budge another foot. ERIC We have to keep looking for Dad. We have to. AMANDA I know. I know. I want to look for him too. ERIC then we should... She kneels down, facing him. She's just as upset as he is, but motherhood carries the burden of remaining calm. AMANDA Let me tell you a few things about you Dad, okay? He's very very very clever, very very brave, and he loves you ever very much. ERIC He loves you too. AMANDA Okay. He loves us very very much. And I know that right now more than anything, your Dad would want to know that we're safe. Okay? Eric nods. AMANDA (CONT'D) We're going to get out of this, and everything's going to be all right, I promise. A VOICE Listen to your mother. Out of the darkness steps Paul Kirby. Amanda is knocked over with surprise. Eric runs to him, nearly tackling him. PAUL Good thing I've been swimming, huh? Amanda hugs him and Eric so tightly they can't breath. CROSSFADE TO: 108-109 OMIT 108-109 110 EXT. BEACH - DAY 110 The foursome sit back on the wide beach, one facing each direction, keeping watch. A light rain is falling, but they don't seem to notice. Trying to keep his boy's spirit up... PAUL You remember when we went fishing last summer? And I was trying to put the boat in and the trailer sank? And then the tow truck came and tried to pull it out, but it got dragged in? And the truck driver threatened to knock your Dad's lights out? So I said I was the governor and he believed me? Eric really smiles, remembering the day. ERIC Yeah. Amanda is smiling too. She had completely forgotten the incident. PAUL That was a fun day. To Paul, after some consideration.... AMANDA We should try fishing again. PAUL You mean it? AMANDA I do. It's worth another shot. And who knows? Things might turn out differently. Her hand takes his, gently brushing off the wet sand, fingertips touching. It's a small thing, but it's a start. Sensing his cue to leave, Grant gets up and starts walking down the beach. Eric hurries to follow him. He speaks conspiratorially, not wanting to alarm his parents. ERIC The lady you called, how do you know she can help us? GRANT She's the one person I could always count on. And she's saved me more times than she realizes. I owe her everything. A long beat as they walk. GRANT (CONT'D) It's strikes me now I never told her that. ERIC You should. GRANT You're right. As they keep walking, Grant notices something rammed against the rocks ahead. It's a speedboat, its hull ripped open from the impact. And it's not just any boat either -- it's the same Dino-Soar boat that was pulling the parasail. Eric hasn't seen it yet, so Grant stops him. GRANT (CONT'D) Eric, do you know what happened to the boat? that brought you here? Why did it crash? ERIC No. I couldn't see. GRANT Do me a favor. Go back to your parents for a minute, would you? (pre-empting objections) They look worried. Eric nods and heads back to Paul and Amanda. Grant forges on, approaching the speedboat wreckage. He doesn't know what he'll find, but he needs to look. Almost reaching his parents, Eric stops. Looks out over the ocean, where he sees TWO LIGHTS. He doesn't say anything for a moment, trying to make sure they're real. They are. And they're coming closer. ERIC (excited) Mom! Dad! They look up to see the distant lights, just now making out full forms... PAUL Helicopters. Helicopters! He SHOUTS with joy. Paul, Amanda and Eric wave their arms, making as much motion as possible. The helicopters -- big military choppers -- change direction, heading straight for them. Paul and Amanda embrace, then kiss, the moment getting the best of them AT THE SPEEDBOAT Grant looks in, prepared to see anything in the wreckage. But the cabin is surprisingly intact, just a little blood. There are three gashes on the driver's seat back. Grant measures their spacing with his fingers. ERIC (yelling over) Dr. Grant! Helicopters are coming! Grant looks down to the wet sand around him, finding a trail of three-toed tracks. ERIC (CONT'D) We're safe! GRANT (to himself) No we're not. THE FIRST CHOPPER. flies right overhead. Paul and Amanda are confused, until the second helicopter starts to land -- the first on is there to cover them. Grant YELLS at the first chopper, trying to wave it away. But the noise of the blades is DEAFENDING. GRANT (CONT'D) NO! STAY BACK! THEY'RE IN THE TREES! At the treeline, the upper branches are shaking. At first, it looks like it's just the wind off the chopper, but something more is happening. A PTERANODON flies up out of the trees, the first of twenty. It's a gorgeous and terrifying sight. 