Ìîé àâòîðñêèé êóðñ àíãëèéñêîãî — áåñïëàòíî (áåç ïîäâîõà) |
Ãëàâíàÿ>Êèíîñöåíàðèè>Êèíã-êîíã/ King-Kong Ñöåíàðèé ôèëüìà Êèíã-êîíã/ King-Kong íà àíãëèéñêîì ÿçûêå áåñïëàòíî (÷àñòü 2)
Çäåñü âû ìîæåòå íàéòè ïðîäîëæåíèå ñöåíàðèÿ ê ôèëüìó: Êèíã-êîíã/ King-Kong. Êèíã-êîíã/ King-Kong EXT. RUINED CITY/JUNGLE - DAY The GROUP hurrying through the last of the RUINS ... nearing the BEACH. NATIVES are following them, stealthily slipping behind RUINS and UNDERGROWTH ... ALL EYES ON ANN. JACK is covering their retreat, occasionally shooting over the NATIVE'S HEADS if they get too close. PEEK is roughly shoving SAILOR 2 along - he suddenly STOOPS DOWN, snatching up DENHAM'S discarded RIFLE ... He spins around and starts shooting straight at the NATIVES! PEEK (screaming) Get back you bastards ... Back! The NATIVES suddenly FRENZY at the sight of their comrades FALLING DEAD ... THEY CHARGE! JACK (yelling) Run! EXT. BEACH - DAY ANN races across the sand, pushing DENHAM and ENGLEHORN ... KURT staggers towards the boat, carrying HERB. He spins around, FIRING HIS RIFLE one handed ... JACK is FIRING ... PEEK runs past, heading for the boat -having abandoned SAILOR 2 to his fate ... he falls under a sea of NATIVE CLUBS and SPEARS. KURT reaches the boat, dumping HERB on top of PEEK. He pulls ANN, DENHAM and ENGLEHORN in as the NATIVES flood across the beach. JACK pushes off and clambers into the boat ... They rapidly head out to sea, leaving the NATIVES SCREAMING on the beach. CUT TO INT. DENHAM'S CABIN/VENTURE - NIGHT DENHAM is slumped across the table, holding his head ... EYES BLOODSHOT, SALIVA hangs in a drop from his chin ... It's the hangover from hell! KURT/RT is fussing around ... he offers DENHAM a GLASS OF LIVER SALTS. The CABIN DOOR swings open and ENGLEHORN stands there, supporting himself in the doorway. He looks worse than DENHAM, mainly due to the RING PIERCING HIS NOSE - the whole area has come up in a NASTY BRUISE. It is now NIGHT ... clearly several hours having passed since their return to the ship. ENGLEHORN (gasping) They're stoking the boilers. As soon as we've got some steam, we're outta here. DENHAM (slurred) We should never have come! I pay you good money, only to have my life endangered. You'll be hearing from my lawyer! ENGLEHORN gives DENHAM a parting SCOWL, and staggers away... EXT. VENTURE DECKS - NIGHT ENGLEHORN lurches down the deck. ENGLEHORN (gasped yell) Prepare the ship for sailing! JACK is leaning against the rail, looking at Skull Island. ANN hurries over. ANN (worried) Jack! JACK We're leaving. ANN But . . . we can' t Jack, I need time to collect artifacts ... make sketches ... gather evidential information. JACK (sighs) Ann ... you're father is dead. You have nothing to prove anymore. ANN'S hand TIGHTENS on something in her pocket. JACK frowns and gently pulls her hand out ... she's clutching the small KONG FIGURINE! JACK (CONT'D) Oh Jesus ... you took it. ANN Jack! This is the archeological find of the century! JACK (angry) This shit is bad luck! Don't you understand? You treat it like a game - two men have already died! JACK grabs the FIGURINE. ANN (angry) Give it back! JACK I'm not sailing with this thing on board! ANN (horrified) No! Don't! JACK THROWS IT OVERBOARD! ANN (CONT'D) (furious) You bastard! ANN tries to STRIKE JACK - he GRABS HER WRISTS. JACK Don't blame me if something bad happens, coz I ain't gonna be around to save you! ANN pulls away. ANN (yelling) Save me? Is that what you think your role in life is? You've been out of circulation far too long! Things have moved on since Tarzan and Jane! You poor, puffed up little peacock of a man - you're pathetic! Storms off ... JACK looks HURT. INT. ANN'S CABIN - NIGHT POV from ANN'S PORTHOLE The PENINSULA on SKULL ISLAND is AGLOW with an ORANGE LIGHT ... DRUMS and CHANTING can be heard ... PULL back into ANN'S CABIN. She is sitting on the bed, hugging her knees ... looking at the island. The "VENTURE'S" ENGINES start HUMMING, drowning out sounds from the NATIVES. ANN looks THOUGHTFUL ... EXT. VENTURE DECK - NIGHT ANN steps onto the DECK, hugging the coat around her shoulders. She looks around ... The TARPAULIN on JACK'S LIFEBOAT moves. ANN approaches it... ANN Jack? About those things I said ... I didn't mean it. Jack, I'm sorry. KURT (O.S.) (yelling) Weigh the anchor! LOW ANGLE from inside LIFEBOAT looking up at ANN She sighs, leans against the boat ... SUDDENLY! TWO NATIVES RISE BEHIND ANN!!! They grab her, clamping a hand over her mouth! WIDER SEVERAL NATIVES are silently creeping over the -VENTURE"! They lift ANN over the side ... she STRUGGLES helplessly as they PASS HER DOWN into a NATIVE DUG OUT. WITHOUT A SOUND, THE NATIVES slip back into their CANOES and paddle away towards SKULL ISLAND! JACK (O.S.) (alarmed) ANN!!! JACK is running along the DECK, having just CAUGHT A GLIMPSE of the CANOES before they VANISH into the GLOOM. The "VENTURE'S" ENGINES WIND UP and she starts MOVING AWAY towards the FOG BANK! INT. DENHAM'S CABIN - NIGHT JACK bursts into DENHAM'S cabin ... JACK They've taken Ann! DENHAM grunts and reaches for his clothes. EXT. VENTURE DECK - NIGHT JACK runs along the ship, yelling at the WHEEL-HOUSE. JACK Stop the ship! ENGLEHORN emerges from the wheel-house. JACK (CONT'D) Ann's been taken! DENHAM strides down the deck. DENHAM (yelling) All hands on deck! I want volunteers! SAILORS flood out of doorways. CUT TO INT. VENTURE ARMORY - NIGHT DENHAM is in the bowels of the ship ... He is unlocking a HEAVY PADLOCKED DOOR while about JACK and 20 SAILORS crowd in behind him. DENHAM A man's gotta have a little insurance in a job like mine ... DENHAM throws the door open ... 25 brand new THOMPSON SUB-MACHINE GUNS are neatly lined up in racks. Complete with 70 round drum magazines, the TOMMY GUN is the Chicago gangster's weapon-of-choice. DENHAM swings around, clipping a DRUM into his TOMMY GUN ... a FAT CIGAR in his mouth. DENHAM (CONT'D) Carl Denham Productions has lust declared war on Skull Island! CUT TO EXT. NATIVE CITY - NIGHT CLOSE ON ANN ... She is being prepared for SACRIFICE! NATIVES are holding her arms ... A BRIDAL HEAD-DRESS is placed on her head, COVERING HER HAIR. She is in the middle of the CROWDED SQUARE, lit by FLAMING TORCHES. She closes her eyes ... STRANGELY SUBDUED. The WITCH-DOCTOR DANCES in front of her, FLICKING OILS from a small pot over her body. ANN SUDDENLY LASHES OUT She kicks the WITCH-DOCTOR in the NUTS, simultaneously PULLING HER HANDS FREE and RUNNING through the crowd towards the beach' She only gets 5 paces ... ANN is TACKLED and ROUGHLY HOISTED ONTO the ALTAR. HER HANDS are tied securely to 2 ornately carved pillars. TEARS flood into her eyes. "KONG ... KONG ... KONG" THE CHANT begins. NATIVES start TURNING a HUGE WHEEL and the ALTAR STARTS TO CLIMB the slope towards the TOP OF THE WALL, moving on tracks like a primitive cable car. CLOSE ON NATIVE FACES, screaming and Chanting, building up to a FRENZY. They climb the WALT behind ANN, carrying FLAMING TORCHES. NATIVE SOUNDS FADE AWAY ... BEAUTIFUL, SAD MUSIC drifts in, giving the sequence an ETHEREAL ATMOSPHERE. EXT. WALL./JUNGLE - NIGHT ANN is weeping as the ALTAR reaches the top of the wall. For the first time, we get a glimpse of the OTHER SIDE ... The WALL falls away vertically into a ROCKY GROTTO that leads into the DENSE TANGLED JUNGLE of S ISLAND. The ALTAR stops ON TOP OF THE WALL.. Over 100 natives arrive just behind ANN, and spread out along the parapet. 2 NATIVES in CEREMONIAL COSTUME kneel beside the ALTAR, quickly and expertly adjusting BOLTS AND LEVERS. They signal back down to the SQUARE ... ANN gasps as the ALTAR suddenly lurches out OVER THE EDGE OF THE WALL! It is being slowly SWUNG OUT over the GROTTO by a pair of cantilevered arms, hinged at the base of the wall. CLOSE ON NATIVE torches LIGHT POOLS OF OIL contained in cavities at the top of the wall. SMALL DAMS are released, allowing the FLAMING OIL to flow down CHUTES and CHANNELS, cleverly cut into the cliffs on either side of the grotto. The FLAMING OIL ignites LARGER POOLS in HUGE HOLLOWED OUT CHAMBERS within the cliffs - carved into the shape of SKULLS. The SKULLS burst into GLOWING LIFE - just like 40 foot high HALLOWEEN PUMPKINS! WIDE SHOT ANN looks TINY atop the ALTAR which has almost reached the ground ... The ENORMOUS GLOWING SKULLS illuminating her ... The WALL TOWERING UP BEHIND HER. NATIVES line the top of the wall, holding FIERY TORCHES. The ALTAR settles into neatly CARVED RECESSES. THE HUGE GONG STARTS TOLLING ... ANN is facing the INKY BLACK JUNGLE ... She is PANTING hard, trying to face her death with as much composure as she can muster. A LOUD SPLINTERING SOUND comes from within the JUNGLE -something VERY BIG is moving towards the GROTTO! NATIVES CHANT "KONG ... KONG ... KONG" ANN instinctively pulls at her bonds - to no avail. She can now see a DARK SHAPE approaching her. OILY SMOKE from the FIRES drifts across, OBSCURING HER VISION ... she can now only hear the FOOTSTEPS. It is a HUGE CREATURE, BREATHING HEAVILY ... It stops in front of her - SMOKE still blocking her vision ... She looks down - a GIANT LEATHERY FOOT is visible! She looks up into the murk ... TEARS ROLL DOWN HER CHEEKS... The NATIVES suddenly go SILENT. KONG! ... a 25 foot SILVER-BACK GORILLA.A. His fur is MATTED, ANCIENT SCARS mark his body - evidence of life and death struggles with unknown beasts. His face is AGED - SILVER HAIR predominant. He is resting on his KNUCKLES. KONG rises on his hind legs and BEATS HIS CHEST ... ANN SCREAMS!!! ALL the NATIVE'S launch into their piercing MONKEY SCREECH ... It WINDS KONG UP! He leans down, ROARING only inches from ANN'S FACE, then suddenly starts PACING FURIOUSLY from SIDE TO SIDE - like a caged animal. He ROARS at the NATIVES atop the WALL. KONG suddenly CHARGES at the WOODEN GATE! He crashes against it, causing the ENTIRE WALL TO SHUDDER violently ... A NATIVE loses his balance and topples off! He THUDS INTO THE GROUND at KONG'S FEET ... KONG quickly scoops him up and BITES HIS HEAD OFF in a PG 13 kinda way! The NATIVES ROAR like spectators in a gladiator's arena. KONG leans over ANN ... The strength suddenly drains out of her legs and she SLUMPS between the pillars. KONG reaches forward and with an almost delicate touch, he lifts her in his hand. She SCREAMS as she rises into the air ... TOWARDS HIS MOUTH. He ROARS at her, and turns abruptly back to the JUNGLE. The NATIVES CHANT "KONG ... KONG ... KONG" SUDDENLY! BAM! BAM! BAM! NATIVES topple in a BURST OF GUNFIRE! EXT. NATIVE CITY - NIGHT JACK is leading the charge into the RUINED CITY! 40 GUYS - most armed with TOMMY GUNS - are blazing in all directions! The NATIVES flee in a MAD PANIC as JACK runs straight for the GATE. He