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Биография Фрэнсиса Скотта Фицджеральда на английском языке

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Francis Scott Fitzgerald (24.09.1896 - 21.12.1940) - American writer

Francis Scott Fitzgerald was an internationally recognized American writer and novelist. The future writer was born on September 24, 1896. His family came from Ireland from a wealthy Catholic background.

Thanks to his mother’s wealthy relatives Francis had the opportunity to study in prestigious educational institutions. As a child he attended the Academy of St. Paul. Later, he studied at Princeton. As a student he was fond of football and writing. The latest hobby brought him several victories at the university competition. In 1919 he was invited to New York to work in the advertising.

While volunteering for the army he met his future wife Zelda S. She was from the very aristocratic background and her parents were against her relations with average reporter. Perhaps, that was one of the reasons why Francis started working hard to gain fame in his literary career. They were already engaged with Zelda when he decided to write a remake of his manuscript “Romantic Egoist”. After it was published, it had a tremendous success.

Only after becoming a well-to-do writer and highly-paid journalist, he was allowed to marry Zelda - the daughter of a well-known judge from Alabama. In fact, Zelda served as a prototype of his main heroine Rosalind. Becoming a famous reporter, Francis now lived a public life. Together with his wife they participated in eccentric parties. They often arranged their own wealthy parties with excessive alcohol and fun.

At the same time he continued writing for posh and glossy magazines. His first book was soon followed by the second one “The Beautiful and Damned”. It was a story about a painful marriage of two talented and attractive representatives of bohemia. In 1925 while visiting Paris the writer completes and publishes one of his most famous books “The Great Gatsby” - the novel which explores the ideas of social decadence and former idealism.

However, the good times quickly came to an end. His wife Zelda soon started suffering from schizophrenia and gradually she went mad. Francis started drinking a lot and experienced a painful crisis.

His pain was well described in partially autobiographical novel “Tender Is The Night” (1934). This book didn’t show any signs of success in the USA, so he decided to try his talent at screenwriting in Hollywood. There he met Sheila Graham, who became his last love. The writer died at the age of forty-four having a heart attack.



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