110A INT. FIRST CHOPPER - DAWN 110A Terrified, the Costa Rican CHOPPER PILOT veers away, but the pteranodons are already on him. They SMASH at the windows, grabbing on the skids, The chopper rolls wildly. One over-eager pteranodon sticks his head up to high, getting decapitated by the blade. 110B EXT. BEACH - DAWN 110B As the second chopper touches down on the beach, Eric, Amanda and Paul load in. Grant is running their way. 110C EXT. BY THE TREES - DAWN 110C Meanwhile, the first copper is losing the battle even as it climbs higher. The helicopter suddenly tips, falling, SMASHING into the trees with a massive fireball. 110D INT. SECOND CHOPPER - DAWN 110D Seeing the explosion, the SECOND CHOPPER PILOT takes off. Eric, Amanda and Paul are on board, but Grant is still running up. The helicopter passes right over him. AMANDA (to the pilot) You have to go back! We can't leave him! Seeing a ladder release by the door, Paul throws the lever. A cord- and-steel-ladder unfurls, dragging across the sand. 110E EXT. THE BEACH - DAWN 110E Grant chases after us, catching a rung just as it goes over the water. Behind him, pteranodons are circling the wreckage of the first chopper and starting to go after the second. Buffeted by the wind, Grant climbs the ladder up towards the chopper. A pteranodon flies up right behind him, trying to bite. It catches Grant's shoulder. Grant spins to the far side of the ladder. The pteranodon goes to bite him again, but finds it head caught between the rungs. As it tries to free itself, it just gets more entangled. The entire ladder starts to lift, caught by the updraft from the creature's wings. 110F INT. SECOND CHOPPER - DAWN 110F Up with the pilot, Amanda sees the other pteranodons are headed back to the island, unable to keep up. AMANDA They're not following. In back, Paul and Eric get the ladder mechanism to begin to retract. It reels Grant in faster. It also reels in the pteranodon, which may be caught, but is still plenty dangerous. As Grant reaches the cabin, they shut off the ladder engine. The pteranodon is still working its way free, pulling itself closer and closer. GRANT (shouting over the noise) We have to cut it! Find something sharp! Everyone checking the cabin for a knife, anything sharp. Finally, Eric hands Grant the raptor claw. Grant uses it to rip the line. The fibers break and fray, but the pteranodon keeps coming closer. Paul throws a wrench at the pteranodon, WHACKING it straight in the head. It felt good, and damn if it didn't slow it down a little. Grant has cut through the cord. He started on the second when the pteranodon SNAPS at him, going for his hand. There's nowhere for Grant to cut without the pteranodon getting him. And idea, Grant very deliberately places in his hand on the line, pulling away at the last moment. The pteranodon itself bites through the line. 110G EXT. OCEAN - DAWN 110G The pteranodon falls away from the helicopter, catching wind just before it hits the water. It circles and flies back to Isla Sorna. As horrifying as the creature was a moment ago, it's suddenly beautiful again. Each motion of its giant wings is a small symphony. 110H INT. COPPER / FLYING - DAWN 110H Sitting between his parents, Eric looks back at the island in the distance. ERIC What do you think is going to happen with the dinosaurs? GRANT The population will Stabilize eventually. They'll adapt to fit different roles. ON PAUL AND AMANDA PAUL Either that, or the government will firebomb it back to the Stone Age. AMANDA I would completely support that. ON ERIC AND GRANT looking back at the island. ERIC I hope they don't. I want to come back someday. And Dr. Grant realizes... GRANT So do I. EXT. OCEAN – DAWN The helicopter flies away across the ocean, leaving the island behind.
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