rushes up to a small OBSERVATION GRILL ... JACK'S POV KONG disappearing into the JUNGLE clutching ANN - she is SCREAMING and KICKING. JACK turns back to the SAILORS ... JACK (urgent) Ann's alive! Quick! JACK backs away from the wall, and starts FIRING his TOMMY GUN at the BOLT securing the WOODEN GATE. OTHER SAILORS join in, SPLINTERING the TIMBERS in a HAIL OF LEAD. Ail 40 SAILORS push the HUGE GATE and it slowly OPENS, exposing the JUNGLE beyond. DENHAM runs up, SWEATING AND PANTING. DENHAM Did you see her? JACK Yeah, I saw her ... she was carried into the jungle by ... an animal. DENHAM (worried) What was it, Jack? JACK HESITATES ... JACK An ape ... some kind of ape. DENHAM sighs with relief ... He turns to the SAILORS. DENHAM (heroic) Did you hear that, boys? We're looking for a monkey! Englehorn -stay here with twenty men. Keep the natives at bay. The rest of you, follow me! (to HERB) Cut! Was that great or what? HERB has been FILMING DENHAM! HERB GREAT, MR DENHAM' JACK grabs DENHAM'S ARM. JACK Listen buddy! Cut the crap! We're looking for Ann, not making a Goddamn movie! DENHAM Jack ... You get to save the girl and I get my third act! It's gonna be good for you and good for me! JACK You better not slow us down, Denham! JACK hurries through the gates towards the JUNGLE, followed by DENHAM, PEEK, HERB, KURT and 20 sailors. JACK (CONT'D) Single file - never lose sight of the man in front! CUT TO EXT. SKULL ISLAND JUNGLE - NIGHT Beyond the GREAT WALl., SKULL ISLAND is like no place you've ever seen before ... The VOLCANIC ROCKS form a JAGGED, TORTURED LANDSCAPE of DEEP ASSES and TOWERING CLIFFS. The vegetation is THICK, the JUNGLE DARK. ANCIENT KNARLED TREES twist out of the ground, thick LICHEN and long MOSSES hang form branches and TANGLED VINES. STEAM RISES from festering SWAMPS[PS ... DEEPER into the island, the steam is VOLCANIC - hissing out of FISSURES and BUBBLING MUD POOLS. The way light and contrast plays on the landscape is reminiscent of the etchings of 19th century artist Gustave Dore. It is into this "Jurassic Park from Hell" that JACK leads DENHAM and the party of TWENTY SAILORS. HERB is limping along with the heavy CAMERA & TRIPOD on his shoulder. DENHAM suddenly looses his footing and SPRAWLS ON THE GROUND ... his EYES WIDEN at the sight of the deep KONG FOOTPRINT he has just stepped in. DENHAM Holy shit! Look at the size of that! JACK That's your monkey, Denham. DENHAM Kong ... DENHAM'S EYES meet JACK'S - he is scared. So are the SAILORS ... everyone suddenly has their FINGERS ON THE TRIGGER, eyes nervously scanning the THICK JUNGLE. A NOISE! Cracking BRANCHES ... heavy FOOTSTEPS The SAILORS PANIC! The start FIRING in ALL DIRECTIONS, the flashes from TOMMY GUNS and RIFLES, blinding in the darkness. JACK (yelling)) Hey! Stop! Cut it out! SILENCE ... Smoke drifts away from the guns as the GROUP listens for SOUNDS ... Like a pair of mighty trees being felled, Two DEAD prehistoric creatures - 30 foot tall LAMBEOSAURS -suddenly topple out of the gloomy foliage and THUD TO THE GROUND in front of the startled SAILORS!! They warily approach the DEAD DINOSAURS ... DENHAM Hey! I thought these things were supposed to be extinct! JACK (dryly)) They are now. JACK and the SAILORS look in awe at the bodies of the HUGE BEASTS. JACK pulls a LEAFY BRANCH out of a LAMBEOSAUR's MOUTH. JACK (CONT'D) They were just tasting the berries. DENHAM (grunts) Yeah? ... Well, I gave 'em a taste of American lead ... and I don't see 'em coming back for seconds! CUT TO EXT. NATURAL AMPHITHEATER - NIGHT KONG climbs down into a ROCKY HOLLOW - a vine-strewn natural AMPHITHEATER. He DROPS ANN TO THE GROUND, and stands over her, poised on his knuckles. ANN Looks up at KONG ... She doesn't move ... He leans over her and ROARS! ANN suddenly scrambles to her feet and RUNS! Within seconds KONG has OVERTAKEN HER and blocked her path ... ANN turns and runs in the other direction. Again KONG blocks her path - it is clear that he is playing CAT AND MOUSE. ANN trips on something and falls over - A HUMAN RIB-CAGE juts out of the MUDDY GROUND. ANN sobs as she SEES ALL AROUND HUMAN BONES, some still encased in the remnants of BRIDAL DRESS and HEAD-WEAR ... This place is KONG'S KILLING GROUND! KONG scoops ANN up ... lifts her TOWARDS HIS MOUTH! She SCREAMS and struggles in his grip. His MOUTH OPENS and she KICKS and BEATS HIS FINGERS in a seemingly hopeless attempt to fight for her life. Suddenly ... The NATIVE HEADDRESS FALLS OFF. Her LONG BLONDE HAIR falls onto her shoulders. KONG suddenly pauses ... ANN is frozen - she is looking into KONG'S EYES, trying to anticipate his next move. ANN (scarcely audible) "Lullaby and good night, Go to bed and sleep tight ... KONG TOUCHES HER HAIR, as if mesmerized ... ANN (CONT'D) Pleasant dreams until dawn." KONG'S LIPS peel back, exposing HUGE TEETH and PINK GUMS. KONG suddenly pulls ANN PROTECTIVELY to his breast, ROARS FieRCELY and DISAPPEARS into the DARK JUNGLE. CUT TO EXT. SKULL ISLAND VISTA - DAWN The SUN rises over the ROCKY CRAGS of SKULL MOUNTAIN. EXT. PINNACLE VALLEY - MORNING CLOSE ON KONG'S FOOTPRINT ... in a SANDY dried-up stream bed. JACK looks up at the direction KONG has taken ... The tracks head towards a SHEER CLIFF on the side of a NARROW, DRY VALLEY, an area deep in the heart of SKULL ISLAND, dominated by spectacular PINNACLES of STONE, jutting out of the ground like giant fingers. The VALLEY is less than 75 feet wide, flanked by sheer, seemingly unscalable cliffs. JACK wipes the sweat from his brow, looking for a possible route up the cliff. Further down the valley, DENHAM and the SAILORS are grouped around the camera ... CLOSE ON An ANKYLOSAUR is being PELTED WITH STONES ... HERB is filming, whilst DENHAM and the SAILORS try to coax some action out of the slow- witted, cow-sized DINOSAUR ... It staggers around in confusion. DENHAM (frustrated) People'il think it's a Goddamn guy in a suit! DENHAM suddenly gets an idea ... DENHAM (CONT'D) HEY! I GOTTA GREAT IDEA! WE COULD TURN THIS PLACE INTO A HUGE AMUSEMENT PARK SORTA LIKE CONEY ISLAND WITH DINOSAURS! (excited) It's a goldmine! I'll cut you boys in for twenty percent! We're gonna be rich! The SAILORS CHEER. JACK Hey! JACK is yelling from up the valley, waving for the group to join him. JACK (CONT'D) This way! Come on Frowns at JACK. DENHAM Let's keep this between ourselves...asshole's are not included! SAILORS LAUGH. AT THAT MOMENT ... The GROUND TREMBLES! The SAILORS look around - ALARMED. JACK almost loses his footing as the ground under him literally BOUNCES. He looks up the WINDING VALLEY ... A DUST CLOUD suddenly spills out from around the next corner ... immediately followed by the BREATHTAKING SIGHT of a herd of TWELVE BRONTOSAURS, RUNNING in a WILD PANIC, down the narrow valley!! A PACK of 15 CARNOTAURS - 9 foot tall MEATEATERS - are PURSUING THEM. Spectacular TRACKING SHOT With the STAMPEDE ... A CARNOTAURUS leaps onto the back of a FLEEING BRONTOSAUR, causing the it to falter and slide against the cliff. TWO MORE CARNOTAURUS leap onto the ailing BRONTOSAUR as the rest of the pack stream past. JACK turns and starts running! The STAMPEDING DINOSAURS are stretched across the valley behind him, less than fifty yards away and closing! JACK runs down the rocky slope towards DENHAM and the SAILORS - who seem to be frozen in fear! JACK (yelling) Run! EVERYONE TURNS and FLEES! GUNS and EQUIPMENT are abandoned ... HERB hoists the TRIPOD & CAMERA on his shoulder and limps after the others! JACK is running as fast as he can ... he glances over his shoulder - the WALT. Of THUNDERING BRONTOSAUR LEGS are about to ENGULF HIM! JACK changes direction slightly, to make sure he is BETWEEN DINOSAURS ... They overtake JACK and he suddenly finds himself in a SEA of HUGE LEGS -like wildly pounding Redwood trees! The CARNOTAURS are snapping and snarling at the LEGS ... They see JACK! His only hope of survival is too stay WITHIN THE STAMPEDE, out of reach of the MEATEATERS! PEEK is running faster than the others He is way ahead, still clutching his TOMMY GUN ... as the STAMPEDE engulfs DENHAM and the OTHER SAILORS. QUICK IMAGES 20 SAILORS in the SEA OF LEGS ... A SAILOR trips and is CRUSHED UNDER FOOT. A COUPLE OF SAILORS lump clear of the BRONTOSAURS - only to be set on by the CARNOTAURS. DENHAM .. HERB . . . SAILORS, everyone is running madly, dodging 'BRONTOSAURS, CARNOTAURS and trying not to trip' A CARNOTAUR focuses on JACK ... It skillfully weaves IN BETWEEN and UNDER BRONTOSAURS and emerges right behind JACK, it's SNAPPING JAWS inches away from his head! JACK suddenly SIDE-STEPS, bringing the CARNOTAUR right along side ... he SHOULDER-BARGES it SIDEWAYS - under a BRONTOSAURS LEGS. The CARNOTAUR is instantly trampled! PEEK is managing to stay ahead of the stampede - possibility RUNNING FASTER than any human before him! A CARNOTAUR races out in front of the stampede and bears down on PEEK with incredible speed! PEEK desperately waves the TOMMY GUN back towards the CARNOTAUR ...TOWARDS THE STAMPEDE! JACK sees it coming ... JACK (CONT'D) (yelling) NO!!! PEEK FIRES, missing the CARNOTAUR ... ... but he hits the LEAD BRONTOSAUR in the chest. The BRONTOSAUR COLLAPSES AT FULL SPEED! It CARTWHEELS OVER, it's huge NECK and TAIL thrashing out. The OTHER BRONTOSAURS PLOUGH INTO IT, tripping and rolling! JACK, DENHAM and the SAILORS suddenly find themselves in the middle of an amazing FLESHY FREIGHT TRAIN PILE-UP! SAILORS are crushed as BRONTOSAURS come down on top of them! A CARNOTAUR is squashed when TWO BRONTOSAURS slam together. JACK throws himself onto the ground, rolling against a rock as MOUNTAINS of BRONTOSAUR TUMBLE all around him. The space of seconds, the MIGHTY HERD of BEHEMOTHS is reduced to a VAST PILE of DEAD or WOUNDED ANIMALS ... The CARNOTAURS immediately go to work, leaping onto BRONTOSAURS, ripping into fleshy stomachs. Amazingly JACK, DENHAM, HERB and at least 9 SAILORS have survived ... however, they must now escape from the blood crazed MEATEATERS. JACK crawls past huge HEAVING BELLY'S and TWITCHING LEGS ... he looks around for some escape route ... He spots PEEK - desperately scrambling up a steep rocky slope. It leads to a narrow fissure in the cliff - a possible way out. JACK staggers out of the DINOSAUR PILE-UP ... he turns back at the SOUND OF LOUD HISSING - A Carnotaur is climbing over a DEAD BRONTOSAUR, intent on JACK ... he can do nothing! The CARNOTAUR leaps ... BAM! BAM! BAM! The CARNOTAUR is suddenly riddled with BULLETS and falls DEAD at JACK'S FEET! KURT hurries towards JACK clutching his TOMMY GUN! KURT I'LL keep the bastards at bay'. JACK nods ... he waves at SURVIVING SAILORS that are emerging from the PILE-UP. JACK (yelling) This way! SURVIVING SAILORS scramble past JACK and head up the steep slope. DENHAM puffs his way past - not looking at JACK - totally focused on personal survival. By some miracle, HERB limps out of the PILE-UP, covered in DUST -but still carrying the CAMERA & TRIPOD on his shoulders! KURT blasts at a CARNOTAUR'S - it TOPPLES BACKWARDS. He turns to JACK ... KURT Go Jack! JACK heads up the slope. KURT backs away ... TWO CARNOTAURS suddenly charge at him. He fires the TOMMY GUN, shredding them with bullets, but cannot react fast enough when a THIRD ATTACKS from the other direction! KURT SCREAMS BRIEFLY as he falls to the ground, under CLAWING FEET and SNAPPING JAWS. The FOUR SURVIVING CARNOTAURS head up the slope! JACK Hurry ! JACK and the OTHERS are desperately scrambling up the STEEP SHALE SLOPE - LOOSE STONES that are impossible to get a grip on ... SAILORS start sliding backwards in their panic. The CARNOTAURS are sliding too, but their powerful legs are working furiously, propelling them closer and closer to the flailing SAILORS! A SAILOR loses his footing completely ... he rolls past TWO CARNOTAURS before being grabbed by the JAWS of THE THIRD. The SAILORS grab hold of WEEDS, ROCKS ... ANYTHING, to get away from the DINOSAURS. They move into a network cf NARROW FISSURES between PINNACLES ... The CARNOTAURS can barely squeeze through. ONE SAILOR is trying to escape up a sheer rock face ... he slips and falls back into the CARNOTAUR'S CLUTCHES. The SAILORS REACH SAFETY ... a narrow fissure - too small for the CARNOTAURS - leads into STEAMY JUNGLE/ beyond the VAT.LEY. JACK looks back ... HERB is struggling, a CARNOTAUR'S snapping at his heels. JACK climbs back down the slope to help pull him up. The CARNOTAURUS lunges at HERB, grabbing his FOOT in it's JAWS! HERB screams and rolls over on his back, the camera on his chest. The CARNOTAUR is CRUSHING HIS ANKLE between it's TEETH!... Luckily it's HERB'S ARTIFICIAL LEG! DENHAM looks at the frantic struggle ... DENHAM (yelling) Roll camera! HERB flicks the switch, aiming CARNOTAUR'S head, only inches away! The CAMERA at the HERB ( screaming) Speed ! Another CARNOTAUR is scrambling up behind the first ... JACK rushes forward, scooping up a LARGE BOULDER. He smashes it down on the CARNOTAUR'S head! It releases HERB'S FOOT and rolls away down the slope, collecting it's BUDDY on the way! JACK and another COUPLE OF SAILORS grab HERB and the CAM-ERA GEAR and scramble to SAFETY through the FISSURE. EXT. EDGE OF SWAMP - DAY JACK, DENHAM, PEEK, HERB and the 7 surviving SAILORS are a bedraggled GROUP ... CUT, BRUISED, COVERED in DUST, SOAKED in SWEAT. PEEK has the only TOMMY GUN left between them. They collapse into a NARROW CLEARING on the edge of MISTY SWAMP-LIKE LAKE. Cliffs rise out of the swamp on both sides ... the only way forward is ACROSS. DEAD TREES jut out of the water ... some have fallen onto the shore. JACK is still driven with URGENCY. JACK Let's strap these trees together ... build rafts. Hurry! The SAILORS set to work. DENHAM is slumped on the ground ... PEEK approaches him. PEEK Mr Denham, I have some concerns about personal safety ... I'm really starting to feel that this particular assignment is not for me. DENHAM looks up a PEEK ... his eyes are glazed - there is a real danger that DENHAM is starting to lose it. DENHAM (growling) You walk out on a Carl Denham picture, you walk out of a career. You will have no money to feed your wife and kids! PEEK I don't have any kids. DENHAM grabs PEEK by the collar and pulls him close ... DENHAM (threatening) And I will personally guarantee it stays that way! CUT TO EXT. SWAMP - DAY TWO MAKESHIFT RAFTS drift silently across the surface of the SWAMPY LAKE. HERB, PEEK and SAILORS are in the first, JACK, DENHAM and 3 SAILORS in the second. JACK is punting his raft along using a LONG BRANCH. The SWAMP is creepy ... DEAD TWISTED TREES stick out of the surface ... a thin film of FOG hangs in the air. SMALL FLYING LIZARD-type things flit about from tree to tree. The first raft reaches the SHORE - a narrow SANDY BEACH leading into GLOOMY DENSE JUNGLE. JACK and DENHAM'S RAFT is still 20 yards off shore. DENHAM (yelling) Set up the camera boys! Get a shot of me comin' ashore! JACK Forget it, Denham ... for Godssake DENHAM suddenly stands up, causing the unstable raft to ROCK in the water. Me the pole, Driscoll! Seems to be on the verge of a BREAKDOWN ... he steps towards JACK, nearly tipping the raft over! JACK throws the pole at him and tries to balance himself. DENHAM (yelling) Roll camera! I said roll camera! I want this on film! DENHAM thrusts the pole into the SWAMP, and pushes ... the RAFT spins around. JACK and the SAILORS cling on as it ROCKS VIOLENTLY! DENHAM pushes on the pole, again and again, growing more FRANTIC. He starts HYPERVENTILATING .. JACK sees a ROW OF BUBBLES moving rapidly towards the RAFT! JACK (alarmed) Denham! ANGLE Looking down on the RAFT ... THREE HUGE SHAPES glide in the MURK below the surface of the SWAMP. They RISE beneath the RAFT ... TIPPING IT OVER! EXT. BENEATH WATER - DAY The SWAMP is about 8 ft deep ... The JACK, DENHAM and the THREE SAILORS fall STRAIGHT TO THE BOTTOM as if weighted. STRINGY 5 foot WEEDS rise from the bottom like tentacles. JACK looks around ... the WATER is DARK and MURKY. The SAILORS are trying to kick back up to the SURFACE, with no luck ... for some reason this water has zero buoyancy. SUDDENLY a TERRIFYING CREATURE emerges from the gloom! It is some kind of PREHISTORIC AXOLOTL-type thing with WIDE TEETH. It is about 25 foot long - the size of a huge White Shark. With a frightening grace, the AXOLOTL sweeps a SAILOR up in it's JAWS! TWO MORE giant AXOLOTL'S glide out of the gloom! ANOTHER SAILOR tries to run, but is taken by the SECOND AXOLOTL. The third AXOLOTL comes straight at JACK! He throws himself down, and the CREATURE glides over the top of him. JACK gets back on his feet - he does the only thing he can to escape - run for the shore along the swamp bed. Pushes through the THICK FOREST of WEED, his cheeks bulging as he struggles to retain his air. Suddenly something GRABS HIS ANKLE! JACK looks down at DENHAM ... he is desperately clinging onto JACK'S FOOT! An AXOLOTL suddenly sweeps by, causing JACK to duck. He grabs DENHAM'S arm and starts dragging him through the WEEDS. EXT. SWAMP BEACH - DAY JACK and DENHAM stagger onto the beach. SAILORS pull them other SAILOR survivor from the clear of the water ... the raft crawls onto the beach too. HERB has his tripod set up and is filming it all. JACK is gasping for air ... DENHAM lies moaning. An AXOLOTL ROCKETS OUT OF THE WATER'. These things have legs and it scuttles towards the GROUP with incredible speed' Within seconds it has grabbed the SAILOR survivor in it's JAWS and disappears back into the swamp ! ANOTHER AXOLOTL charges out of the swamp ! It comes straight at HERB, who has no choice but to abandon his CAMERA and quickly back away ... The AXOLOTL lunges at the CAMERA & TRIPOD, SWALLOWING IT with one gulp! BAM BAM! BAM! PEEK blasts the AXOLOTL with his TOMMY GUN. It slumps to the ground DEAD . .. it's mouth hanging open. There is a stony silence as DENHAM lurches to his feet. He GLARES AT HERB ... DENHAM (yelling) Jesus, Herbert! How could you be so careless? Do you know how much those things cost? TEARS well in HERB'S eyes ... the man is deeply hurt by this criticism. HERB I'll be pleased to cash in my life insurance, Mr Denham. Buy you a new camera, sir. Is having a TANTRUM. DENHAM (yelling) I don't want a new camera! Herb ... I want you to crawl into the fish and recover my equipment! HERB Right you are, Mr Denham! HERB removes his jacket and cap ... he takes his glasses off and puts them in his pocket. He crawls into the mouth of the AXOLOTL ... DENHAM holds his feet and PUSHES HIM DOWN the CREATURE'S THROAT. HERB (CONT'D) ( muffled) Just a bit further, Mr Denham ... I can see the pan handle! DENHAM pushes him further in ... only his knees are sticking out of the AXOLOTL' S MOUTH ... The creature' s TORSO is BULGING GROTESQUELY as HERB wrestles to free the camera. HERB (CONT' D) (CONT'D) ( muffled) Ok! Pull us out' Hard now - the Magazine's stuck in the pancreas! AT THAT MOMENT ... The AXOLOTL'S JAWS CLAMP SHUT! It was ONLY STUNNED!!! A MUFFLED SCREAM emits from DEEP INSIDE the creature as it REARS UP. DENHAM Holy shit!!! The AXOLOTL PULLS AWAY, and VANISHES INTO THE WATER! DENHAM turns back to the SHOCKED GROUP ... he is holding HERB'S ARTIFICIAL LEG. DENHAM (CONT'D) I'm gonna dedicate this movie to Herb Cooper - the world's greatest cameraman! He thrusts the LEG at a SAILOR. DENHAM (CONT'D) Make sure this gets back to his wife and kids. The SAILOR NODS. DENHAM (CONT'D) I'm calling a wrap. We're heading back to the ship. JACK What? DENHAM The girl's dead, Driscoll. There's no point continuing on. JACK addresses the SAILORS. JACK Who's With me? NOBODY steps forward. SAILOR 1 You're mad, Driscoll. SAILOR 2 It's hopeless. JACK Come on. Fellas. Come on! PEEK In it for you? ... is she that good in bed? JACK punches PEEK to the ground! He has one last scornful look at the DENHAM and the SAILORS ... then turns and heads into the JUNGLE ALONE. DENHAM Dinosaur munchie traveling! The SAILORS chuckle. EXT. JUNGLE GLADE - DAY A PACK OF UTAHRAPTORS are feasting on a DINOSAUR CARCASS, intent on stripping every last piece of flesh off the bones. A RAPTOR suddenly looks up, alarmed by a NOISE ... WHACK! KONG'S FIST smashes down on his head, KNOCKING HIM OUT! The other RAPTORS turn to flee ... WHACK! KONG'S FOOT stamps down on another ... He grabs another by the head, SNAPPING IT'S NECK with a quick flick. The surviving RAPTORS scurry into the JUNGLE ... KONG sits down, placing ANN on the ground. She looks and frightened and exhausted. KONG starts eating the DEAD RAPTORS like someone with a KFC craving! EXT. LOG CHASM - DAY WIDE SHOT KONG hungrily eating in the distance ... ANN is visible at his feet. JACK crawls into the FG! He peers out from behind a bush ... KONG is about 150 feet away, on the other side of a NARROW CHASM. A HUGE TREE has fallen across the CHASM ... creating a LOG BRIDGE. JACK hurries towards the LOG, carefully staying low and ducking from bush to bush. The CHASM is deep, maybe 100 feet to the bottom - a VINE ENTANGLED MORASS. JACK carefully starts to cross the LOG BRIDGE ... it is covered in wet moss and quite slippery. He is totally vulnerable ... He watches KONG carefully, but the Gorilla is seemingly focused on his RAPTOR finger food. JACK is over halfway across when KONG casually GLANCES IN HIS DIRECTION ... JACK throws himself forward on the log, trying to stay out of sight behind a bulky lichen covered STUMP. He carefully sneaks a look at KONG ... who is still peering over towards the LOG. EXT. SWAMP BEACH - DAY DE, PEEK and the last 4 SAILORS are still on the SWAMP BEACH, gathering What remains of their equipment together. They TURN IN UNISON ... as a TRICERATOPS lumbers towards them along the beach! These are 30 foot long Rhino-like DINOSAURS. DENHAM and the SAILORS step back warily as the TRICERATOPS slowly wanders past them ... not paying them any attention. CLOSE ON The TRICERATOPS innocently steps on PEEK'S TAPE RECORDER, instantly CRUSHING IT. BAM! BAM! BAM! The TRICERATOPS FAT.T.S DEAD ... PEEK advances forward, his TOMMY GUN smoking ... a look of disbelief on his face as he looks at the MANGLED REMAINS of his beloved EQUIPMENT! PEEK That cost me seventy-five bucks! PEEK kicks the DEAD TRICERATOPS. AN ANGUISHED BELLOW.LOW! WHIP PAN onto 3 more TRICERATOPS, including a LARGE BULL, ROARING WITH GRIEF! DENHAM and the SAILORS react with horror as the TRICERATOPS CHARGE! ... They move with surprising speed ... HUGE HORNS lowered for the kill! BAM! BAM! BAM! PEEK fires, but the bullets RICOCHET off the BONY FRILL that surrounds the TRICERATOPS'S head! The GROUP turns and flees into the JUNGLE! EXT. JUNGLE GLADE - DAY KONG and react to the sounds of GUNFIRE and MEN YELLING. KONG SNARLS ... he scoops ANN up and places her HIGH in the BRANCHES OF A DEAD TREE, some 30 foot off the ground. KONG bounds away towards the CHASM! EXT. LOG CHASM - DAY JACK is still clinging to the LOG ... he turns at the SOUNDS of the APPROACHING SAILORS ... PEEK rushes out of the JUNGLE first, followed by DENHAM, the SAILORS and 3 ANGRY TRICERATOPS! A SAILOR trips and is immediately ENGORGED by a TRICERATOPS'S HORN! PEEK races onto the LOG in a blind panic, followed by the 3 surviving SAILORS and DENHAM ... PEEK only just realizes JACK is in his way and almost collides with him ... PEEK looks up suddenly and SCREAMS!!! WHIP ONTO KONG STANDING at the end of the LOG BRIDGE, towering above PEEK! He beats his chest, ROARING FIERCELY! The SAILORS are trapped on the LOG BRIDGE between the enraged TRICERATOPS on one side and the enraged KONG on the other! KONG reaches Dow and LIFTS his end of the LOG BRIDGE. JACK, DENHAM and the 3 SAILORS cling on for dear life ... PEEK desperately leaps from the LOG and CLINGS onto VINES hanging over the cliff on KONG'S side of the CHASM. KONG vigorously TWISTS and SHAKES the LOG, bucking the MEN into the air. JACK manages to hang onto the STUMP, but behind him SAILORS are FALLING OFF! BOTTOM OF CHASM SAILORS PLUMMET to the bottom ... ONE SAILOR crunches onto rocks, but the OTHER TWO have their falls broken by a THICK NETWORK of VINES, and appear to land relatively UNHURT. JACK and DENHAM cling on ... KONG ROARS with FRUSTRATION and HURLS the END OF THE LOG into the CHASM! DENHAM - who is close to the far side - manages to LEAP TO THE BANK, but JACK RIDES THE LOG DOWN! CRASH! The LOG SMASHES INTO THE ROCKS and JACK flies off it ... He bounces off vines and lands on the ground, STUNNED. A SAILOR is crawling along the ground with a SPRAINED ANKLE ... SUDDENLY!!! A ROUND DIRT LID - larger than a manhole cover - POPS OPEN and a HUGE DOOR SPIDER DARTS OUT!! It grabs the SAILOR and drags him SCREAMING into it's LAIR, the LID neatly closing again!! JACK scrambles to his feet! Ail around, MONSTROSITIES OF NATURE emerge from DANK BURROWS and crawl towards him and the LAST SURVIVING SAILOR ... These are HUGE INSECTLIKE THINGS - combinations of SPIDERS, CRABS, MANTISES and CENTIPEDES! JACK snatches up a LONG STICK and uses it like a SPEAR to' fend these CREATURES off. He looks on helplessly as the SAILOR attempts to CLIMB THE WT.T. out of the CHASM, but slips in the PINCERS of some CRAB/SPIDER THING! A GROUP of SPIDERS with 7 foot LEG SPANS close in on JACK! Behind them hangs a LONG VINE, leading directly up to the top of the CHASM ... JACK charges at the SPIDERS, LEAPING as HIGH as he can. He lands on the BACK of the FIRST SPIDER, and using the bounce, he propels himself onto the back of the NEXT, and the NEXT - like a series of MINI- TRAMPS!! He leaps off the LAST and GRABS HOLD OF THE VINE, pulling himself away from the FRENZIED SPIDERS! JACK is climbing HAND OVER HAND ... SUDDENLY! He starts RISING FAST ... KONG is perching on the EDGE of the CHASM, pulling the VINE up ... like a FISHERMAN reeling in a CATCH!! JACK is HELPLESS!! EXT. JUNGLE GLADE - DAY ANN looks around FEARY from her PERCH - HIGH in the BRANCHES of the ROTTEN TREE ... she has heard the SCREAMS, but has seen nothing. A HUGE SHAPE moves beneath her ... ANN freezes at the sight of an ALLOSAUR. Entering the clearing. This is a 25 foot tall MEATEATERS - SKULL ISLAND'S most fearsome predator! The ALLOSAUR snatches a DEAD RAPTOR off the ground and crunches it in POWERFUL JAWS ... It pauses, as if SNIFFING. The ALLOSAUR'S head is only a FEW FEET below ANN ... she is too scared to breathe! The ATJOSAUR suddenly looks up ... straight at ANN! He immediately CIRCLES THE TREE in big powerful strides ... ANN shifts her position to keep the ALLOSAUR in sight ... it is clearly getting very AGITATED! With an almost delicate movement, the ALLOSAUR nudges the TRUNK with it's head ... the TREE lurches dramatically! ANN hangs on desperately ... The ALLOSAUR pushes HER, sending the tree TOPPLING TO THE GROUND! ANN rolls away from the tree, jumps to her feet and RUNS!! She races through the JUNGLE, dodging TREES, leaping over FALLEN LOGS, smashing through BUSHES ... The ALLOSAUR POUNDING AFTER HER! It' s BREATH RASPING . . . FOOTSTEPS THUMPING. The HUGE JAWS open - only INCHES FROM ANN'S HEAD ! SHE SCREAMS! EXT. LOG CHASM - DAY KONG has almost REELED JACK IN when he hears ANN'S SCREAM. He immediately DROPS THE VINE, sending JACK PLUMMETING back down the CHASM! Fortunately the COILS of LOOSE VINE at the top of the chasm TANGLE, stopping JACK with a jerk about HALF WAY DOWN. KONG RUSHES OFF towards the SOUNDS of ANN'S SCREAMS. EXT. DENSE JUNGLE - DAY ANN is stumbling ... the ALLOSAUR positions it's HEAD for the FINAL LUNGE - JAWS OPEN ... From out of the DENSE JUNGLE - KONG CHARGES! He meets ANN and the ATJ.OSAUR HEAD-ON at FULL SPEED! KONG swings his fist, smashing into the ALLOSAUR'S HEAD ... ANN has to throw herself against a tree as the DINOSAUR SPRAWLS onto the ground beside her ... In a flash, KONG is ON TOP of the ALLOSAUR, POUNDING HIS FIST DOWN ... The ALLOSAUR lies still ... ANN'S legs turn to jelly and she COLLAPSES. KONG is clearly startled ... he gently takes her in his hand ... AT THAT MOMENT! The SECOND ALLOSAUR ATTACKS!!! He comes charging into shot, grabbing KONG'S ARM in his JAWS! KONG ROARS, ripping free just as the THIRD ALLOSAUR strides into the CLEARING! The FIRST ALLOSAUR scrambles back to it's feet! KONG holds ANN protectively as he braces himself for the FIGHT OF HIS LIFE. The THREE ALLOSAUR'S CIRCLE around him. THEY ATTACK KONG and ANN! ... What follows is a BREATHTAKING FIGHT TO THE DEATH. KONG fights like a madman ... not only does he have to do battle with the ALLOSAUR, he is also PROTECTING ANN - constantly transferring her from ONE HAND to THE OTHER as the ALLOSAUR SNAP AT HER throughout. KONG punches and smashes with his fists, but he also uses wrestling-style headlocks and flips ... for a brief moment, ANN rolls free on the ground and has to dodge 25 foot DINOSAURS and the GORITJ, as the frenzied fight THUNDERS all around her. The FIRST ALLOSAUR. Is taken out when KONG PULLS a LARGE JAGGED TREE TRUNK out of the ground and RAMS IT into the ALLOSAUR'S MOUTH, PUSHING it out the BACK OF IT'S HEAD! The SECOND ALLOSAUR he kills by grabbing it in a HEADLOCK, FLIPPING it over his shoulder, but REVERSING DIRECTION suddenly - BREAKING IT'S BACK with a sickening CRUNCH! ANN is suddenly GRABBED by the LAST ALLOSAUR! She is taken in his JAWS ... It BITES DOWN - JUST as KONG GRABS HIS JAWS in BOTH HANDS. He rolls the ALLOSAUR onto it's back, ANN still wedged in it's MOUTH! The razor sharp TEETH dig into her as KONG desperately uses all his strength to force the ALLOSAUR'S MOUTH OPEN ... ANN slides out, raking her back against the teeth. KONG forces the JAWS OPEN until they RIP APART at the HINGE! The ALLOSAUR sprawls back DEAD. KONG is PANTING HEAVILY ... he has been BITTEN, RAKED and CUT. He puts his foot on the LAST ALLOSAUR and BEATS HIS CHEST TRIUMPHANTLY! ANN is HURT ... BLEEDING ... KONG carefully picks her up and HURRIES INTO THE JUNGLE. EXT. LOG CHASM - DAY JACK is clinging onto the VINE, trying to pulling himself onto the TOP OF THE CHASM ..- but his strength is weakening - just below the edge. PEEK leans over ... he looks TERRIFIED, still gripping his TOMMY GUN JACK (urgent) Peek! For a moment you'd think PEEK is actually considering the idea of kicking JACK back down into the CHASM! ... He reaches down the PULLS JACK TO SAFETY. DENHAM (O.S.) (loud whisper) Hey Jack! DENHAM is on the other side of the CHASM ... looking VERY JUMPY. JACK Denham! Go back to the wall ... Tell'em to give me twelve hours to get back with Ann! DENHAM (panicked) I can't get back to the wall! I'll get eaten! JACK suddenly snatches PEEK'S TOMMY GUN. PEEK (alarmed) Hey! Whadda ya doing? JACK hurls the TOMMY GUN across the CHASM. JACK They've gotta keep the gate open for me. DENHAM clutches the TOMMY GUN, as if holding a newborn baby. DENHAM Twelve hours, Driscoll. Good luck! JACK heads into the JUNGLE. PEEK (angry) You're insane! You'll be killed! JACK keeps going ... PEEK alone... and runs after JACK. Suddenly realizes he's EXT. JUNGLE/MOUNTAIN - DAY ANN'S POV ... upside down shot WHIPPING through FOLIAGE with long LOPING STRIDES. ANN is DRAPED in KONG'S HAND as he POWERS THROUGH the JUNGLE at HIGH SPEED. She is weak ... her EYES GLAZING, SWEAT DRIPPING from her brow. ANN'S POV ... becomes MORE FEVERED. KONG climbs out of the JUNGLE, SCALING a nearly SHEER CLIFF ... he uses ONE HAND to climb - the OTHER HOLDS ANN to his breast. As KONG climbs HIGHER AND HIGHER, ANN drifts into UNCONSCIOUSNESS ... her last FEVERED POV being that of the VERTIGO INDUCING drop down the face of the CLIFF. EXT. KONG'S LAIR - EVENING FADE UP ... ANN'S FEVERED POV KONG pacing ANXIOUSLY ... He leans down towards , ROARING nervously. Behind him the sky his bathed in an ORANGE SUNSET. WIDE KONG is in his LAIR - a LARGE ROUND CAVE with a LEDGE that juts out high over SKULL ISLAND ... in fact his CAVE is one of the "eyes" of the SKULL visible from the coast. Over the ledge is a DIZZYING DROP of at least 1000 feet down to the JUNGLE. The "VENTURE" can be seen - moored off the TIP OF THE ISLAND, some 3 miles away. Sinister BAT-TYPE CREATURES hover in the SKIES ... these have 8 foot wing spans and TALONED FEET. Their faces are more reptile then bat. ANN is lying on a BED OF STRAW in an ALCOVE on the LEDGE ... ONE of the BAT- THINGS swoops in ... ANN'S FEVERED POV ... Large FLAPPING BAT WINGS fill her vision. KONG snatches the BAT-"THING out of the sky and rips it's wings off. He gently lifts ANN and retreats further inside his cave. EXT. WALL/RUINED CITY - NIGHT ENGLEHORN puffs on his PIPE ... SAILORS armed with RIFLES and TOMMY GUNS are patrolling the WALL.... the area is effectively CORDONED OFF. Everyone is relaxed. SENTRY SAILOR (yelling)) Hey! Somebody's approaching! SAILORS rush to pull the GREAT GATES open ... DENHAM staggers in and COLLAPSES. He is even more disheveled than when we saw him last. His clothing is TORN ... blood seeps from CUTS ... he's lost the GUN. ENGLEHORN gives him a drink from a CANTEEN. DENHAM is GASPING heavily. ENGLEHORN Just take it easy .-- Where are the others? DENHAM (panting) They' re dead. ENGLEHORN (shocked) Oh my God ... Ann? DENHAM pauses ... DENHAM (quietly) She's dead ... Driscoll too. We've gotta get back to the ship! ENGLEHORN nods. ENGLEHORN (yelling) Prepare to break camp, men! We're heading back to the Venture'. There's a SENSE OF RELIEF amongst the CREW. TWO SAILORS lift DENHAM up and support him between them. AT THAT MOMENT! A ZIPPING SOUND fills the air ... a VOLLEY of ARROWS, DARTS and SPEARS fly towards the SAILORS! Within SECONDS 7 SAILORS fall dead, including the TWO supporting DENHAM. He runs with incredible speed and throws himself behind a wall. ENGLEHORN and the 12 SURVIVING SAILORS take shelter and FIRE WILDLY in all directions. DENHAM (panicked) We've gotta get outta here! (grimly) That's going to be more difficult than you think ... NUMEROUS HEAVILY ARMED NATIVES are fleetingly visible ... darting behind RUINS and TREES - cutting the SAILORS off from the beach. EXT. KONG'S LAIR - NIGHT ANN'S FEVERED POV SURREAL IMAGES of KONG STATUES ... of FLAPPING BAT- THINGS --- of ALLOSAUR JAWS ... of FIERY CARVED FACES ..- and finally of KONG'S EYES - staring LOVINGLY at her. DISSOLVE TO EXT. KONG'S CAVE - EARLY MORNING CLOSE ON ... ANN. She wakes up, looking rested and calm IT IS CLEAR THAT HER FEVER HAS PASSED. WIDER ... ANN is CRADLED in KONG'S HAND. He is lying on his side, ASLEEP ... holding ANN close to his face like a child would sleep with a teddy bear. KONG stirs, suddenly opening his mouth in a HUGE YAWN. He opens his eyes, and for a few quiet moments, he and ANN stare at each other. KONG sits up, placing ANN on the ground ... They are deeper into KONG'S CAVE. ANN can see that the back of the cave leads to a way out as DAYLIGHT streams in. A SMALL, but DEEP LAKE fills part of the CAVE, surrounded by smaller ROCK POOLS. KONG sits on his haunches, looking for all the world like the king of his domain. A SHADOW flutters over ANN as a BAT-THING makes an attempt to GRAB HER ... KONG reaches forward and snatches it out of the air. He bites the head off the BAT-THING ... RIPS OFF one of it's LEGS ... drops the BLOODY LEG on the ground in front of ANN! ANN looks aghast at the OFFERING as KONG eats the rest of the BAT-THING with a certain amount of RELISH. She backs away from the MEAT ... KONG leans forward and pushes it closer to her. ANN steps away and SHAKES HER HEAD. ANN No ... thank you. KONG SHAKES HIS HEAD! ... and pushes the MEAT closer. ANN holds her nose and P A FACE. KONG puts a FINGER UP TO HIS NOSE and PULLS A FACE'. He pushes the meat closer ... ANN takes a big step backwards and ... trips over a rock' KONG looks ALARMED for a moment. ANN (CONT'D) I'm ok ... see ... ANN stands and with GREAT DRAMATICS, she deliberately falls over! KONG gets excited ... he SLUMPS BACKWARDS against the WALL. ANN stands up and with a SQUEAL, she goes into a FORWARD ROLL! KONG is HIGHLY EXCITED! He ROLLS FORWARD on his side! ANN LAUGHS at him ... she does a CARTWHEEL! KONG paces from SIDE TO SIDE like an over-excited kid. He suddenly turns and disappears out of the back entrance of the cave. ANN is a little nervous ... she clutches her shoulders against a cold rush of morning breeze ... she hears a FLUTTERING OF BAT-THINGS WINGS. KONG hurries back into the cave he holding a TINY OBJECT between his THUMB and FOREFINGER. With great DELICACY, he drops a RIPE MANGO at ANN'S FEET! ANN bites into it, suddenly realizing how hungry she actually is. ANN (CONT'D) (eating) Good! More? More? KONG acts COYLY at this praise ... he rushes out of the cave again ... returning with the ENTIRE MANGO TREE, which he drops at' ANN's feet! ANN laughs and KONG ROLLS FORWARD ... out onto the LEDGE. In the distance we can see the "VENTURE" and just HEAR the distant SOUND of SPORADIC GUNFIRE from the NATIVE CITY. KONG SNIFFS the MORNING AIR ... He FROWNS ... suddenly gets AGITATED. KONG looks up ... ... over 20 BAT-THINGS are MASSING on the CLIFFS above the LAIR, clearly preparing an ATTACK to get ANN! KONG races into the CAVE, just as another 20 BAT-THINGS flutter in through the BACK ENTRANCE!! He scoops ANN to his breast, ROARING DEFIANTLY at them. CLOSE ON A NARROW FISSURE in the VOLCANIC ROCK towards the back of the cave. JACK and PEEK are HIDDEN from view as BAT-THINGS flutter above them. PEEK looks around terrified ... JACK spies on KONG and ANN. The BAT-THINGS suddenly ATTACK EN MASS!! They swoop on KONG and ANN like a swarm of giant Bees. KONG ROARS and THRASHES OUT at them in the FRENZY! With, every sweep of his ARM, several BAT-THINGS are KNOCKED TO THE GROUND. KONG keeps moving, twisting and turning, to make it harder for them to get at ANN ... she presses herself close to KONG'S CHEST. BAT-THING TALONS strike at her, slashing KONG'S FINGERS instead. With the BAT-THINGS totally occupied, JACK takes his chance to get closer to ANN ... He leaves the shelter of the FISSURE and hurries across the CAVE, ducking into the shadows on the far side. He crouches behind a rock, but is TOTALLY VULNERABLE. SEVERAL BAT-THINGS are gripping and CLAWING KONG'S BACK in an effort to weaken the huge ape ... He suddenly POUNDS HIS BACK against the WALT. Of the CAVE, SQUASHING THEM All. The BAT-THINGS wheel away from KONG, HISSING ANGRILY ... 16 lie on the cave floor STUNNED or DEAD. They FLUTTER AROUND preparing their NEXT ATTACK. KONG swipes at BAT-THINGS that get too close. PEEK hears a NOISE ... he turns and WHIMPERS at the sight of a BAT-THING PEERING AT HIM through a crack in the ROCK. The BAT-THING SCREECHES ... attracting others! They can't reach PEEK, but that doesn't stop him dissolving into a FRIGHTENED PANIC! Sweat spills down his face ... he claws at the floor of the ROCK FISSURE ... PICKS UP A ROCK. PEEK THROWS THE ROCK ACROSS THE CAVE TOWARDS JACK! PEEK (panicked whisper) Get him! The ROCK CLATTERS at JACK'S feet! SOME BAT-THINGS react to the NOISE ... they SWOOP towards JACK! JACK runs across the CAVE ... TALONS REACH FOR HIS HEAD ... JACK suddenly throws himself forward ... ... diving into a deep ROCK POOL! UNDERWATER JACK holds himself under the water, as TALONS claw at the SURFACE, a couple of feet above his head. The BAT-THINGS are working themselves into a FRENZY, diving at the ROCK-POOL ... diving at KONG and ANN. PEEK is left alone ... he sees his chance to escape! Quietly climbing out of the FISSURE, PEEK turns to flee out the back entrance of the CAVE ... He runs straight into the ENORMOUS JAWS of an ELASTOMOSAUR - a LARGE SEA- SERPENT DINOSAUR, with a LONG NECK!! The ELASTOMOSAUR has emerged FROM THE LAKE, having crawled up onto the SHORE ... It lifts PEEK high into the air! He S as the JAWS crunch his TORSO. ALL THE BAT-THINGS instantly dive towards PEEK ... In a frustrated BLOOD-FRENZY they RIP INTO PEEK and the ELASTOMOSAUR!! KONG SNARLS ... he places ANN on the CAVE FLOOR - under an overhang - and CHARGES at the BAT-THINGS! KONG thunders past the ROCK POOL just as JACK surfaces, gasping for air ... he scrambles out, racing towards ANN! ANN ( amazed) Jack!!! JACK EMBRACES ANN! There's not much time - KONG is preoccupied swatting BAT-THINGS at the BACK OF THE CAVE ... JACK desperately looks around for an ESCAPE ROUTE ... NOTHING but a 1000 foot drop off the LEDGE into the JUNGLE below! They are TRAPPED! AT THAT MOMENT! A STUNNED BAT-THING beats it's wings and lifts off the CAVERN FLOOR ... JACK RUNS, LEAPS and GRABS IT'S FEET! JACK (urgent) Ann! Grab my shoulders! ANN hesitates ... The BAT-THING flaps furiously, trying to lift JACK'S weight off the ground ... It DRAGS JACK TOWARDS THE LEDGE! JACK (CONT'D) (yelling) Jump on ! KONG SEES JACK ... HE CHARGES TOWARDS THE LEDGE! ANN is TORN ... she looks at JACK ... looks at KONG ... JACK (CONT'D) (yelling) ANN!!! ANN runs towards JACK and throws herself forward -HANGING ONTO HIS WAIST ... just as KONG REACHES OUT FOR HER ! JACK hangs onto the TALONED FEET as he and ANN sail out into space, the BAT-THING FLAPPING MADLY above them ... They descend rapidly ... about twice the speed of a parachute. ANN buries her face into JACK'S waist - not wanting to look back at KONG ROARING WITH GRIEF FROM THE LEDGE. EXT. RIVER - DAY The BAT-THING wobbles crazily in 5he sky, rapidly LOSING ENERGY ... JACK looks down a FAST FLOWING RIVER is 50 foot below. He RELEASES HIS GRIP! ANN SCREAMS as she and JACK fall into the RIVER ... They are immediately picked up by the current and SWEPT AWAY. JACK grabs ANN under the arms and hangs onto her tightly. In the distance ... AN ENRAGED KONG is quickly descending from his mountain lair! CUT TO EXT.WALL/NATIVE RUINS - DAY A BATTLE raging at the NATIVE CITY ... BODIES are strewn around - dozens of NATIVES, SAILORS empaled with spears and arrows. It's like a scene from the movie "Zulu". A SMALL.T. GROUP of SURVIVORS from the ship are holed up behind STONE BLOCKS atop the GREAT WALT.. DENHAM, ENGLEHORN and THREE SAILORS are looking EXHAUSTED and DEFEATED. DENHAM fires at a group of NATIVES with a TOMMY GUN ... it EMPTIES. ENGLEHORN (grimly) That was the last of our ammo. Suddenly points across the TREETOPS. DENHAM (excited) They're coming!! POV TWO BOATLOADS OF REINFORCEMENTS from the "VENTURE" are rowing towards the beach! ENGLEHORN It's too late ... A MASSIVE TIDE of 300 NATIVES are advancing towards the WALL! DENHAM, ENGLEHORN and the SAILORS reach for whatever WEAPONS they can find. AT THAT MOMENT! The GATES SWING OPEN ... JACK and ANN come racing in! In his panic, JACK doesn't notice the BATTLE DEBRIS ... He pushes the GATES closed, yelling for imagined help ... JACK (urgent yelling) Barricade the gates! Quick! ANN Jack!... (louder) Jack! JACK turns ... is confronted by the sight of 300 NATIVES, closing in around them ... The NATIVES have abandoned the attack - ALL EYES are on ANN. They murmur in AWE ... "KONG ... KONG ... KONG". The WITCH-DOCTOR recites some complex INCANTATION. DENHAM and ENGLEHORN stare in DISBELIEF. ENGLEHORN They think Ann's a demon. JACK and ANN are backed right against the GATES. The NATIVES are pushing closer and closer to them ... they RAISE THEIR SPEARS, ready to thrust them into JACK and ANN. KONG ROARS!!! JACK hears his FOOTSTEPS pounding towards the GATES at HIGH SPEED! JACK grabs ANN and pushes her ALONG THE WALT, just clearing the GATES as ... KONG CRASHES THROUGH! The GATES are SMASHED OFF THEIR HINGES ... 7 story tall gates - weighting 35 tons - land on the NATIVES with a sound like someone stepping on eggshells! KONG strides into the SQUARE, BEATING HIS CHEST and ROARING. DENHAM Holy shit! The SURVIVING NATIVES scatter! KONG rampages after them, STOMPING ON THEM and BITING THEIR HEADS OFF ... in a scene that not only gets a PG 13, but is PRAISED by the MPAA for it's sensitivity! DENHAM, ENGLEHORN and the SAILORS take their chance to slip away towards the beach. JACK pulls ANN away from the GATES, slipping behind cover to avoid being seen by KONG ... They run through the GIANT CARVED HEAD ... into the TUNNEL COMPLEX that leads to the beach. JACK snatches a NATIVE SPEAR off the ground on the way. A few brave NATIVE WARRIORS hurl SPEARS at KONG ... but they either bounce off, or only just penetrate the skin. KONG picks up a LARGE BRONZE "KONG" STATUE and hurls it at a GROUP of SPEAR THROWERS perched atop a STONE BUILDING. INT. MUMMY CHAMBER - DAY JACK and ANN are racing through the MUMMY CHAMBER when the STATUE smashes through the roof! ANN stumbles and ROLLS. KONG ROARS as he SEES HER through the DEMOLISHED ROOF. He reaches for her, SWEEPING MUMMIES onto the floor with his GROPING HANDS. JACK pulls ANN further down the TUNNELS ...out of KONG'S REACH. EXT. RUINED CITY - DAY KONG heads TOWARDS THE BEACH, his way suddenly BLOCKED by 50 NATIVES throwing SPEARS and SHOOTING ARROWS. They thud into his chest ... he pulls them out, CHARGING THE NATIVES in a FURY! EXT. BEACH - DAY The "VENTURE'S" REINFORCEMENTS arrive on the beach lust as DENHAM, ENGLEHORN and the 3 SAILORS come running out of the JUNGLE. Behind them KONG can be seen smashing his way towards the beach! DENHAM THROWS HIMSELF in one of the BOATS. DENHAM (screaming) Get outta here! JACK and ANN race out of the TUNNELS and onto the BEACH ... just as KONG CHARGES UP BEHIND THEM! They get halfway across the sand before KONG scoops ANN up triumphantly! He strides past JACK ... Without hesitation JACK THROWS THE SPEAR with all his might ... into the BACK of KONG'S LEG, just behind the knee! KONG ROARS in pain as his leg collapses , sending him SPRAWLING on the sand ... still clutching ANN protectively. DENHAM leaps out of the BOAT, brandishing a new TOMMY GUN. Staying out of reach, he aims at KONG'S HEAD ... squeezes the trigger ... ANN SCREAMS! DENHAM HESITATES - as if a sudden thought enters his head. He swings the aim onto KONG'S KNEES ... and FIRES! KONG ROARS! He releases ANN onto the beach. SAILORS leap out of the BOATS as DENHAM starts CLUBBING KONG with the GUN-BUTT. DENHAM (CONT'D) Don't kill him, boys ... knock him out cold! I want him alive! The SAILORS attack KONG, clubbing him on the head with GUN-BUTTS and OARS. ANN ( screaming) Stop' No! Leave him.' ANN rushes towards the SAILORS. JACK grabs her ... pulls her away. ANN (CONT'D) (pleading) Stop them Jack! ... NO! ! ! KONG'S POV ... ANN being restrained by JACK, TEARS streaming down her face. GROTESQUE FLASHES of SAILOR'S FACES filled with hate - clubbing ... Distorted sound of YELLING ... CLUBBING ... SOUNDS FADE - except for ANN'S VOICE ... ANN (CONT'D) (sobbing) I'm sorry ... I'm so sorry ... A FILM OF WATER washes over KONG'S POV ... SLOW FADE TO BLACK. CLOSE ON DENHAM ... lights a CIGAR. The SAILORS are surrounding the UNCONSCIOUS KONG on the beach. DENHAM (triumphant) Well done boys! We came to shoot a motion picture, but we're taking back something far greater than any movie you could imagine! I can see it now ... his name in lights! "King Kong - the Eighth Wonder of the World"! SMASH CUT TO EXT. BROADWAY/NEW YORK - NIGHT "KING KONG - the EIGHTH WONDER OF THE WORLD" in HUGE NEON LIGHTS on the marquee of a large Broadway THEATRE. The STREET is busy, with a LARGE CROWD flocking outside the THEATRE ... TAXI'S unloading PEOPLE in TUXEDOS and EVENING DRESS. The GLITTERATI of NEW YORK have turned out for this one. SCALPERS are selling tickets outside the door. INT. THEATER AUDITORIUM - NIGHT The AUDIENCE are settling in their seats ... USHERS working the ailses. It is a GRAND OLD THEATRE with spectacular DECOR and a capacity of about 1200. Tonight is a FULL HOUSE. An USHER shows an ELDERLY LADY to her seat. ELDERLY LADY Is this one of Mr Denham's cute little animal pictures? USHER This is not a motion picture, Madam. It's more in the nature of a personal appearance. A COUPLE are sitting together ... The HUSBAND has clearly come under duress ... HUSBAND (checks watch) The Yankees'il be in their second innings. This had better be worth it! INT. DENHAM'S OFFICE/THEATRE - NIGHT TWO BURLY SECURITY GUARDS deliver the BOX OFFICE TAKING'S in cash to DENHAM ... He is dressed in a TUX and looks much rested since his Skull Island adventures. DENHAM Thanks fellas. DENHAM loads the cash into HIS SAFE. JACK (O.S.) Hey, Denham! JACK is standing in the office doorway, UNCOMFORTABLE in his TUX. Looking very JACK (CONT'D) Payment in advance. That was the deal. DENHAM stuffs a WAD OF CASH into an ENVELOPE. DENHAM Two grand, Jack. You'll be able to retire on that! Slips the ENVELOPE into his TOP POCKET. JACK Not me. Thought I'd head out west ... get into some Redwood country. DENHAM How about Ann? Is she going with you? JACK shakes his head. JACK Haven't seen her - not since we got back. DENHAM She's got a bit of an attitude, that girl. She's turned down a bunch of money. Too bad ... it would've been a great angle - "Beauty and the Beast". (shakes head) I must be getting old - I thought you two had something going there. JACK shrugs ... JACK I don't need anyone tagging along with me. INT. BACKSTAGE - NIGHT DENHAM and JACK are walking through a BUSY BACKSTAGE AREA. A PRESS OFFICER runs up to DENHAM. PRESS OFFICER The press are clambering to come backstage, Mr Denham! Take some photos of Kong. DENHAM Let'em wait. They'll have their opportunity when the curtain goes up! DENHAM pats JACK on the back. DENHAM (CONT'D) Are you nervous Jack? JACK Nab- Let's get it over with. CUT TO INT. THEATRE AUDITORIUM - NIGHT The THEATRE is packed ... The AUDIENCE HUSH as the LIGHTS DIM. A GIANT CURTAIN covers the STAGE, with just a single MICROPHONE to one side. ANNOUNCER (0. S) (loudspeaker) Ladies and gentlemen ... Mr Carl Denham! MUSIC strikes up and the CROWD APPLAUD as DENHAM strides onto the stage in the GLARE of the SINGLE SPOTLIGHT. He steps up to a MICROPHONE. DENHAM (amplified) Ladies and gentleman ... If anybody here is of faint disposition, or weak heart I suggest you take this opportunity to leave the auditorium. The CROWD MURMUR NERVOUSLY ... but of course, NOBODY leaves! DENHAM (CONT'D) (amplified) We all hear tales of adventure we scarcely believe ... but seeing is believing, and tonight you will see Kong - the living proof of our adventure! An adventure in which thirty-six of our party met terrible deaths! Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to introduce you to you the man who felled the mighty beast armed only with a native spear! Mr Jack Driscoll! BIG APPLAUSE as another SPOTLIGHT finds JACK stepping onto the stage ... His earlier bravado has vanished - he looks VERY NERVOUS! He joins DENHAM at the MICROPHONE. DENHAM (CONT'D) (amplified) Well, Jack ... what is it like to risk your life to save a beautiful woman? JACK looks out over a sea of 1200 faces ... he hesitates. DENHAM'S smile wavers as he realizes JACK has dried up with stage fright! DENHAM (CONT'D) (amplified) Did you fear for your life? JACK (long pause) Yeah. The AUDIENCE CHUCKLE. DENHAM (amplified) It must have been terrifying? JACK (long pause) Yeah. The AUDIENCE LAUGH. DENHAM puts his hand over the MIC and whispers angrily at JACK. DENHAM (whispers) Grand a word! Thanks for nothing, pal! DENHAM turns back to the AUDIENCE ... DENHAM (CONT'D) (amplified) Ladies and gentleman! It is now time to see for yourselves ... One who was a King and a God of the world he knew, but who now comes to civilization as a captive - as an exhibit to gratify mankind's insatiable curiosity. Ladies and gentlemen ... Look upon Kong - the Eighth Wonder of the World!!! With a dramatic flourish, DENHAM waves his arm at the CURTAIN ... It slowly rises, as MUSIC strikes up. KONG is REVEALED ... His SITS SLUMPED, HEAD turned away from the AUDIENCE. This is a BOWED, BROKEN SPIRIT ... not the mighty ape we were expecting to see. His WRISTS are MANACLED, attached by long lengths of THICK CHAIN that lead to the BEAM of the BIG STEEL SCAFFOLD he sits on. Other MANACLES and CHAINS secure his AN/ANKLES and WAIST. There is BIG GASP from the AUDIENCE. KONG'S sheer size is SPECTACULAR. DENHAM looks a little ANXIOUS at KONG'S LETHARGY. DENHAM (CONT'D) Don't be alarmed, Ladies and Gentleman Those chains are made of chrome steel! KONG continues to SIT ... he picks at his TOES. DENHAM steps past JACK, towards the WINGS, WHISPERING to STAGEHANDS... DENHAM (CONT'D) (whispering) Get him on his feet! INSERT HUGE ELECTRICAL WINCHES start GRINDING BACKSTAGE ... winding in KONG'S WRIST CHAINS onto big drums. KONG'S ARMS are pulled up towards the STEEL BEAM ... He is hauled to his feet, arms out- stretched - to APPRECIATIVE MURMURS from the CROWD. His HEAD is slumped. DENHAM strides towards KONG ... armed with a LONG POLE with a sharp METAL BARB. He prods KONG in the stomach ... KONG ROARS ... The AUDIENCE LAUGH and APPLAUD. JACK looks uncomfortable. DENHAM jabs him in the SIDE ... KONG ROARS and rattles the CHAINS. The AUDIENCE CHEER. DENHAM edges towards closer, TOUCHING KONG'S LEG. DENHAM (CONT'D) Am actually laying my hand on the twenty-five foot gorilla.Ladies and gentlemen! I am touching the beast! ANN (angry yell) Take your filthy paws off him -you ignorant pig! DENHAM looks ALARMED as ANN strides down the AILSE from the BACK of the THEATRE. KONG RECOGNIZES ANN! He ROARS and pulls on his CHAINS. DENHAM races over to the MIC in an attempt to pass this off as part of the show. DENHAM (amplified) Ladies and gentlemen! Miss Ann Darrow ... the bravest girl I have ever known! The CONFUSED AUDIENCE starts to APPLAUD ... ANN (angry yell) Show's over everybody! Go home ! The APPLAUSE dies away. ANN (CONT'D) (angry yell) What are you waiting for? You've seen the big monkey humiliated. Go on ... go home! Nobody moves. ANN (CONT'D) ( screaming) Get the hell out of here.''! DENHAM (amplified nervous chuckle) Now Ann ... SOME PEOPLE STAND and STEP into the AILSES, but nobody actually leaves ... all eyes are on ANN as she bounds up ONSTAGE ... ANN You're hurting him - let him down JACK steps forward ... JACK Ann! ANN pushes JACK away. ANN (yelling) Let him down! ANN hurries over to KONG ... he is VERY AGITATED. She gently STROKES HIS LEG. ANN (CONT'D) (gentle) It's ok. You're going to be ok. I'm not going to let them hurt you. DENHAM whispers BACKSTAGE. DENHAM (excited whisper) Jet the press in . .. This is great! ANN has EYE CONTACT WITH KONG ... he is CALMING DOWN. NOISY MOB of 50 JOURNALISTS and PHOTOGRAPHERS suddenly stream onto the STAGE. DENHAM (CONT'D) Here's your angle, boys "Beauty tames the Beast"! FLASHBULBS POP ... A BABBLE OF QUESTIONS are thrown at ANN! JOURNALIST' S BABBLE Smile Ann'. Have you got a pet name for the monkey? What does he eat? Come a little closer, Miss Darrow! ANN (yelling) Bugger off! DENHAM grabs her arm ... Without breaking his GRIN, he hisses in her ear ... DENHAM (angry whisper) Just a couple of photos, you Ungrateful little bitch! DENHAM drags ANN away from KONG! He ROARS! FLASHBULBS POP! ANN starts crying ..- KONG is getting ANXIOUS .. flinching against the CONSTANT FLASHES. DISTORTED JOURNALIST'S FACES ... JOURNALISTIC BABBLE Smile Ann! ... Smile! DENHAM Come on Ann - Snap out of it'. DENHAM SLAPS HER ON THE CHEEK ... ANN FLINCHES A DEAFENING ROAR!!! DENHAM looks up AWE-STRUCK as KONG STARTS TEARING FREE of his CHAINS in SLOW MOTION!!! The AUDIENCE SCREAM and PANIC ... The JOURNALISTS SCATTER, sweeping ANN off the STAGE, into the STALLS. With a MIGHTY FLOURISH, KONG rips off the WAIST RESTRAINTS and IS FREE! The AUDIENCE are BLOCKING the EXITS in their PANIC ... The THEATRE is PACKED! The STAGE has cleared apart from DENHAM who stands mesmerized by KONG ... he steps back fearfully, falling on his bottom. KONG BEATS HIS CHEST, ROARS ... and STEPS ONTO DENHAM!! DENHAM'S ARMS and LEGS SPASM beneath KONG'S FOOT as he is GROUND INTO OBLIVION! KONG LEAPS from the stage into the FRONT ROWS ... He STOMPS and RIPS UP SEATS - with people still in them! ANN is in danger of being CRUSHED BY THE CROWD who are FLOODING TOWARDS a SIDE EXIT DOOR ... She falls under feet ... JACK suddenly pulls her up and hugs her as the TIDE pushes them towards the door. KONG is below the BALCONY LEVEL ... He uses AMAZING STRENGTH to PUSH THE BALCONY UP, sending DOZENS OF PEOPLE plummeting into the STALLS. He THROWS a HUGE PIECE of BALCONY at a CROWD OF PANICKING PEOPLE. KONG sees ANN and JACK stream out of the EXIT DOOR to the street beyond ... EXT. BROADWAY - NIGHT JACK pulls ANN - CRYING and PROTESTING - down the SIDEWALK. Behind them, the VAST THEATRE WALL explodes onto the street, showering PEOPLE and CARS with BRICKS and STEEL ... KONG strides into the MIDDLE OF THE ROAD!!! CARS drive into KONG'S LEGS ... he smashes his fists onto ' their ROOFS. OTHER ... pile into each other ... into SHOP FRONTAGES - it's MAJOR PANIC TIME. CAR WINDSCREEN POV ... KONG STOMPS on the CAR in FRONT, LIFTS FOOT and STOMPS over CAMERA. EXT. ALLEY - NIGHT JACK hurries down an ALLEY., still towing ANN. She is ANGRY ... TEARFUL. ANN Jesus Christ ! How could you do this to him? How could you do this? JACK (agitated) Come on, come on! We gotta keep moving! ANN ( sobbing) He's gonna die! They'll kill him! JACK (angry) Take to look out there ..- Have you seen what he's done? You're talking about a crazy animal! ANN (screaming) You're the animals - all of you! She pulls away from JACK. ANN (CONT'D) I'm going to him! JACK blocks her path. JACK I can't let you do that ... JACK socks ANN on the JAW ... she collapses into his arms! EXT. STREET - NIGHT JACK runs - with ANN SLUNG OVER HIS SHOULDER - towards a CAB in the middle of A BUSY STREET - TRAFFIC is snarled up due to KONG'S rampage a couple of blocks away - although there is no sign of KONG on this street. INT. CAB - NIGHT JACK slides ANN into the CAB. JACK (urgent) Get the hell outta here! CAB DRIVER Listen buddy ... I can only go as fast as the guy in front! (honks horn) What is this ... Is the president in town? JACK There's a twenty-five foot gorilla on the loose. Looking from the BACK SEAT as the CAB DRIVER turns to JACK. CAB DRIVER And I'm Rudolph Valentino! KONG STRIDES INTO THE STREET AHEAD! CLOSE ON CAB DRIVER'S face as he sees KONG! Without hesitation, he leaps out of the CAB and flees into the night! POV from BACK SEAT OF CAB ... As KONG comes closer -OVERTURNING CARS and SMASHING HIS FISTS on them. PANICKED DRIVERS PILE into each other. JACK desperately tries his door, but they are WEDGED IN by CARS either side. KONG LIFTS THE CAR directly in front - HIGH ABOVE HIS HEAD, throwing it into a BUILDING. JACK clambers over the FRONT SEAT ... as KONG leans over his CAB - LIFTING IT UP! KONG'S HUGE EYES glance in the WINDOW as he prepares to THROW THE CAB ... He sees ANN! EXT/INT. STREETS/CAB - NIGHT ROARING with TRIUMPH, KONG gently lowers the CAB down. CLOSE ON JACK'S FOOT depresses ACCELERATOR. WHEELS are SPINNING WILDLY at the moment the CAB touches down on the STREET ... In a CLOUD OF BURNING RUBBER, the CAB rips free of KONG'S GRIP, speeding down the ROAD, weaving in and out of the path cut by KONG'S DESTRUCTION. KONG BOUNDS AFTER THE CAB, running on FOURS with incredible speed. JACK crosses an INTERSECTION, driving up on the SIDEWALK to get a CLEARER DRIVING LANE ... PEDESTRIANS scatter - not only from the CAB, but from KONG who is in HOT PURSUIT. The CAB SLEWS across the STREET, disappearing up a TINY ALLEY., only just wide enough for the CAB, but TOO NARROW for KONG. JACK glances back at KONG ROARING with frustration at the ALI.ALLEY ENTRANCE. EXT/INT. HERALD SQ/CAB - NIGHT JACK speeds out of the ALLEY and CROSSES the TRAFFIC FLOW, causing much BRAKING and HORN action. He gets SLOWED in THICK TRAFFIC ... KONG LEAPS from a 7 STORY BUILDING onto the street ... RIGHT IN FRONT OF JACK'S CAB!!! JACK SWERVES onto the SIDEWALK, accelerating straight through a PLATE GLASS DISPLAY WINDOW into... INT. MACYS - NIGHT MACYS DEPARTMENT STORE!!! ANN groggily WAKES ... as JACK steers the CAB wildly through AILSES of CLOTHING, scattering SHOPPERS in all directions! KONG CRASHES INTO the SHOP in PURSUIT! The 15 foot height is too low for him to stand, but he BOUNDS ALONG on his KNUCKLES. JACK sends the CAB into a couple of TIGHT TURNS ... at the speed KONG is traveling, he SLIDES on the POLISHED FLOORS at each turn, wiping out an area the size of a tennis court before regaining his grip. JACK rounds a bend and DRIVES straight into a CAMPING EQUIPMENT DISPLAY! TENTS collapse - covering the CAB, before it. SLAMS into a WALL.. JACK and ANN are thrown forward on IMPACT. KONG slides around the corner and BOUNDS PAST THE COVERED CAB ... He desperately looks around for JACK and ANN ... getting ANXIOUS and ENRAGED! KONG smashes his way out of MACYS, into 35th STREET. ANN rises in the back seat. JACK It's ok, we're safe. He's out on the street ... What are you doing? ANN climbs out of the car and HEADS TOWARDS THE STREET! ANN Goodbye Jack ... JACK runs after her. JACK Are you nuts? Come on - I'm not gonna let you get killed! EXT. 35TH STREET - NIGHT ANN walks into the middle of the road ... ANN He won't harm me ... (yelling) Kong ! KONG is 50 yards away ... he sees ANN, ROARS and WALKS TOWARDS her on his KNUCKLES. JACK runs up to ANN. Go ... Please Ann, I ...care about you! Ann ...... love you. ANN stares at him for a long moment ... KONG is looming up behind her. ANN (CONT'D) Jack ... you don't know what love is. KONG'S HAND gently lifts her up ... without breaking his stride, KONG walks straight past JACK. JACK Ann ... Ann! ANN It' s alright Jack ... it' s alright. JACK watches ANN disappear into the night ... TEARS well up in his EYES ... for a moment he angrily fights them off . . . JACK STARTS CRYING. They are the tears of a 17 year old boy alone in the battlefield ... JACK slides down the wall of the EMPTY STREET, head in hands, SOBBING LOUDLY. EXT. MID-TOWN/STREETS & ROOFTOPS - NIGHT KONG is moving along a ROOFTOP - about 10 STORIES HIGH. He is holding ANN close to his breast. He looks down at the STREETS - now largely DESERTED. All around him the MANHATTAN SKYLINE resembles some GAUDY PRIMEVAL LANDSCAPE. SUDDENLY . . . BAM! BAM! BAM ... HEAVY MACHINE GUN FIRE RICOCHETS all around. KONG ROARS ... ANN clutches his FINGERS as he BOUNDS along the ROOFS at HIGH SPEED! A SEARCHLIGHT suddenly swings onto KONG from BELOW ... ARMY VEHICLES are RACING along the QUIET STREETS ... An ARMORED CAR is firing at KONG ... followed by a TRUCK carrying a MOBILE SEARCHLIGHT. The STREETS are TEEMING with these VEHICLES as the ARMY spreads out across town in the hunt for KONG. As BULLETS WHIZZ around him, KONG LEAPS ACROSS THE STREET - 10 stories high! He LANDS on the opposite ROOFTOP and BOUNDS AWAY ... ANOTHER SEARCHLIGHT FINDS HIM! ... And ANOTHER! The ARMY are closing in. MACHINE GUN FIRE rips past him as he LEAPS another GREAT DISTANCE across the STREET. ANN clings on, her EYES TIGHTLY SHUT. ARMORED CARS and MOBILE SEARCHLIGHTS coverage on KONG ... He has RUN OUT OF ROOFTOP ... ahead of him, across the CAVERN of 34th STREET, rises the SHEER WALL of the EMPIRE STATE BUILDING!!! KONG leaps across the CHASM, crashing into the SIDE of the EMPIRE STATE BUILDING! GLASS RAINS DOWN 12 STORIES TO THE STREET as KONG uses WINDOWS for HAND AND FOOT HOLDS. He is ONE-HANDED - his other hand still holding ANN protectively to his CHEST. FOUR SEARCHLIGHTS swing onto KONG ... A MOBILE ANTI-AIRCRAFT GUN screeches to a HALT on 34th STREET -this is obviously the army's KILLING WEAPON OF CHOICE. Within seconds the LARGE GUN TARGETS KONG ... POV Looking up CROSS-HAIRS at KONG, high on the side of the building - a total SITTING DUCK. GUNNER Ready to fire, sir! COMMANDER How many points do we get for a big monkey? The GUNNERS LAUGH ... the COMMANDER raises his BINOCULARS to watch the spectacle. COMMANDER (CONT'D) Stand by ... AT THAT MOMENT ... KONG ROARS DEFIANTLY at the SOLDIERS, swinging ANN out over the street. COMMANDER (CONT'D) (shocked) Hold your fire! He's carrying a woman!! The ORDER is shouted down the STREET to the ASSEMBLING SOLDIERS. SERGEANT (yelling) Hold your fire!!! KONG carefully places ANN on his BROAD SHOULDER ... she GRABS HOLD OF HIS FUR. The MILITARY watch helplessly as KONG starts climbing the EMPIRE STATE BUILDING. CUT TO EXT. 39TH STREET - NIGHT JACK is several blocks away, unaware of the situation at the Empire State Building. He wanders down an EMPTY STREET ... a few ABANDONED CARS are dotted around, but all is QUIET. His shoulders are slumped, his stride falters ... he looks like a BROKEN MAN. A VEHICLE APPROACHES ... JACK turns as a MILITARY POLICE CAR pulls up along side him. MP For Chrissake buddy! Get your ass inside - there's a goddamn gorilla on the loose! JACK doesn't react ... he keeps on walking. MP (CONT'D) (angry) Hey! Did you hear me, mister? A 2nd MILITARY POLICE VEHICLE pulls up ... 2ND MP Hey Bill ... you gotta hear this! The stupid ape's climbing up the Empire State Building carrying a goddamn woman on his shoulder! Naval planes are being dispatched from Wrights Field at dawn. Guess the boys want a little target practice! Orders are to blow the son of a bitch away as soon as he puts the girl down! The 2nd VEHICLE ROARS AWAY ... CLOSE ON JACK, still walking as the 1st MILITARY POLICE VEHICLE cruises up along side ... MP Ya want a tip, buddy? Get down to Fifth Avenue ...they blow that ugly shit off building there's gonna be bits gorilla all over the street! It'll take the sanitation department a week to clean it up! The MP LAUGHS LOUDLY as the VEHICLE ROARS AWAY, leaving JACK alone in the street. He is outside a CINEMA -showcasing some new epic movie about World War One Flying Aces. An overly romanticized POSTER features a Jean Harlow type in an embrace with a pilot. The STREETS are wet ... LIGHTS glisten off the surface. JACK pauses - glancing at the reflection ... POV WET STREET ... the UNDERSIDE OF AN AIRPLANE is reflected in the water! JACK slowly looks up ... TWO OLD AIRPLANES have been strung high across the street to promote the movie ... a FOKKER TRIPLANE ... and a SOPWITH CAMEL! CLOSE ON JACK'S REACTION ... CUT TO The SOPWITH CAMEL lands with a bounce on the street! JACK has released the support ropes ... he hurries over to the PLANE, quickly assessing it's condition. KID (O.S.) That thing can't fly, mister! JACK is surprised to see a little AFRICAN-AMERICAN KID -about 8 years - emerge from the shadows. He is clearly a HOMELESS URCHIN. KID (CONT'D) They wouldn't hang it on wires if it was still working. JACK is peering into the cockpit. JACK I'm not so sure, kid. CUT TO EXT.EMPIRE STATE BUILDING/MANHATTAN - PRE DAWN WIDE SHOT ... KONG climbing the EMPIRE STATE BUILDING, silhouetted against the LIGHTENING SKY. He is nearing the top. LOOKING DOWN ... ANN clings to KONG'S SHOULDER, a DIZZYING 1000 foot drop to the street below. KONG scales the final 130 feet of the Empire State Building - the airship mooring mast - and CLIMBS ONTO the STEEL DOME AT the TOP. He gently places ANN down on the LIP and STANDS on TWO LEGS ... WIDER ... KONG BEATS HIS CHEST, ROARING DEFIANTLY! WIDER ... KONG is a SPECK on the summit of the HUGE building, surrounded by the vista of MANHATTAN ... his ROAR echoes over the city. EXT. 39TH STREET - DAWN KONG'S ROAR REACHES JACK ... HE PAUSES FOR A MOMENT, THEN HURRIES TO THE PLANE, CARRYING A CONTAINER OF PETROL NE HAS JUST SIPHONED FROM A CAR. KID They used to fly these in the war, mister. JACK Is that right? JACK pours PETROL into the plane's GAS TANK. KID Are you gonna start it up? JACK Yeah. KID Why? JACK Coz of something I lost. KID What's that? JACK Compassion. KID What's compassion, mister. JACK kneels down in front of the KID ...he takes the KID'S HAND and presses it against his chest. JACK It's this. When you grow up, bad things may happen, but you don't ever wanna lose touch with your heart. Now go and give the propeller a turn - nice and slowly. The KID runs around to the propeller ... JACK reacts to the sound of DISTANT PLANE ENGINES. EXT.EMPIRE STATE BUILDING/MANHATTAN - DAWN Looking at MANHATTAN from the HARBOR ... The Empire State Building rises from the MIDTOWN area like a giant solitary finger, reaching for the heavens. SIX NAVAL BIPLANES suddenly ROAR INTO SHOT, sweeping low over the DOWNTOWN BUSINESS DISTRICT ... and closing in on KONG. These are TWO-SEATERS, armed with TWIN MACHINE-GUNS for the PILOT, and a flexible MACHINE GUN for the OBSERVER. A COLD WIND blows ANN'S hair as she stands on the lip of the dome, watching the PLANES approach. KONG is UNEASY about these BUZZING PREDATORS as they CIRCLE above him. CLOSE ON NAVAL PLANE COCKPIT ... the LEAD PILOT talks to the others via an RT. LEAD PILOT (over RT) Here we go, boys! The NAVAL PLANES peel off into an ATTACKING DIVE at KONG. DOWN GUN-SIGHTS ... drifting left and right as KONG grows in size ... LOCKED ON! CLOSE ON PILOT'S FINGER on trigger. KONG is suddenly FEARFUL ... he INSTINCTIVELY REACHES FOR ANN, holding her protectively! LEAD PILOT (CONT'D) (over RT) Pull out! Pull out! He has the girl! The PLANES split to either side of KONG, ZOOMING close by with a deafening roar. EXT. 39TH STREET - DAWN CLOSE ON .. The SOPWITH CAMEL'S Gnome rotary engine SPINS, COUGHS and DIES. JACK is at the FRONT of the PLANE, desperately SPINNING the PROPELLER with both hands, trying to kick the plane into life. The KID is sitting in the cockpit. JACK (urgent) Flick the switch again! JACK SPINS THE PROP ... the engine COUGHS, blows out a CLOUD OF BLACK SMOKE ... and ROARS INTO LIFE!! JACK lifts the KID out and clambers into the cockpit! The engine NOISE is LOUD ... propeller wash blasts his hair and clothes. KID (yelling) Hey mister! You dropped this! The KID picks up JACK'S ENVELOPE - containing the 2 grand- off the road. He offers it to JACK. KID (CONT'D) (CONT'D) (yelling) You wanna be more careful. JACK hesitates ... he SMILES at the KID. JACK (yelling) It's your lucky day, kid! Stand back! The KID steps back, clutching the ENVELOPE as JACK OPENS THE THROTTLE. The ENGINE WINDS UP and the SOPWITH CAMEL starts moving down 39th street! It BUILDS UP SPEED VERY QUICKLY, racing past ABANDONED CARS and BUILDINGS ... The TAIL LIFTS OFF THE GROUND ... SUDDENLY! A MILITARY VEHICLE DRIVES across an INTERSECTION directly in front of the PLANE! JACK pulls back on the stick and the SOPWITH CAMEL LURCHES INTO THE AIR! It SKIMS over the VEHICLE, CLIMBING into the air rapidly! EXT.EMPIRE STATE BUILDING/MANHATTAN - DAWN KONG is getting ANGRY at the BUZZING PLANES around him ... He puts ANN DOWN on the DOME! Circling ANN ( yelling) No! Pick me up! Kong! KONG ROARS at the PLANES, as if issuing a CHALLENGE. The LEAD PILOT waves to the OTHER PLANES. LEAD PILOT (over RT) Ok ... this time! Here we go ... The NAVAL PLANES PEEL AWAY for the ATTACK ... They dive towards KONG ... lining him up in their sights ... KONG ROARS at them ... ANN is screaming ... ANN NO!!! AT THAT MOMENT ... JACK'S SOPWITH CAMEL zooms right past KONG and ANN, flying STRAIGHT AT THE NAVAL PLANES!!! JACK is VISIBLE in the cockpit, HAIR BLOWING in the wind. ANN (CONT'D) (yelling) Jack!! The NAVAL PLANES are forced to SCATTER in ALL DIRECTIONS as the tiny SOPWITH CAMEL meets them HEAD-ON!! JACK TURNS TIGHTLY and flies at the REGROUPING NAVAL PLANES, sending them into disarray! LEAD PILOT (over RT) Ignore the cowboy ... Go for the ape! Go for the ape! The SIX NAVAL PLANES fly at KONG from different directions! MACHINE GUNS START FIRING! JACK throws his plane around like a MADMAN, trying to deflect their AIM. KONG ROARS, and SNATCHES at the NAVAL PLANES as they ZOOM by ... he FLINCHES as he is HIT BY BtU-LETS! ANN SCREAMS! JACK DIVES at a NAVAL PLANE, causing it to TURN SHARPLY -straight into KONG'S GRIP! KONG grabs the NAVAL PLANE, RIPPING IT'S WINGS OFF! He hurls it down towards the street! JACK nearly hits the LEAD PILOT, who desperately veers away! LEAD PILOT (CONT'D) (over RT) Let's take this guy out! The NAVAL PLANES OPEN FIRE on JACK ... he DODGES around the SKY, avoiding STREAMS OF TRACER FIRE ... nearly hitting the TOP of the CHRYSLER BUILDING! JACK'S LUCK runs out ... The SOPWITH CAMEL shudders as BULLETS SMASH INTO IT'S ENGINE. BLACK SMOKE streams out as JACK quickly loses control. JACK knows it's all over ... he GRIMLY STEERS his CRIPPLED PLANE straight at a NAVAL PLANE attacking KONG ... With a CRUNCH, JACK'S WHEELS clip the NAVAL PLANE'S WING, sending it spinning out of control! The NAVAL PLANE SMASHES into the side of the EMPIRE STATE BUILDING! JACK'S SOPWITH CAMEL flips on it's BACK ... CRUUMMP!!! KONG GRABS JACK'S PLANE! He waves it above his head JACK FALLS OUT OF THE COCKPIT! He slides down KONG'S' out-stretched arm, rolls on his shoulder and just manages to GRAB THE FUR ON KONG'S BACK - preventing a 1000 foot fall to the street! ANN ( shocked) JACK!!! JACK dangles and swings as KONG continues to SWAT at the ATTACKING PLANES! MACHINE GUN FIRE strikes KONG in the BACK, just below JACK'S FEET. KONG SLUMPS, giving JACK the chance to ROLL OFF HIS BACK ... JACK lands on the DOME, SLIDING TOWARDS THE EDGE!! ANN REACHES OUT, grabbing his HAND. She pulls JACK to safety! AT THAT MOMENT ... KONG PICKS ANN UP. JACK can only watch as KONG TENDERLY HOLDS HER ... the great ape is WEAKENED by BULLET HITS and clearly in PAIN ... yet he looks mesmerized at ANN as her long blonde hair blows in the wind. The NAVAL PLANES are regrouping in the distance ... The FOUR remaining PLANES turn towards KONG and form a straight line. LEAD PILOT (over RT) We are ignoring the girl! I repeat ... ignore the girl. She's going down with the ape! Here we go! The NAVAL PLANES start their ATTACK RUN! JACK can see what's coming ... JACK (desperate yell) Ann! They are going to shoot! Ann! KONG looks down at JACK ... He very gently lowers ANN and returns her to JACK. JACK HOLDS ANN tenderly as she starts SOBBING. KONG looks FEARFULLY AT THE APPROACHING PLANES ... He is BREATHING in GASPS ... very DISTRESSED. ANN Kong'. Look at me ... please KONG looks at ANN ... He gently touches her hair. She clutches his FINGERS, hugging them, trying COMFORT HIM. TEARS STREAM DOWN HER FACE ... ALL. SOUND FADES AWAY ... except for a gentle breeze ... ANN (CONT'D) (singing softly) Lullaby ... and good-night, Go to bed and sleep tight ... The FEAR leaves KONG ... he looks at ANN with TENDERNESS and LOVE. She fights back the urge to burst into tears. ANN (CONT'D) (singing softly) Close your eyes, start to yawn, Pleasant dreams until dawn. CLOSE ON KONG ... he SUDDENLY WINCES SOUND CRASHES BACK IN ... with the DEAFENING ROAR of the PLANES flying past. For one last precious second ANN HUGS KONG'S HAND ... he slowly topples back ... disappearing off the side of the building. ANN SOBS with GRIEF ... JACK gently takes her in his arms ... she buries her face in his chest. EXT. FIFTH AVENUE - MORNING CROWDS are gathering to STARE at KONG'S BODY ... we only see his HAND on the edge of frame. A POLICEMAN ushers people away ... POLICEMAN Come on folks ... it's all over. The airplane's got him. PUSH IN ... to an OLD LADY standing in the crowd. She shakes her head sadly ... OLD LADY It wasn't the airplanes ... it was beauty killed the beast. The OLD LADY turns and slowly walks away from CAMERA. FADE TO BLACK.
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